Teaching Assistants

We are looking for Teaching Assistants for the following courses (2022-2023 teaching year). If interested, please contact the teacher whose details are provided in the post.

Period 1

BA-Level Courses

Introduction to Language Technology (KIK-405): This is a first-year BA course, and for many students the first contact with command-line tools, scripts and corpus linguistics tools. You will be in charge of weekly face-to-face support sessions, but also advise and help students remotely. The contents of the course are not particularly challenging, but you should be familiar with regular expressions and basic Python programming. Sensibility for the mindsets of starting Humanities BA students is crucial. Proficiency in Finnish is desirable. It is an advantage (but not a requirement) if you have followed the course as a student before.
Contact: yves dot scherrer at helsinki dot fi

Introduction to Command-Line Tools for Linguists (KIK-LG221): This is an online course with video-formatted teaching materials, quizzes and final project for evaluation, and weekly exercise sessions to help students with their problems. The tasks for the TA will include helping in detecting needs for update in existing teaching and quiz material (for changing versions of software libraries and tools), helping with planning and grading of the final project, and assisting with the exercise sessions.
Contact: hande dot celikkanat at helsinki dot fi

MA-Level Courses


Period 2

BA-Level Courses

Programming for Linguists (KIK-LG208): Basic course in computer programming in Python. You will learn more about programming yourself by checking the students’ programming assignments. The exact division of labor can be discussed.
Contact: mathias dot creutz at helsinki dot fi

MA-Level Courses


Period 3

BA-Level Courses

Mathematics for Linguists (KIK-LG209): This BA-level course introduces the most important mathematical concepts and techniques for students interested in language technology. In short, we talk about set theory, probability theory, vector and matrix algebra, and derivative. As an assistant, you could be in charge of the weekly lab sessions and/or help with grading the assignments. The exact division of labor can be discussed.
Contact: yves dot scherrer at helsinki dot fi

Morphology and Syntax (KIK-LG102): You will be a course assistant on the language technology part of the course. You will help students in the lab sessions and check assignments. The exact division of labor can be discussed. (NB: You need to know Finnish in order to be a course assistant on this course.)
Contact: mathias dot creutz at helsinki dot fi

MA-Level Courses

Computational Semantics (LDA-T304): On this course you will be involved in checking programming assignments and possibly coaching students. The exact division of labor can be discussed.
Contact: mathias dot creutz at helsinki dot fi


Period 4

BA-Level Courses

Semantics and Pragmatics (KIK-LG103): You will be a course assistant on the language technology part of the course. You will help students in the lab sessions and check assignments. The exact division of labor can be discussed. (NB: You need to know Finnish in order to be a course assistant on this course.)
Contact: mathias dot creutz at helsinki dot fi

Machine Learning for Linguists (KIK-LG210): On this course you will be involved in checking assignments and helping students in the workshops and with their projects. The exact division of labor can be discussed.
Contact: mathias dot creutz at helsinki dot fi

MA-Level Courses