International Hideout Room

KSI is proud to announce that our room Exactum C131 is now open for all the UH students. If you are looking for a peaceful place to do your homework or grab a cheap cup of coffee/tea, our room is the place-to-be.

This room is open as long as the Exactum building is open i.e. Monday-Thursday 7:45-20:00 and Friday 7:45-18:00. The room can be used for normal get together, group work, solo time pass or just for hanging around.

There is an option to get cheap tea/coffee and you can find the relevant instructions on the wall next to the supply. Each cup of tea/coffee costs 20 cents only and you can pay each time or keep a tally on the paper with your name and pay later. KSI will refill coffee and other supplies every week, however you are responsible to leave coffee machine and the space clean after use.

The only rules for everyone in our space are:

  • Treat each other equally and with respect.
  • Leave the space clean after use.
  • KSI does not take responsibility for any unattended valuables.
  • English is encouraged as the main language of discussion.
  • Follow the Kumpula Campus Code of Conduct.

If you or your organization are interested to use the KSI room for events, organizational meetings or other activities, please look through the KSI room agreement and contact KSI to make a reservation. You can get in touch with us regarding the room also in and we will answer as soon as possible.

Some more photos of our beautiful room-