Support us

By donating to the HYY Development Cooperation Committee’s project you are supporting social equality and universal rights to education in Mozambique.

Money collection licence:

HYY holds a money collection licence granted by the National Police Board number RA/2020/186. The licence is in force in Finland.

Funds collected will be directed to support HYY’s development cooperation project in Mozambique and global education work in Finland.

The project in Mozambique is organized in cooperation with local foundation Associação PROGRESSO. The aim of this project is to improve the school performance of girls and children with special needs and support completion of their studies.

The funds collected are used to support organising education and workshops, publishing communications material, research projects related to the project, purchases related to the project and personnel expenses.

In addition the funds are also directed to global education projects in Finland. Funds are used to cover expenses that go into public relations, organizing events and workshops like the development cooperation week at University of Helsinki campuses. The funds are also used to cover speaker, location and catering expenses related to organizing events as well as expenses created by publicizing to media outlets.

Funds collected can be used to cover direct expenses for follow-ups, planning and meetings related to the committees development cooperation projects.

Bank account for donations:

FI17 1573 3000 0122 51, NDEAFIHH


Thank you for donating!