Rules & Regulations

1. Name and location

• 1a: The name of this student organization shall be Kumpulan kansainvälinen tiedeseura. English name Kumpula Science International.
• 1b: The organization’s domicile is Helsinki.

2. Purpose

•  Connecting staff, undergraduate and PhD students at the Kumpula campus of Helsinki University through arranging events/trips/activities individually or collectively with other organizations, where international-minded students/staff meet and can do hobbies together.
• Sharing information with students/staff about events, trips, available opportunities via KSI website, Facebook page and other social networking options.
• To act as a contact between English speaking students/staff, science organizations and the university administration.
• To represent international students/staff through sharing their experiences, comments, suggestions in KSI blog.

3. To achieve it’s core aim KSI

• would be in contact with university administration and coordinate with other student organization
• can share information related to university to student/staff in order to support its operation

4. In order to support its operation KSI can

• collect money from participants in its events/trips
• collect donations from staff/students
• collect annual membership fee

5. To be accepted as a member of KSI one has to be either staff, undergraduate or PhD student studying his/her major or minor or working at the University of Helsinki. The board accepts new members and can terminate membership of anyone who doesn’t fulfill this criteria.

6. Members can quit anytime they want by contacting the board members via email or in a meeting.

7. Annual membership fee is collected from every member and any change of these fees is consulted in the Autumn meeting. Board can terminate membership of any member who do not pay this fee for two consecutive years.

8. There are two organizational meetings arranged annually; Autumn meeting (September-October) and Spring meeting (February-March). Board meetings are suggested to arrange frequently i.e. at least once in every month if possible.

9. All the decisions are made in the meetings and every member has a right to be present and give their opinion/vote. If the number of votes is even, then the chair’s vote is taken for final decision except in election of assigning task to a person which is done by drawing lots. To fill a position in the board, an election will be held during Autumn meeting.

10. Meetings are legal and have authority when arranged according to rules. Information regarding the meetings must be announced at least one week before the date of meeting. Invitations will be sent via email list. Invitations must be written in English and Finnish.

11. Positions in the board

• Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer

Following are strong recommendations. If it is not possible to fill the positions below as per this recommendation then they can be filled freely

• Vice chair (a native Finn if possible)
• One representative from each of the following: Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry, Department of Mathematics and Statistic, Department of Computer Science, Department of Geo-sciences and Geography, respectively.

12. Autumn meeting

• Opening of the meeting.
• Choose chair, secretary and two adjusters for the minutes and vote counters.
• State that the meeting is legal and has authority
• Vote for chair, vice-chair, treasurer, secretary and other 2-6 board members.
• Decide about budget for the next calendar year.
• Decide about annual plan for the next calendar year.
• Decide about membership fee for the next calendar year.
• Choose two auditors/accountants and two vice auditors/accountants.
• Handle other possible things.

13. Spring meeting

Opening of the meeting.
• Choose chair, secretary and two adjusters for the minutes and vote counters.
• State that the meeting is legal and has authority
• Ratify financial statement from the previous year.
• Handle annual report of activities from previous year.
• Decide about granting freedom of responsibility to previous board members.
• Closing of previous year’s financial statement and annual report.
• Handle other possible thing

14. Board is the executive part and representative body of KSI. Board members must be members of the organization and act for one calendar year.

15. Responsibilities of Board

• Lead the activities of organization according to the rules
• Managing finance and fund distribution
• Manage register of members
• Preparing things to handle annual and monthly meetings
• Inform others about the decisions made by board in meetings

16. Board Meeting

• Chair must send invitation for meeting at least one day prior to the date. If Chair is not available then Vice-chair can send invitation.
• Board will meet also if at least half of it’s members want it
• Board meeting is valid if either chair or Vice-chair including half of the board members are present in the meeting.
• Only board members can vote in the board meetings. If the number of vote is even, then Chair’s vote is taken as final except in election of assigning task to a person which is done by drawing lots

17. Name of the organization can be written by Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary or Treasurer.

18. The rules can be modified and new rules can be added during an organizational meetings only if majority vote i.e. 2/3rd vote is given. The proposal to change rules must be mentioned in the meeting invitation.

19. The language in organizational meetings is English. Everybody has a right to use Finnish and Swedish as well. The annual plan and annual report are to be written both in Finnish and English. If asked then Board must give oral summary about any document in Finnish, English or Swedish.