Annual National HNPCC Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Finnish collaborative HNPCC reseach groups took place at Hämeenkylän Kartano in Vantaa on 4th of March.

In her presentation, Prof. Minna Nyström introduced DiagMMR™ a new tool for Lynch syndrome carrier diagnosis ( Other members of Prof. Päivi Peltomäki’s and Prof. Minna Nyström’s research groups gave presentations regarding some of the recent projects related to the Western diet effects on colon cancer predisposition (MSc. Marjaana Pussila, MSc. Satu Valo and BSc. Pauliina Paloviita) and promoter specific alterations of APC in FAP (PhD Taina Nieminen).

MSc. Satu Valo

HNPCC Taina3

PhD. Taina Nieminen