Summer greetings from UH!


July is here and that means that life at the University of Helsinki is slowing down.

Most of our staff is on summer holidays in July, so we ask you to be patient if you do not get an answer to your email straight away.

We’ll be back at the beginning of August and we hope to see all of you new students at the Welcome Fair on August 26-27, 2015!

More information on the Welcome Fair and the orientation is available on the Orientation and Welcome Fair website.

Wishing you a sunny and warm summer!

Admissions Services, International Exchange Services and Student Services

CSSA-UH will embrace more opportunities in 2015

Chinese Students and Scholars Association at the University of Helsinki r.y. (CSSA-UH) has been registered as a sub-organization of the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) since 1995. CSSA-UH is active in helping Chinese students, promoting the communication between Chinese students and local people, and making contribution to Sino-Finnish cooperation. We are open-minded, trustworthy and cooperative.
In 2014, CSSA-UH achieved a lot. Since February 5th, 2014, we started adding a suffix ending, “r.y.”, after CSSA, which means to be officially recognized as a “rekisteröity yhdistys” (registered association) in Finnish Registry Office. We believe this title will encourage us to serve our members more enthusiastically.



Chinese New Year Party was held by CSSA-UH in the evening of January 29th 2014. Nearly 100 Chinese students, scholars and international friends welcome the Chinese “Horse” Year together. CSSA-UH also participated in the Caisa Chinese New Year celebration, organized by Caisa (International Cultural Centre) in Lasipalatsi Square. CSSA-UH brought brilliant performance, exhibition of delicate hand-made souvenirs designed by students. Continue reading “CSSA-UH will embrace more opportunities in 2015”

My first day!

Jibril Taufiq Iddriss studies in international master’s programme called the Religion, Conflict and Dialogue (RCD) at the faculty of Theology.

I came to Finland from Ghana in August 2014. My first day in Finland started at Helsinki-Vantaa airport. I will never forget that day because I had my first taste of Finland’s cold weather at the airport even though most people will say it was not cold but Please whilst reading my blog keep in mind that I am coming from Ghana with temperatures around 30°C almost throughout the year. The temperature that day was around 10°C or so. There were so many people with different faces, skin color, hair, clothes and languages at least the first time I saw more white people around me than blacks. One of my first surprises was that I didn’t meet an immigration officer because I transited at a schengen airport. Good for me. Continue reading “My first day!”

Tutor: a student taking you under their wing

saga_arolaCongratulations to all of you who have been accepted to the University of Helsinki! During the summer you will get a letter from your tutor. But what is a tutor, you ask. What does a tutor do?

A tutor is a student at the University of Helsinki, who wants to help new students, national and international alike, at the beginning of their journey into the academic and student life. We are a carefully selected and well-trained bunch eagerly waiting to welcome you to the University of Helsinki!

We help you with all the certificates and documents that you need to get at the beginning of the semester, as well as with course registration. We make sure you get familiar with your campus, so that you can find your way to lectures. But it’s not all work and no play. We can also organize hangouts and freshmen parties. We are your tutors, yes, but we are also your friends.

We know that beginning your studies can be exciting and stressful at the same time, especially if you’ve just moved to a new country, and we want you to know that we are here for you.

Looking forward to seeing you in Helsinki at the end of August!

Best regards, Saga Arola

Be active, active and more active!

MA Qian
MA Qian is one of our International Student Ambassadors

Dear New students,

I can never forget the excitement that kept me up all night when I received the admission letter from University of Helsinki on 1st May, 2012. How I pictured what my student life would be, what my classmates and teachers would look like, how I could survive the Finnish winter, where I would be living… Now two and a half years have passed within a blink; I graduated from my master’s programme last December, and then moved away from Finland this January to start my new career in the UK. Being away from Finland makes me reflect on my time there. Constantly I am considering what were the most meaningful experiences I had at the University of Helsinki, and how differently I would perform if given a second chance to live my student life. I have summarized my thoughts below, hopefully it will give you some insights into planning your own student life, especially at this beginning moment when you are equally excited and lost. Continue reading “Be active, active and more active!”


Giulia-Pernisi-ambassador_verkkoAre you ready to pack your stuff and move to this amazing country? New experiences, places and friends are waiting for you here! You’ll get to know this great university, you’ll become familiar with Helsinki, and you’ll surely meet other international students. But what about the locals?! This is actually a question that I’ve been asked pretty often during the last two years. How do you meet the locals?
I had the same question when I moved to Finland. In the end the answer came from another international girl – who then became my best friend – during a random Saturday night, and can be summed up in five words: go there and say “moi”! (Lesson number 1: “moi” means “hello”) Does it sound too easy? I thought exactly the same. However in the end I tried to put it in practice – and being the greatest introvert that I know, that was definitely hard for me! But you know what? It works! Continue reading “MEETING THE FINNS!”

13 Sunken Years in the National Theatre – a Scottish take on Finnish drama.

For members of HYY student union: special price tickets to 13 Sunken Years in the National Theatre

Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) has been co-operating with the National Theatre for several years offering special price tickets for HYY members for certain shows. This May HYY is happy to announce a very special offer of the month: 13 Sunken Years in the National Theatre – a Scottish take on Finnish drama.


The play is English, subtitles are in Finnish. Continue reading “13 Sunken Years in the National Theatre – a Scottish take on Finnish drama.”

The Flora Day on the 13th of May

WebThe Student Union of the University of Helsinki celebrates its traditional spring festival on the 13th of May. Since the times of the Royal Academy at Turku students have marked the coming of the spring and the end of academic year by different kind of events. In 1848 the students had the party hold on the Kumtähti field, where the national anthem of Finland, Maamme was sang first time in public. Continue reading “The Flora Day on the 13th of May”