Important information about residence permit for students from China

Newly admitted exchange and degree students from China should be prepared for delays in processing of their residence permit applications. The closing of the Finnish consulate in Guangzhou and the introduction of new obligatory biometric residence permit card with fingerprints are slowing down the application process.

The University of Helsinki has contacted the Finnish Embassy and the Finnish Immigration Service MIGRI and expressed concern about possible late arrivals of Chinese students during autumn term 2012. Unfortunately, the University of Helsinki is not able to speed up the process on behalf of it’s students.

Appointment at the Finnish Consulate is necessary for submitting a residence permit application – please make an appointment as soon as possible and make sure you have all the required documents! We strongly recommend that you initiate your application through MIGRI E-services as this will speed up the process.

More information:

From Down Under to Up North – Greetings from Student Mobility Fair in Melbourne!


Every once in a while the hard working back office people of the UH student services go out to the world in attempts of attracting foreign students to come to Finland and our university. My turn was in early May when I had the honor of attending student mobility fair at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

The dreadful memories of a night of horror due to a bad sushi faded away the very minute when the first student arrived at the fair.  Soon, the place was packed with smiling Australian mates. University of Helsinki stand was strategically located right next to the entrance so no student could possibly have entered the building without having me feed them with info on study opportunities at UH together with some Finnish chocolate. Fortunately, many of them actually seemed to be interested in my promotion mantra and even challenged me with some great questions. Especially students in arts and natural sciences seemed to stay at my stand a little longer than the duration of my monologue. One young lady even revealed to be a Finland fan.  This, of course, deeply warmed the heart of a dusty back office official whose wonderful days in Melbourne had converted her a big fan of the land down under.

The top two questions Aussie students asked me were about the weather and the language. They wanted to know whether it was ok to come and study in Finland without knowing any Finnish language or possessing any winter clothes. For the first question the answer is a definite yes, for the latter one I suggest googling  “winter in Finland” and making a judgment of your own.

For the Aussies, Finland is actually a pretty cheap place to live in. Housing costs maybe a half of what the students in Melbourne pay and there is no tuition fee except for the summer school ( The one thing  that Aussies and other foreign students however ought to be aware of is that they should not count on finding a part time job during their studies in Finland. There are some jobs for non-Finnish speaking people particularly in the restaurant field but for most foreign students, restaurants stand for a place to spend the money rather than earn it.

Whether it is for a semester or duration of an entire master’s program, coming to Finland is surely worth the investment. Where else in the world can you enjoy the Nordic culture, meet the Slavic culture and taste chocolate with salmiakki*? Come to Finland and enjoy it all!

Jelena Santalainen
from the UH International Exchange Services


*salty chemical fix us Finns call “candy”

Orientation Handbook for International Students 2012-2013

The Orientation Handbook for International Students 2012-2013 has now been published as a PDF in the university WebPages! The guidebook contains a lot of practical information that will help you get started with your student life and to navigate through daily life. You will probably find answers to many of the questions you might have in the guidebook. Just browse through the table of contents and you will see what the Orientation Handbook has to offer!

The printed version of the Orientation Handbook will be available at the university Welcome Fair 30.8.-1.9.2012.

Housing offers for exchange students


Have you already received a housing offer from Hoas? Worried about the fact that you have not been admitted to the University of Helsinki yet?

Hoas has started making housing offers. If you have received an offer, please follow the advice given by Hoas and pay the housing deposit of 500 euros before the deadline listed in the Housing offer. It’s the only way to make sure that you’ll have secured housing. To confirm the offer sent to you by Hoas, you should also sign and scan the tenancy agreement & scan the receipt of the paid deposit, and send them to Hoas.

Most incoming exchange students have not yet received acceptance from the University of Helsinki, so try to be patient (even though it can be difficult to wait, we know). Acceptance information should be available in mid- to late June at the latest.

