Door-to-door Routing Analyst (DORA) – Car & Bike calculations 2018

Door-to-door Routing Analyst (DORA) – WHAT IS IT?

Door-to-door Routing Analyst or DORA for short is an open source multi modal routing tool, developed in 2018, which uses the door-to-door approach where the whole travel chain is taken into account. It can be used to route car, cycling and walking routes.

For car travel times DORA makes use of travel times that are based on Digiroad data set speed limits that have been modified more realistic in the Helsinki region. Times of the road segments are made more realistic by adding crossroad impedances for different road classes. Impedances are based on floating car measurements conducted in the Capital Region of Helsinki (data from the Helsinki City Planning Department and Helsinki Regional Transport Authority HRT).

For cycling travel times DORA is using road network data from Helsinki that has been modified to be suitable for bicycle routing. The road network has been MetropAccess-CyclingNetwork, which is based on the Digiroad data (Digiroad K), developed by the Finnish Transport Agency, but where the speeds along the road segments have been modified more realistic. To make the speeds more realistic, we have used Strava-Metro sports application data from the Helsinki region from 2016 as well as the bike sharing data from Helsinki from 2017. The routing tool has not used segments where cycling is prohibited.

DORA is implemented with the open source database software PostgreSQL and its spatial extension PostGIS and it’s making use of the routing library pgRouting (tool: pgr_dijkstraCost). This makes DORA completely open source tool, which is also available openly.

Download and more extensive documentation

The documentation and the installation help can be found from GitHub:

All MetropAccess-Digiroad toolkit products are licensed under the GNU General Public (v3) license, which allows the manipulation and development of the tools (even commercially), as long as the new outputs are licensed under the same terms.

Detailed license information are available in the download package of the tool.


If you use our data or tools in your analysis, we encourage you to cite properly to our work. Description of the MetropAccess-Digiroad tool is included in the following publication:

Please use the following citation if use want to cite the tool:

Digital Geography Lab (2018). Saavutettavuuslaskentaa autoilijan näkökulmasta: MetropAccess-Digiroad. Helsingin yliopisto, Geotieteiden ja maantieteen laitos.

Literature citation:

Toivonen, T., M. Salonen, H. Tenkanen, P. Saarsalmi, T. Jaakkola & J. Järvi (2014). Joukkoliikenteellä, autolla ja kävellen: Avoin saavutettavuusaineisto pääkaupunkiseudulla. Terra 126: 3, 127-136.