Best International Teacher 2012

Best International Teacher is an award annually presented by the Student Union to one of the teachers at the University of Helsinki.  The criteria for the nominations include student-friendliness, expertise and ability to highlight essential issues, willingness to develop, and the ability to give and receive constructive criticism.

The award winner of 2012 is Bart Gaens, Docent of Japanese Studies, who teaches at the Department of World Cultures. Gaens, originally from Belgium, first came to the University of Helsinki in 2001. Today Gaens’s teaching focuses on contemporary Japanese culture and society. In the nominations Gaens was praised for his diverse teaching methods and ability to inspire and involve students.

In his own speech Gaens quoted a Chinese proverb:
“Tell me, and I’ll forget.
Show me, and I’ll remember.
Involve me, and I’ll understand.”

An ability to connect with students and actively involve them, bringing forward one’s own expertise and the will to improve as a teacher are skills every teacher should aspire to. We are very happy that we have these kinds of teachers at our university and it is definitely something worth acknowledging every once in a while.

Congratulations Bart Gaens, Best International Teacher 2012!