What happens if you are not accepted to the University of Helsinki, but have already paid your housing deposit? In that case, Hoas is able to cancel your Housing agreement without any costs an you’ll receive the entire deposit back from Hoas.

Any questions? Please feel free to ask them here, and we’ll do our best to answer.

Kind regards,
Raisa from the International Exchange Services

P.S. When do you know that you have been accepted to the University of Helsinki? You will receive an Acceptance Letter by e-mail, sent by your host faculty… Read more about it here.

Photo by Eeva Anundi

At the University of Helsinki students can get involved

When I received my acceptance letter for the Master’s Degree Programme in European Studies last April, all I knew was that I’m going to study political history in an international and multidisciplinary programme in Helsinki. Now, a year later, I am one of the student representatives in our programme’s steering group. How did this happen and what does it actually mean?

The Master’s Degree Program for European Studies (MES), coordinated by the Network of European Studies (NES), is a quite new programme, only the second generation of MES students will be graduating this year. Therefore, it is constantly developing and changing and needs a little more attention than programmes with a longer history. For overseeing its development, MES has a steering group, including representatives from the network, from all study fields combined in the programme, and also two MES students. A combination of a lucky chance and the fact that I have always been an active student made me end up as one of the latter.

The role of the student representatives is to be the connecting link between the programme and our fellow students. Apart from participating the steering group meetings, our main actual responsibility is to collect student feedback twice a year. I believe that when the feedback is collected by students, it is a lot more advantageous, because while conducting the questionnaires, we can take into account the issues that the steering group needs answers and opinions about, but also the matters we as students believe need to be discussed. Therefore, the steering group will get a more clear picture what the students think. Also, this way even the minor worries come out, because it is always easier to complain to the fellow students than to the teachers 🙂

In addition, we are responsible for finding tutors for the next year students amongst our cohort. I believe it is a nice way of doing it – for the students, by the students. It is also great to know that the steering group trusts our opinion to select the best people.

This kind of flexibility and student involvement is one of the great advantages of the MES programme – things that are not functioning can be changed more easily and student’s opinions are taken into account. Including students to the work of the steering group gives us a feeling that it really matters what we have to say.

For me, being a student representative is exciting on the one hand because I can actually do something to make the programme better for future generations, on the other hand, it is interesting to see this side of the university and how a study programme is actually made. Especially when coming from a foreign country, this kind of experience can make the connection between the student and the university much stronger.

Pilleriin Lillemets
Student in the Master’s Degree Program for European Studies (MES)

Teaching periods at the University of Helsinki

Yesterday, on Sunday May 20th, the fourth and final teaching period of the 2011-2012 academic year at the University of Helsinki ended.

The academic year in Finland is divided into two terms (August 1 to December 31 and January 1 to July 31). At the University of Helsinki the terms are further divided into seven-week teaching periods.

In most Faculties the teaching periods for the 2012-2013 academic year are:

• September 3 to October 21
• October 29 to December 16
• January 14 to March 3
• March 11 to May 19*

* Includes Easter week and a two week optional intensive teaching period at the end of the period.

In the Faculties of Biosciences, Law, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Behavioural Sciences the teaching periods might vary from the dates above. Please check the exact dates from the Faculty.

Best regards,
Student Services

The application period for incoming exchange students closed on 15.05.2012!


The University of Helsinki received over 700 applications from incoming exchange student applicants around the world (for the autumn 2012 or for the whole academic year 2012/2013)!

We received from Europe nearly 600 Erasmus and Nordplus applications and from other continents in various programs altogether over 100 applications.

You will receive your Acceptance Letter by e-mail, sent by your host faculty, if your application is approved. Acceptance information is usually available around mid-June at the latest. Before that your application is considered by your host faculty. Please try to be patient!

In addition to the Acceptance e-mail, university bilateral exchange and ISEP, AEN, MAUI and North2North exchange students (not Erasmus SMS, Nordplus etc.) will also receive an Acceptance Letter from the International Exchange Services. This letter is always sent to the coordinator of the students home university, and it is needed for Residence Permit applications.

