Do you already have ORCID – an international identifier for researchers?

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Have you changed your name or university? Are there others with the same name? Do you repeatedly fill in the same information?

orcid_128x128How is ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) useful for you?

1) You get a permanent and unique digital identification number, that can be used in different services. You can link your other researcher IDs (e.g. Scopus) to ORCID.

2) ORCID can track your publications regardless of name change or different forms of your name. ORCID can handle any type of scholarly publication from articles to video diaries, from books to blogs.

3) Managing your publications becomes much easier in the long run. Tranferring information between databases is much faster. You can give trusted organisations, e.g. universities, libraries and publishers the right to see and add information.

4) You own your own information on ORCID. ORCID is a non-profit organisation registered in the USA.

5) The usefulness of ORCID increases all the time. The University of Helsinki, HUCH and many other Finnish organisations have signed an agreement to use ORCID. Internationally there are over 2 million ORCID members,

6) Many research funders, including the WellcomeTrust in Great Britain and Vetenskapsrådet in Sweden demand an ORCID identifier in applications.

Create your own researcher identifier at If you already have an ORCID account, we recommend that you add your identifier to your TUHAT profile. Read more about the benefits of ORCID on Impactstory blog.  Information in Finnish on