Roberta Raffaeta: Crossing ecosystems, crossing ontologies. How microbiome science is remaking what does it means to be human

Roberta Raffaeta and Sarah Green standing in front of a lecture hall.

Roberta Raffaeta (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia) gave a talk entitled “Crossing ecosystems, crossing ontologies. How microbiome science is remaking what does it means to be human” at the visiting seminar on the 20th of January 2023.

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Anna Sokolova: ‘Red Fever’: State Timber Production and Commercial Berry Harvesting in Late Soviet Karelia

Black and white photo of man sawing a tree with a hand-saw.

Anna Sokolova (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies) gave a talk on the 1st of February 2023 entitled: ‘Red Fever’: State Timber Production and Commercial Berry Harvesting in Late Soviet Karelia.

In my talk, I will address the case of commercial berry harvesting in northern Soviet Karelia during 1970s. My research is based on field and archival research in the Muezersky and Louhsky districts of Karelia, conducted in 2018-2021. The main focus of the research is everyday life and practices in timber production settlements during 1960-1980s.

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