Eve Crazy Mar Yo album release tour

Eve Crazy Mar Yo are currently touring in Finland after the release of their new album! Some concerts are still upcoming:

13.8. Etno-Espa, Helsinki
16.8. Joen Yö, Joensuu
23.8. Global Club Nights, Helsinki
Photo: Maria Vilhelmiina Korkatti

Additionally, you can come to listen to Eve’s view on the history of women in Senegalese hiphop to the Museum of Impossible Forms on Wednesday, August 14th 2024. The latest information can be most easily found on the World Wide Women project’s Facebook page.

Our project is coming to an end

Our project is for the greatest part already ended, but some of our collaborators will still be visiting Finland in 2024. We are also editing a collection of articles on the themes of the Women – Music – Futures symposium that took place last March.

At the end of last year, two articles on topics we have been discussing during the project, especially the collaborations across cultural borders, were published in the issue 2/2023 of Musiikin suunta.

Musiikin suunta 2/2023 cover

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