Trial: Stalin Digital Archive ~ 14.2.2013

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Stalin Digital Archive is the result of collaboration between the Russian State Archive of Social and political History (RGASPI) and Yale University Press. Stalin Digital Archive (SDA) provides access to material’s from Stalin’s personal archive and monographs on the history of Soviet and international communism (25 volumes of Annals of Communism-series).

Highlights include foreign policy before and during World War II, communications during the Great Purges, information on relations with Western leaders and intellectuals etc.

Visitors to the site are able to search, browse, and view the resources and the “About SDA” sections without the need for any log-in credentials. Users within authenticated IP ranges should be able to register their own personal MySDA accounts, and thus access the Document Viewer and MySDA areas of the site. When a user in an authenticated IP range creates his or her own MySDA profile, s/he is automatically sent a confirmation email with a password and a link for a one-time log in.

More information how to register your own personal MySDA account you’ll find in Nelli by clicking Stalin Digital Archive i-icon.  Stalin Digital Archive video tutorials are also available.

Trial period: 14.1. – 14.2. 2013