Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 30 / 2014


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 30 / 2014.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Apinatutkimuksen tulokset syövät toiveita taltuttaa HIV-tartunta kokonaanYLE
YLE 21.7.2014
Rapid seeding of the viral reservoir prior to SIV viraemia in rhesus monkeys
Nature. Published online 20 July 2014


Television ääressä istuminen altistaa lihavuudelle, ei päinvastoin
YLE 21.7.2014
Exploring Causality between TV Viewing and Weight Change in Young and Middle-Aged Adults : The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study
PLOS One. Published: July 16, 2014


Amerikassa kuullaan vihaisia ääniharhoja, idässä kiltimpiä
YLE 23.7.2014
Differences in voice-hearing experiences of people with psychosis in the USA, India and Ghana : interview-based study
British Journal of Psychiatry. Published online ahead of print June 26, 2014


Parasetamoli ei auta selkäkipuun lumelääkkeitä enempää
YLE 24.7.2014
Efficacy of paracetamol for acute low-back pain : a double-blind, randomised controlled trial
The Lancet. Available online 23 July 2014


Pitkäaikaisen psykoosilääkityksen vaikutus aivokuoreenOulunYO
Oulun yo:n tiedote 30.7.2014
Longitudinal Changes in Total Brain Volume in Schizophrenia : Relation to Symptom Severity, Cognition and Antipsychotic Medication
PLOS One. July 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 7,  e101689


Kuukautisten alkamisikään vaikuttavat sadat geenit
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 25.7.2014
Parent-of-origin-specific allelic associations among 106 genomic loci for age at menarche
Nature. Published online 23 July 2014


Vuorotyötä tekevillä suurempi riski sairastua diabetekseenPotilaanLääkärilehti
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 25.7.2014
Shift work and diabetes mellitus : a meta-analysis of observational studies
Occup Environ Med. Published Online First 16 July 2014


Pikkukeskoset selviävät paremmin isoissa hoitoyksiköissä
Duodecim 21.7.2014
The effects of designation and volume of neonatal care on mortality and morbidity outcomes of very preterm infants in England : retrospective population-based cohort study
BMJ Open 2014;4:e004856



Stressaavat elämänkokemukset voivat altistaa sydänsairauksilleDuodecim
Duodecim 22.7.2014
Associations of Stressful Life Events and Social Strain With Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the Women’s Health Initiative
J Am Heart Assoc. 2014; 3: e000687


Masentuneen eturauhassyöpä jää usein huonolle hoidolle
Duodecim 23.7.2014
Effect of Depression on Diagnosis, Treatment, and Mortality of Men With Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer
Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published online before print July 7, 2014


Oliiviöljy ja pähkinät alentavat verenpainetta
Duodecim 24.7.2014
Mediterranean Diet Reduces 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, and Lipids : One-Year Randomized, Clinical Trial
Hypertension. 2014; 64: 69-76


Elintapojen parantaminen näkyy valtimoissa jo alle viisikymppisenä
Duodecim 25.7.2014
Healthy Lifestyle Change and Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Young Adults : Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study
Circulation. 2014; 130: 10-17


Psykofarmaka orsak till många akutbesök i USALäkartidningen2
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZEA
Emergency Department Visits by Adults for Psychiatric Medication Adverse Events
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online July 09, 2014


Appendixruptur var inte vanligare vid lång väntan på operation
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZEC
Time to Appendectomy and Risk of Perforation in Acute Appendicitis
JAMA Surg. Published online July 02, 2014


Allt färre amerikaner avlider av stroke
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZHU
Stroke Incidence and Mortality Trends in US Communities, 1987 to 2011
JAMA. 2014;312(3):259-268


Kan Omega 3 minska risken för ALS?
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZHY
Dietary ω-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Intake and Risk for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
JAMA Neurol. Published online July 14, 2014


Jordbävningar medförde psykiatriska konsekvenser
Läkartidningen. 2014;111:CZHX
Impact of a Major Disaster on the Mental Health of a Well-Studied Cohort
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online July 16, 2014


Supermaterialet Upsalite kan ge ratade läkemedel ny chansForskning
Forskning.se 23.7.2014
Stabilisation of amorphous ibuprofen in Upsalite, a mesoporous magnesium carbonate, as an approach to increasing the aqueous solubility of poorly soluble drugs
Int J Pharm. 2014 Sep 10;472(1-2):185-91


‘Eighty new genes linked to schizophrenia’
BBC 22.7.2014
Original Article:
Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci
Nature. 511, 421–427, (24 July 2014)


