Collecting clippings from newspapers (DHN18 workshop)

For the miniature histories workshop, which we are organizing at the DHN18-conference , one crucial, but needed step is also the actual collecting of interesting articles or clipping from a region or place of your interest.

At the -service there are digitized newspapers, journals and technical ephemera of Finland, where it is possible to see how things have changed in local area, starting all way back from the year 1771. One way to collect useful information is to have it in a bookmark or a blog post, like e.g. the family researchers in Oulu have made for the area-specific theme sections for a specific newspaper. Even more detailed way is to collect a clipping and mark it with specific keywords of local area. In digi case, ‘clipping’ is the electronic version of desired illustration, article or area of interesting information.

In Miniature histories context, these clippings could act as a way to present these small pieces of information in a more united way and add other information that locals might have from the places near-by. Information, which is known, but might not have ended up until newspapers.  Here is a short guide how to create a clipping – it starts via finding the suitable page after which you can login and create a clipping by marking it from the selected page.


So, what would be the thing you would like to collect information? Is there a region that could benefit of starting creating miniature histories for it? If so, please join our ‘miniature histories’ to the DHN18-workshop, where we can also collect clippings and think ways how to utilize this information further.