Hello, new exchange students!

It is the end of November, and at the University of Helsinki we are expecting the arrival of snow, Santa Claus and, finally in January, all you new exchange students! On January 8 and 9, we will meet and greet you at the Welcome Fair – an event not to be missed.

You should by now have already received your Confirmation of Acceptance from the appropriate UH Faculty. If not, please contact them for more details. If you are accepted as an exchange student, the International Exchange Services will register your data automatically to the UH student register Oodi.

A warm place to live in is crucial in the Finnish winter. If you have applied for accommodation via the Helsinki Region Student Housing Foundation (HOAS), you should hear back from them very soon. When you do, please reply quickly as student housing in Helsinki is always in great demand!

Attached to your emailed Confirmation of Acceptance you should also have found information from the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY). Among various activities, the HYY services also include Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS, YTHS) which means free or highly affordable general, mental and oral health care. Please note, however,  that the FSHS fee is not an insurance policy neither does it cover hospitalization costs!

For more information about the Student Union, please visit HYY’s webpage.

To become a member of HYY for the academic year 2012–2013, you need to pay the Student Union (HYY) membership fee.  You find further instructions here. We highly recommend paying the membership fee before arriving to Finland. Unfortunately paying the fee at the Welcome Fair is not possible, but if you have made the payment in advance, you can present the original receipt at the Welcome Fair to verify you previous payment.

If for some reason you still have to cancel your exchange, please remember to inform the coordinator at the Faculty and the International Exchange Services and also HOAS, if necessary, in due course.

Joyous preparations and have a happy December! See you next year!

International Exchange Services

Photo by Veikko Somerpuro