This is where the fun begins

A world-class university needs to have world-class sport services. UniSport is a directorate commonly owned by University of Helsinki and Aalto University who provides a wide range of high quality health and wellness services, activities for students, staff and the wider community across our six campuses. A range of membership options and casual visit possibility are available with qualified and experienced fitness professionals to assist you in keeping active and having fun while studying or working at the University of Helsinki.

Our slogan is “more than exercise” and that is truly so. Our services were ranked third best University sport service in the world according to ISB survey (International Student Barometer, 2010). I think it is safe to say that we offer something for everyone who is interested in exercising in some way or another and we offer inspiration to those who have not taken that step yet. Our big goal besides making people move is to foster a social environment within the University. Our facilities, classes and events are a great platform to meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. The only suits we wear are track suits.

You do not have to worry about the weird sounding Finnish language either. Everybody speaks English if necessary and some of the classes and courses are even held in English. UniSport warmly welcomes you to Helsinki. Please show up at our our service desk in any of the six campuses to register and get started!

For further information have a look at our website

Janne Pakarinen
Head of Sports