Meet our Alumna! The research internship convinced Laura to the academic career

laura sibinescu

Name: Laura Sibinescu
Study field: Political Science
Graduation year: 2012
Employer and position: PhD student, Department of Political and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki

How did you end up in Finland?

A few months before receiving my Bachelor’s degree I started looking into Master’s programmes on European studies. I wasn’t really satisfied with the options until one of my professors suggested I check what the University of Helsinki has to offer. This is how I found the Master’s Degree Programme in European Studies (MES), which was by far the best fit for my interests. There was quite a short time between discovering the programme and coming to Finland, so you could say that my decision to move here was pretty spontaneous. But I’m glad I followed through on it. Continue reading “Meet our Alumna! The research internship convinced Laura to the academic career”

Meet our alumna! Megan combined natural resource management and policy in her studies


Name: Megan McCormick
Study field: Forest Sciences and Business; Forestry Policy and Economics
Graduation year: 2011
Employer and position: Pöyry Management Consulting, Bioenergy Analyst

Hi Megan, how did you end up in Finland?

Recently after having graduated from my Bachelor’s degree at Towson University in Maryland, USA, I was researching my opportunities to continue my education abroad. At this time, some mutual friends of mine had studied abroad in Finland and introduced me to their Finnish friends, who informed me that pursuing a Master’s degree in English was possible, and I decided to look into that option. The conditions were (nearly) ideal: a developed country, the program in English, low registration and tuition fees and an opportunity to travel. Continue reading “Meet our alumna! Megan combined natural resource management and policy in her studies”