Abstract invitation to our theme group session in FERA 2020

FERA conference (Kasvatustieteen päivät) will be organised this year by the University of Helsinki. The conference will be held online 15.-16.12. As part of the conference, the research consortium AI in Learning organises a theme group session about artificial intelligence and digital learning environments. We invite you to submit an abstract proposal to the session! Call for papers opens on 31.8. and ends on 27.9.

You can find the description of our theme group session below. More information about the program and the theme group sessions can also be found here.

Intelligent digital tools and learning environments in education and life-long learning (Hannele Niemi, University of Helsinki & Heli Ruokamo, University of Lapland)

The research consortium AI in Learning (Artificial intelligence in Learning ) invites researchers, practitioners  and companies to share their research findings how artificial intelligence as well as other intelligent digital tools and learning environments can open new ways to promote learning in different kinds of educational and working life settings. The special interest areas are e.g. how  these tools will promote students’ learning, socio-emotional well-being and ways to life-long learning; and how intelligent tutoring, games and simulations can support learners to achieve demanding expert skills in education and working life. The presentations of the thematic group can also focus on ethical issues that are related to AI in learning and education. The aim of the thematic group is to provide a forum for multi-disciplinary discussion and to explore new opportunities and challenges of AI and other intelligent digital tools in learning and education.

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