The Complete Guide to the Finnish Student Experience – Student Associations, 2/3

The numerous student associations within the student union are open to all students, and you too are invited to join! There are so many different student associations to choose from, though, so we’ve made joining one a bit easier for you: representatives of different student associations have written about what they do, and why and how to join them. These stories will be shared in a series of blog posts in February.

Last week we started this series with student nations. This week representatives of international interest association will present their activities, and the last post will then introduce faculty student associations connecting students studying the same subjects.

Here are the student associations Thespians Anonymous, Helsinki University Scouts, and Debating Society introducing themselves:

Thespians Anonymous

Thespians Anonymous (TA) is a multi-national amateur theatre group within the University of Helsinki. We put on one to two full-length productions each year: usually one in the autumn semester and one in the spring semester. We also do acting workshops, playreadings, parties, and other events, so there are many opportunities to hang out with us!

Thespians anonymous usually produces a full-length theatre production per semester ©TA

Besides actors, TA is a great platform for those of you who don’t want to be on stage, but are more interested in the background work that goes on “behind the scenes”, for example props and sets design, costumes, lights and sounds, makeup, and so on. For each production, we need people to help out with those areas, as well as others – there is sure to be something for everyone. Our operations are all about teamwork!

If you want to take on something more ambitious, why not try directing? Even if you have never directed before, we will provide help and support along the way. (In fact, a lot of our past productions have been directed by a first-timer!)

TA is especially great for an international student to join, as all our activities are in English, and we have members originating from all over the world. We also have several members who are not students at the university, so it’s a great way to meet people outside the campus.

Do join an organisation or two even if you’re spending only one or two semesters here at the University of Helsinki. You will meet people outside of your class/subject and perhaps try something that you wouldn’t have tried in your home country…

With that said, we hope that we will be able to contribute to your experience in Helsinki. There are no auditions to join the group, so just drop in to one of our events – we would love to meet you!

Come see our next play: Terry Pratchett’s Guards! Guards! (adapted by Stephen Briggs). Performed in Kulttuuriareena Gloria (Pieni Roobertinkatu 12) on March 22, 23, 24, and 26 (more info on tickets later).

For more information, contact us at or follow us on Facebook.

Helsinki University Scouts (Hyde)

Helsinki University Scouts (Hyde) is a student organisation for those interested in enjoying nature and meeting new people. Does hiking, camping, canoeing, climbing, going to the sauna, playing board games, swimming in lakes all year round, sitting by a bonfire, trying new things and having a lot of fun sound good? Then come and join us! Our events are open to everyone and scouting experience is not required. You can find information about our upcoming events and join our mailing list on our website!

Helsinki University Scouts enjoying outdoors activities ©HYDE

Debating Society

If you feel that debating cannot be your hobby because you are afraid of public speaking/don`t hold diploma in political communications/have never enjoyed watching TV debates, Helsinki Debating Society would be more than happy to change your opinion! Debates give you an amazing chance to master your speeches in relaxed and friendly atmosphere, meet inspiring students coming from diverse educational backgrounds and learn more about what is happening in the world. There is a high chance that you will gain a superforce of being able to come up with answers to complex topics in 15 minutes (quite a useful skill for studying and working, is not it?) and dedicate more and more of your weekends to debate tournaments around the world.

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IMembers in the middle of a debate ©Helsinki Debating Society

Helsinki Debating Society unites students at weekly debate sessions (held every Tuesday, 18.30, in the Student Union premises in the city centre), training days with debaters from Finland and abroad, show debates, international tournaments and informal hangouts which necessary follow any debate event.

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Helsinki Debating Society uses the British Parliamentary Debate format ©Helsinki Debating Society

Rules of British Parliamentary Format debating are simple: your team consisting of two people is randomly assigned the position in government or opposition, the resolution is set by the judge and 15 minutes of preparation time start. Then each of 8 speakers in the debate has 7 minutes to convince the judging panel by proving own arguments and rebutting position of the opponents. After the judge decision is pronounced, everyone is welcome to have post-debate discussions in the bar.

Learn more about us at, or contact us by e-mail:

Each text is written by a representative of the student association in question.

Within the student union there are many more interest associations centred around a common interest for any student to choose from, make new friends, learn new skills, and experience a whole new part of the Finnish student culture. Check out the the HYY website for more information. Some associations function in Finnish or Swedish, but most are happy to switch to English if and when needed, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with members of an association that interests you!