Women – Music – Futures

International symposium at the University of Helsinki

March 9th and 10th 2023

Pre-symposium concert on March 8th, International Women’s Day

Call for Proposals

In many communities around the world, women are important culture bearers fostering the transmission of local traditions to future generations. However, women also forge new roles in their communities in order to express themselves and to get their voices heard. In these efforts for empowerment, music can serve as a tool for refashioning oneself and one’s place in society, thereby building futures that might not have been possible otherwise. Music also frequently serves as a space for imagination and dreaming, for experimentation with alternative ideas about the past, the present, and the future.

The aim of this symposium is to discuss the agency of women musicians worldwide, and the ways in which they use music to construct imaginary or real futures for themselves. Often working in patriarchal environments and restricted by social norms and expectations of their communities, women demonstrate significant resilience and creativity as they seek to create space for musical activities. In this regard, mutual support and networks between women are important. Sometimes women choose music because it provides a platform for presenting their views and/or influencing their communities in ways that would not be allowed otherwise.

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Crossing Borders in Music and Research

Helsinki, Friday, September 9th 2022

Tieteiden talo (House of Sciences and Letters), Kirkkokatu 6, room 504


This seminar aims to bring together researchers and musicians whose work involves crossing national, cultural, social and/or musical borders. Musicians cross borders in artistic encounters, but also researchers in the field of ethnomusicology commonly participate in the musical practices of their research collaborators. The World Wide Women project team has noticed that border-crossing raises similar questions for musicians and researchers, especially as they seek to enter respectful research and work relationships with their collaborators. We have found that ethically and politically accountable research and/or artistic practices involve thinking hard about the various ways in which global and local power structures such as racism, gender ideologies, cultural appropriation, and access to resources affect one’s work. However, rather than focusing on problems caused by structural inequalities, our desire is to learn from the insights that the participants have gained during their research and/or artistic projects.

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Etnosoi! Seminar: Women, Music and the World

The Etnosoi! seminar at Oodi Library focuses on female musicians, transcultural cooperation and crossing borders. The seminar consists of two segments with a break in between. Between spoken presentations, both live and recorded music will be heard.

The first segment of the seminar focuses on our project World Wide Women – Female Musicians Crossing Borders and Building the Future, which will be presented for the first time by its working group. Presenting the p
roject at the seminar will be postdoctoral researcher Elina Seye, musicology doctoral researcher Ying-Hsien Chen, flutist and singer Jenni Hanikka, kantele player and singer-songwriter Marjo Smolander, researcher and musician Siboné Oroza, artist Antti Nordin and researcher Nina Öhman.

More information and the schedule.

Facebook event.

Meeting in August 2021

Seven people standing outside and looking at the camera

Our team finally got to meet face to face in Helsinki! We had a meeting on a few hours on the terrace of Musiikkitalo and the meeting was truly inspiring! We discussed the themes that connect our subprojects and made some plans for the future.

There are a few events coming up already this year that we are participating in, for example the Etnosoi! Seminar at Oodi Library in November and the Finnish Conference of Cultural Studies in Joensuu in the beginning of December. See you there!