Newly-found gut virus ‘abundant in humans’BBC
BBC 26.7.2014
Original Article:
A highly abundant bacteriophage discovered in the unknown sequences of human faecal metagenomes
Nature Communications. 5, Article number: 4498


Cancer blood test moves closer after promising results
BBC 26.7.2014
Original Article:
Sensitivity and specificity of the empirical lymphocyte genome sensitivity (LGS) assay : implications for improving cancer diagnostics
The FASEB Journal. Published online before print July 25, 2014


Six seconds of exercise ‘can transform health’
BBC 26.7.2014
Original Article:
Extremely Short–Duration High-Intensity Training Substantially Improves the Physical Function and Self-Reported Health Status of Elderly Adults
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Volume 62, Issue 7, pages 1380–1381, July 2014


Walking on all fours isn’t ‘backward’ evolutionFuturity
Futurity 21.7.2014
Original Article:
Human Quadrupeds, Primate Quadrupedalism, and Uner Tan Syndrome
PLOS One. July 2014,  Volume 9,  Issue 7,  e101758


Patients tell more secrets to virtual humans
Futurity 21.7.2014
Original Article:
It’s only a computer : Virtual humans increase willingness to disclose
Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 37, August 2014, Pages 94–100


Busy emergency rooms better for sickest patients
Futurity 21.7.2014
Original Article:
Emergency Department Hospitalization Volume and Mortality in the United States
Annals of Emergency Medicine. Available online 17 July 2014


Baby’s brain ‘rehearses’ before first words
Futurity 21.7.2014
Original Article:
Infants’ brain responses to speech suggest Analysis by Synthesis
PNAS. Published online before print on July 14, 2014


Loss of sleep after divorce can spike blood pressure
Futurity 21.7.2014
Original Article:
Sleep Complaints Predict Increases in Resting Blood Pressure Following Marital Separation
Health Psychol. 2014 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of print]


Is cystic fibrosis two different diseases?
Futurity 22.7.2014
Original Article:
Mechanisms of CFTR Functional Variants That Impair Regulated Bicarbonate Permeation and Increase Risk for Pancreatitis but Not for Cystic Fibrosis
PLOS Genetics. July 2014,  Volume 10,  Issue 7,  e1004376


Future drugs could ‘entomb’ malaria parasite
Futurity 22.7.2014
Original Article:
PTEX component HSP101 mediates export of diverse malaria effectors into host erythrocytes
Nature. 511, 592–595, (31 July 2014)


Brain scans predict PTSD risk after Boston bombing
Futurity 22.7.2014
Original Article:
Amygdala Response to Negative Stimuli Predicts PTSD Symptom Onset Following a Terrorist Attack
Depression and Anxiety. Article first published online: 3 Jul 2014


Tiny fly ear ‘seesaw’ could boost hearing aids
Futurity 23.7.2014
Original Article:
Sound source localization inspired by the ears of the Ormia ochracea
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 033701 (2014)


Lack of sleep can cause false memories
Futurity 23.7.2014
Original Article:
Sleep Deprivation and False Memories
Psychological Science. Published online before print July 16, 2014


Drug combo can cure hepatitis C in patients with HIV
Futurity 23.7.2014
Original Article:
Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin for Hepatitis C in Patients With HIV Coinfection
JAMA. 2014;312(4):353-361


Older African Americans suffer from fewer falls
Futurity 23.7.2014
Original Article:
Racial/Ethnic Predictors of Falls Among Older Adults : The Health and Retirement Study
Journal of Aging and Health. Published online before print July 7, 2014


Do toddler language skills predict ADHD later?
Futurity 23.7.2014
Original Article:
The role of language ability and self-regulation in the development of inattentive–hyperactive behavior problems
Development and Psychopathology. Published online: 15 July 2014


Racial stereotypes linked to health care disparity
Futurity 24.7.2014
Original Article:
Stereotype Threat Among Black and White Women in Health Care Settings
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Volume 20(3), July 2014, p 316–323


Chronic disease overlap cuts life expectancy
Futurity 24.7.2014
Original Article:
Multiple Chronic Conditions and Life Expectancy : A Life Table Analysis
Medical Care. Volume 52(8), August 2014, p 688–694


Vaccine triggers alarm to fight dust mite allergy
Futurity 25.7.2014
Original Article:
Development of a Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) Particle Vaccine to Protect Against House Dust Mite Induced Allergy
The AAPS Journal. Published online: 1 July 2014


Cancer drug helps some women get pregnant
Futurity 25.7.2014
Original Article:
Letrozole versus Clomiphene for Infertility in the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
N Engl J Med 2014; 371:119-129





© Koonnut – 31.7.2014 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko