Book launch – The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies

Join us on 22 October at the virtual book launch to celebrate the publication of The Palgrave Handbook of Digital Russia Studies!

 The official description of the book:

This groundbreaking Handbook, edited by DRS researchers Daria Gritsenko and Mariëlle Wijermars together with Mikhail Kopotev, presents a multidisciplinary perspective on how the ‘digital’ is simultaneously changing Russia and the research methods scholars use to study Russia. It provides a critical update on how Russian society, politics, economy, and culture are reconfigured in the context of ubiquitous connectivity and accounts for the political and societal responses to digitalization. In addition, it answers practical and methodological questions in handling Russian data and a wide array of digital methods.

32 chapters by 42 authors – published in open accessthanks to the generous support of the University of Helsinki.

Our Dr. Marianna Muravyeva writes about Russian law, digitalisation, and gender.