
The main publication of the Nordic Homicide from Past to Present project, has been published with Helsinki University Press:

Kivivuori, Janne & Rautelin, Mona & Büchert Netterstrøm, Jeppe & Lindström, Dag & Bergsdóttir, Guðbjörg S. & Jónasson, Jónas O. & Lehti, Martti & Granath, Sven & Okholm, Mikkel M., & Karonen, Petri (2022). Nordic Homicide in Deep Time. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI:

If you have used the HHM codebook in research, we are happy to add your publication to this list.

Note that the section “Working Papers” below contains links to work available only in this site.

Currently available publications are (newest on top):

Netterstrøm, J. B. (2024). Feuding and Peacemaking among Peasants in Seventeenth-Century Denmark. Acta Histriae 31(4), 587-606.

Salomaa, Anilla (2023). Helsingin Sanomien uutiset historiallisen kriminologisen henkirikostutkimuksen lähteenä. Kriminologia, 3(1), 26–38. (In Finnish, English abstract: The newspaper Helsingin Sanomat as a source for the historical homicide research)

Kivivuori, Janne & Rautelin, Mona & Büchert Netterstrøm, Jeppe & Lindström, Dag & Bergsdóttir, Guðbjörg S. & Jónasson, Jónas O. & Lehti, Martti & Granath, Sven & Okholm, Mikkel M., & Karonen, Petri (2022). Nordic Homicide in Deep Time. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. DOI:

Lindström, Dag (2021). Dråparen kom ledig och fri åter från tinget på sin fria färd: Om flykt, fri lejd och böner om nåd i svensk rättskipning under 1640-talet. Historisk tidskrift, 141:2, 173-200. (English Summary: The murderer left the court freely: Escape, safe-conduct, and pleadings for mercy in Swedish judicial practice during the 1640’s).

Kivivuori, Janne & Lehti, Martti & Rautelin, Mona & Lindström, Dag, & Büchert Netterstrøm, Jeppe (2020). Time cycles of homicide in the early modern Nordic area. Nordic Journal of Criminology, 21:2, 152-169.

Kivivuori, Janne & Rautelin, Mona & Bergsdóttir, Guðbjörg S. & Granath, Sven & Jónasson, Jónas O. & Karonen, Petri & Koskivirta, Anu & Lehti, Martti & Lindström, Dag & Büchert Netterstrøm, Jeppe, & Okholm, Mikkel M. (2020). Historical Homicide Monitor 2.0. General Instructions and Coding Manual. Research Briefs 40/2020. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy.

Lehti, Martti & Kivivuori, Janne & Bergsdóttir, Guðbjörg S. & Engvold, Heidi & Granath, Sven & Jónasson, Jónas O. & Liem, Marieke & Okholm, Mikkel M. & Rautelin, Mona & Suonpää, Karoliina, & Syversen, Vibeke S. (2019). Nordic Homicide Report. Homicide in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, 2007–2016. Research Briefs 37/2019. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy.

Working Papers:

Lehti, Martti & Kivivuori, Janne & Guðbjörg Sigrún Bergsdóttir, & Jonasson, J. O. (2021). Homicide and modernization in the European outer zone – The case of Finland and Iceland. Historical Homicide Monitor Working Papers 1.
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Theses (unpublished):

Salomaa, Anilla (2020). “Oli tullut sanaharkkaa mitättömästä aiheesta”: suomalaisen henkirikollisuuden piirteet 1950-1960-luvuilla. Maisterintutkielma. Kriminologia, valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto. [Master’s thesis analyzing Finnish homicide during the 1950s and 1960s, using the HHM manual.]

Conference presentations (unpublished):

European Society of Criminology annual conference, Author meets critics session 7 Sep 2023

Historiantutkimuksen päivät_esitys Tampere 22.10.2022_valmis

Kustaa Vaasa-seminaari, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Historian ja etnologian laitos 4.6.2024: Historiallinen kriminologia – esimerkkinä Historical Homitor Monitor.