On Trial: Victorian Popular Culture and Literary Manuscripts Berg until 12.11

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University of Helsinki has access to Victorian Popular Culture and Literary Manuscripts Berg until 12.11.

Victorian Popular Culture is a portal comprised of four modules, inviting users into the darkened halls, small backrooms, big tops and travelling venues that hosted everything from spectacular shows and bawdy burlesque, to the world of magic, spiritualist séances, optical entertainments and the first moving pictures.


Most of these unique manuscripts in Literary Manuscripts Berg are unavailable in any medium elsewhere. They are supplemented by some rare printed materials, including early editions annotated by the authors. Each author collection is included in its entirety, allowing users to browse and search the manuscripts as they would in the Berg Reading Room. Authors represented in this collection include The Bröntes, Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Alfred Tennyson, William Makepeace Thackeray and many others.

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