The Flower Day

The Flower Day (or Flora Day) is the second official celebration of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki. It is the joyful spring festival of all university students, celebrated every year on 13 May. University students have celebrated a spring festival at least from the beginning of the 19th century.

The celebration in 1848 was as a special day in the origins of Finnish national identity. That year, the Maamme song, which later has received the status of Finland’s national anthem, was sang for the first time by the students gathered in Kumtähti Field. Also an early version of the Finnish flag was used for the first time on that occasion – afterwards, this flag became the flag of the Student Union. So, in addition to being the university students’ spring festival, the Flower Day is now also celebrated as the “birthday” of the Finnish national anthem. This year will be the 165 anniversary of the Maamme song.

Every year, the Flower Day programme still includes a performance of the Maamme song. In addition, there are now other kinds of live music performances, spring speeches, snacks and DJ music. This year the Flora Day´s main celebrations will be held in the centre of Helsinki at the Kaivopiha near the Student unions houses. Originally the festivities have taken place at the Kumtähti Field since the 1830’s, but this year the centre of Helsinki will be the park for students to meet in.

All students are welcome to take part in this local block party and celebrate the end of the spring and the birthday of the national anthem with their friends in a relaxed atmosphere. The programme starts at 4.30 pm.

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