Housing offers for exchange students


Have you already received a housing offer from Hoas? Worried about the fact that you have not been admitted to the University of Helsinki yet?

Hoas has started making housing offers. If you have received an offer, please follow the advice given by Hoas and pay the housing deposit of 500 euros before the deadline listed in the Housing offer. It’s the only way to make sure that you’ll have secured housing. To confirm the offer sent to you by Hoas, you should also sign and scan the tenancy agreement & scan the receipt of the paid deposit, and send them to Hoas.

Most incoming exchange students have not yet received acceptance from the University of Helsinki, so try to be patient (even though it can be difficult to wait, we know). Acceptance information should be available in mid- to late June at the latest.

What happens if you are not accepted to the University of Helsinki, but have already paid your housing deposit? In that case, Hoas is able to cancel your Housing agreement without any costs an you’ll receive the entire deposit back from Hoas.

Any questions? Please feel free to ask them here, and we’ll do our best to answer.

Kind regards,
Raisa from the International Exchange Services

P.S. When do you know that you have been accepted to the University of Helsinki? You will receive an Acceptance Letter by e-mail, sent by your host faculty… Read more about it here.

Photo by Eeva Anundi