Greetings for the summer from Queer Students’ Association OVI ry!

Ovi is an association for gender and sexual minorities and it works under the University of Helsinki Student Union. Ovi holds weekly events where everyone is welcome. In the early spring we received a grant from the University of Helsinki Student Services for organizing a project, and now we want to share with you our experiences of this project’s early stages.

The project is an international queer conference. Participants will come from our umbrella organization ANSO’s (Association of Nordic and Pol-Balt LGBTQ Student Organizations) member organizations around the Northern Europe. The conference will be held in early August in Helsinki. The point of the organization is to provide organizations a chance to network and cooperate. For individual participants the conference will teach and offer more information and understanding of queer politics, accessibility and spreading acceptance and community. Continue reading “Greetings for the summer from Queer Students’ Association OVI ry!”

See you at the Welcome Fair!

One more month and then you will hopefully be on a plane/train/bus/boat to Helsinki. The first not-to-be-missed opportunity to get to know the University and the Campuses as well as to get all the official matters out of the way is the Welcome Fair.

The Welcome Fair takes place on August 29 to August 30, 2013, and the venue is the Language Centre of the University of Helsinki (address: Fabianinkatu 26). Continue reading “See you at the Welcome Fair!”

Master’s degree student ― still looking for an apartment?

If you haven’t found an apartment in Helsinki yet, check out our housing option for Master’s degree students: apartments right in the heart of the city on Hietaniemenkatu 14 for a reasonable price!

The apartments are reserved for students who have been accepted to complete a Master’s Degree at the University of Helsinki and are moving to Finland from another country. The residence period is from September 1st 2013 to May 31st 2014 with a fixed-term contract.

Read more about the apartments and applying on our website!

Summer is here!


July is just around the corner and that means that life at the University of Helsinki is slowing down.

Most of the staff is on summer holidays in July, so we ask you to be patient if you do not get an answer to your email straight away.

We’ll be back at the beginning of August and we hope to see all of you new students at the Welcome Fair on August 29 and 30, 2013! More information on the Welcome Fair and the orientation is available on the Orientation website.

Wishing you a sunny and warm summer!

Admissions Services, International Exchange Services and Student Services


The Orientation Handbook is now available online!

The Orientation Handbook for the academic year 2013-14 is now available online. The handbook contains a lot of practical information that will help you get started with your student life and to navigate through daily life. It includes for example general information about living in Finland and studying in the University of Helsinki. It’s the ultimate survival guide for new students!


Land of the the midnightsun; enjoying midsummer celebrations.

Midnightsun mist. Picture:

Midsummer (juhannus in Finnish) for Finns means celebration and the long, white night which is said to be the “nightless” one (yötön yö). In the Helsinki region the sun sets at about 22:50 and rises again already around 4:00 o’clock in the morning. In the Northern Finland the sun does not set at all! The nightless night is full of surprises – even in Helsinki. Continue reading “Land of the the midnightsun; enjoying midsummer celebrations.”

Housing Option for Master’s Degree Students

We have a brand new housing option especially for Master’s degree students: apartments right in the heart of the city on Hietaniemenkatu 14 and within good connections on Ida Aalbergin tie 1 for a reasonable price!

The apartments are reserved for students that have been accepted to complete a Master’s Degree at the University of Helsinki and are moving to Finland from another country. The deadline for the applications is 12th of July 2013. The residence period is from September 1st 2013 to May 31st 2014 with a fixed-term contract.

Read more about applying on our website!

Housing – did you start looking yet?


Hopefully you by now have started to look for a place to live in Helsinki. If you haven’t already started looking for housing, then do it now!

To help you out, we have compiled a Housing Guide with useful hints and the most important sources of information for house hunters.  The biggest student housing provider in the Helsinki area is Hoas (Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region), so you should definitely submit an application with them. Continue reading “Housing – did you start looking yet?”

Hei! Mitä kuuluu?

languageLearning some Finnish makes sense once you have settled down in Helsinki and at the University. Although it is easy to get by in English – at least in the Metropolitan Area – to really integrate into Finnish society it makes a lot of sense to learn Finnish. Knowledge of Finnish is also extremely helpful if you seek a job here.

The University has Finnish courses for both degree and exchange students. The Finnish courses are organized by the Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies. More information is available on the Department website. Continue reading “Hei! Mitä kuuluu?”

Expertise for client project aims to improve graduates’ career skills

Jenny Bjårs and Breno Gil

For the past few years, the Osaajaksi asiakasprojektiin (“Expertise for client projects”) project has brought students near graduation together with employers seeking project staff.

Text and photo: Suvi Kataja

When Jussi Rasinmäki, CEO of the Riihimäki-based Simosol, learned about the traineeship opportunities from the local business development company YritysVoimala Oy, he jumped at the chance. The project made hiring easy.

“On our own we would never have been able to find these skilled young people to help us,” Rasinmäki says in praise of the project.

A provider of forest resource planning software, Simosol has developed from a spin-off spearheaded by three foresters into an eight-person business with clients that include forestry companies and the Finnish Forest Centre. The company boosted its workforce earlier this spring by employing two trainees. Continue reading “Expertise for client project aims to improve graduates’ career skills”