Camilla Nordberg

NordbergPicSmallMy postdoctoral research within the framework of the Glocalising Care Work –project concerns the ways in which printed news media relate to the changing elderly care work landscape, particularly to the position of migrant care workers. The longitudinal research uses data from 1995-2011. The aim is, firstly, to identify key actors, themes and trends in the general debate on the reorganisation of elderly care. Secondly, critical discourse analysis is used to explore the ways in which some migrant care worker subjectivities are rendered possible while others are constrained, and, how discursive claims-making subsequently contributes to new forms of subordination in elder care work.

I have a background in social policy and social work. My research interests relate to the migration-welfare state nexus, with a particular focus on micro-level analysis of citizenship and power. I have used various kinds of empirical data — interviews, policy documents and media texts — to gain an understanding of contemporary processes of subordination and social injustice, yet also of agency and participation. I am a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at the Swedish School of Social Science at the University of Helsinki and have previously worked for the Academy of Finland and at Åbo Akademi University.

For information on my publications and research activities, please consult my page in the University of Helsinki research database Tuhat.

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