University phone numbers to change

numerot_isoThe numbers for landline phones at the University of Helsinki will change on Thursday 24 April 2014.

The mobile numbers and short extension numbers currently in use will remain unchanged.

What will change?

Phone numbers which currently begin with the digits 09 191 will begin with 02941 after the changeover;

  • 09191 xxxxx will become to 02941 xxxxx.
  • If calling from abroad, the number is +358 2941 xxxxx.

24 April the University of Helsinki phone exchange will answer at 0294 1911 and if calling from abroad, the number is +358 294 1911.

Any calls to the old numbers will be directed to a recording with information on the change. We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur due to the alteration work of the new mobile network.

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