It is very important that you should notify the faculty and also the International Exchange Services immediately, if you need to cancel your exchange period or if there is a change in your exchange period.

Accepted exchange students will receive necessary information for the enrolment with the acceptance letter and we have gathered information about how to get started at the New Students website. You will meet staff and other new students latest at the Welcome Fair on August 30 – September 1, 2012.

If you did not apply, the next application round for incoming exchange students begins in August! Stay tuned at our website!

Kind regards, International Exchange Services

Pictures from our Welcome Fairs

UH goes Riyadh!

University of Helsinki was invited to participate IECHE, the largest education fair in Saudi-Arabia, in April for the third time. We would like to thank all the students visiting us at our booth!

We gathered here information and links about the most frequently asked questions on the fair.

What to study in English at UH?

For international students we offer over 30 two-year Master’s Degree Programmes fully in English.  PhD studies can be taken fully in English, too. If you have studied at least for two years in a university, you can apply for an intensive course in Helsinki Summer School.

If you master Finnish or Swedish languages well, you can apply also to undergraduate studies.

Computer Science

Computer Science is among the most popular subjects among our applicants – and among our visitors in Riyadh, too! Department of Computer Science is a world leader in algorithm and machine learning research and the department has over 2300 students. The Department of Computer Science offers two master’s programmes, Algorithms and Machine Learning, and Networking and Services.

Application period for our Master’s Degree Programmes opens 19 November, 2012 and closes 31 January 2013. Language skills are crucial in the admissions process, so please make sure you have e.g. IELTS or TOEFL. More information about the language requirements and the application process is available at the How to Apply website.

PhD studies

You can start searching for the faculty contact details and some general guidelines of the application process on the How to Apply website. There is a more comprehensive PhD Guide in the making and it will be available from the above mentioned website latest in the beginning of next autumn term.

Please note that procedures and admission requirements may vary from one faculty to another.  Some Faculties require that you have found a research group or at least a supervisor for your thesis before sending the application to the Faculty. Please contact the administrative person in charge of postgraduate student’s admissions before leaving your application. The administration has the most recent information/regulations of the application process as well as of the timetable of the admitting governing body.

Summer School

This is perhaps the easiest way to get to know Finland, Helsinki, our university and hundreds of other students from all over the world during three weeks in August. There are many courses given by our Master’s Degree Programmes, see the list of courses here.

Tuition fees and cost of living

What surprised most of you was the fact the UH does not charge tuition fees. Only in three Erasmus Mundus programmes non-EU students may be required to pay tuition fees. More information about cost of living is availabe at the New Students website. For newly admitted degree students UH offers start up-grants. The amount of each grant is about 1500 euro.

Helsinki and Finland

Helsinki has about half a million inhabitants, in the whole metropolitan area the number is closer to a million (and the public transport really works and it is quite cheap for students). According to our international students one of the most important things about Helsinki is the safety.

To find out more, there are videos about Helsinki are available at the Visit Helsinki Youtube channel (one of the most popular videos is actually a video by UH). General information about Finnish higher education is available at the Study in Finland website.

If you are interested to find out more about study options at UH, feel free to contact us!

Kind regards,
Admissions Services

The application period for the International Student Grants 2012 has started!

The application period for the International Student Grants 2012 has started! Accept your placement in the university and apply now!

Photograph by Eeva Anundi
Photograph by Eeva Anundi

The University of Helsinki is giving about 50 start-up grants this year to qualified students who are accepted to study in an International Master’s Degree Programme. The amount of each grant will be in total 1000-1500 euro tax free. The grants are not meant to cover living expenses, but we hope that the little extra money will help you to settle in Helsinki!

Applications can be submitted through an online application form. The application time begins on Monday, May 7th 2012 and the closing date for applications is on Friday, August 31st 2012 at 15:00 (3:00 p.m.) Finnish time.

See more info on the grants, criteria and how to apply on the application pages.