Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 32 / 2013


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 32 / 2013.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Rintasyöpä yleisempi verenpainelääkettä syövilläYLE
YLE 7.8.2013
Use of Antihypertensive Medications and Breast Cancer Risk Among Women Aged 55 to 74 Years
JAMA Internal Medicine. Published online August 5, 2013



Diabetes tuskin Alzheimerin taudin riskitekijä
YLE 7.8.2013
Glucose Intolerance, Insulin Resistance, and Pathological Features of Alzheimer Disease in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
JAMA Neurology. Published online July 29, 2013


Serkusten lapsilla enemmän epämuodostumia
YLE 7.8.2013
Risk factors for congenital anomaly in a multiethnic birth cohort : an analysis of the Born in Bradford study
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 4 July 2013


Jos stressi tuntuu terveysriskiltä, todennäköisesti se myös on
YLE 6.8.2013
Increased risk of coronary heart disease among individuals reporting adverse impact of stress on their health : the Whitehall II prospective cohort study
European Heart Journal. First published online: June 26, 2013


Lihavuusleikkaus saa suoliston polttamaan sokeria nopeammin
YLE 5.8.2013
Reprogramming of Intestinal Glucose Metabolism and Glycemic Control in Rats After Gastric Bypass
Science. 26 July 2013. Vol. 341, no. 6144, pp. 406-410
Gastric bypass makes gut burn sugar faster
Nature. News. 25 July 2013


Aamiainen saattaa pienentää miesten sydänriskejä
YLE 2.8.2013
Prospective Study of Breakfast Eating and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in a Cohort of Male US Health Professionals
Circulation. 2013; 128: 337-343


Olisiko spironolaktonista kipulääkkeeksi?HY
HY. LTDK. Viikon julkaisu 6.8.2013
The mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone enhances morphine antinociception
European Journal of Pain. Article first published online: 30 July 2013


Tutkijat löysivät uuden diabetestyypin
Itä-Suomen yo:n uutisia 6.8.2013
Autosomal Dominant Diabetes Arising from a Wolfram Syndrome 1 Mutation
Diabetes. Published online before print July 31, 2013


Akustisista mittausmenetelmistä apua lääketablettien tuotantovaiheiden seurantaan ja tablettien laadunvalvontaanItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote 7.8.2013
Jari Leskinen: Acoustic techniques for pharmaceutical process monitoring : measurements in tablet manufacturing and quality control
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2013. Luonnontieteiden ja metsätieteiden tiedekunta


Miten aivot reagoivat Vivaldiin ja Beatlesiin?
Jyväskylän yliopiston uutisia 6.8.2013
From Vivaldi to Beatles and back : Predicting lateralized brain responses to music
Neuroimage. Volume 83, December 2013, Pages 627–636


Iltakalori jää aamukaloria helpommin vyötärölleSLL
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 6.8.2013
High Caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women
Obesity. Article first published online: 2 July 2013


Osa suomalaisista kantaa skitsofrenialle altistavaa geeniä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 5.8.2013
Deletion of TOP3β, a component of FMRP-containing mRNPs, contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders
Nature Neuroscience. Published online 04 August 2013


FDA muistuttaa parasetamolin ihohaitoista
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 4.8.2013
Safety Announcement:
FDA warns of rare but serious skin reactions with the pain reliever/fever reducer acetaminophen
FDA Safety Announcement, [8-1-2013]


Vaikea hypoglykemia lisää diabetespotilaan sydänriskejä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 3.8.2013
Severe hypoglycaemia and cardiovascular disease : systematic review and meta-analysis with bias analysis
BMJ. 2013 ; 347 : f4533


Ei tatuointia luomen päälle
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 1.8.2013
Pitfalls and Recommendations in Cases of Laser Removal of Decorative Tattoos With Pigmented Lesions : Case Report and Review of the Literature
JAMA Dermatology. Published online July 31, 2013


Tieto vanhemman hoidosta tärkeää nuorelleSLL
Suomen Lääkärilehti 7.8.2013
Communication and Trust in the Care Provided to a Dying Parent : A Nationwide Study of Cancer-Bereaved Youths
Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published online before print July 15, 2013


Kardiologiset seurat suosittavat seksuaalineuvontaa
Suomen Lääkärilehti 6.8.2013
Sexual Counselling for Individuals With Cardiovascular Disease and Their Partners : A Consensus Document From the American Heart Association and the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP)
European Heart Journal. First published online: July 29, 2013


Oireettoman myelooman lääkehoito pidensi elinaikaa
Suomen Lääkärilehti 6.8.2013
Lenalidomide plus Dexamethasone for High-Risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma
N Engl J Med. 2013; 369 : 438-447


Kannattaisiko pienelle siirtää isot keuhkot?
Suomen Lääkärilehti 2.8.2013
Lung Size Mismatch and Survival After Single and Bilateral Lung Transplantation
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Volume 96, Issue 2, August 2013, Pages 457–463


Psoriaasiin liittyy myös diabetesriskiDuodecim
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 6.8.2013
Psoriasis and New-Onset Diabetes : A Danish nationwide cohort study
Diabetes Care. August 2013. vol. 36, no. 8, 2402-2407


Talouskriisi iskenyt erityisesti mielenterveyspotilaisiin
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 1.8.2013
The Mental Health Consequences of the Recession : Economic Hardship and Employment of People with Mental Health Problems in 27 European Countries
PLOS One. July 2013, Volume 8, Issue 7, e69792



Näyttö eteisvärinälääke digoksiinin vaarallisuudesta puutteellista
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 1.8.2013
Increased mortality among patients taking digoxin : analysis from the AFFIRM study
Eur Heart J. (2013),  34 (20) : 1481-1488
Lack of evidence of increased mortality among patients with atrial fibrillation taking digoxin : findings from post hoc propensity-matched analysis of the AFFIRM trial
Eur Heart J. (2013), 34 (20) : 1489-1497


Cocoa ‘might prevent memory decline’BBC
BBC 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Neurovascular coupling, cerebral white matter integrity, and response to cocoa in older people
Neurology. Published online before print August 7, 2013



Pregnancy length ‘varies naturally by up to five weeks’
BBC 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation
Human Reproduction. First published online: August 6, 2013


Childhood obesity rates decline in US for first time
BBC 6.8.2013
Progress on Childhood Obesity : Many States Show Declines
CDC Vital Signs. August 2013


Tiny adrenal tumours ’cause high blood pressure’
BBC 5.8.2013
Original Article:
Somatic mutations in ATP1A1 and CACNA1D underlie a common subtype of adrenal hypertension
Nature Genetics. Published online 04 August 2013


Ultrasound ‘may stop kidney injury’ from surgery
BBC 1.8.2013
Original Article:
Ultrasound Prevents Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Stimulating the Splenic Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Published online before print August 1, 2013


Carry on camping – can a week under canvas reset our body clocks?
BBC 1.8.2013
Original Article:
Entrainment of the Human Circadian Clock to the Natural Light-Dark Cycle
Current Biology. Available online 1 August 2013


For kids, 2 antibiotics aren’t better than 1Futurity
Futurity 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Less Is More : Combination Antibiotic Therapy for the Treatment of Gram-Negative Bacteremia in Pediatric Patients
JAMA Pediatrics. Published online August 5, 2013


Future drugs could target these intestine cells
Futurity 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Unique insights into the intestinal absorption, transit, and subsequent biodistribution of polymer-derived microspheres
PNAS. Published online before print August 6, 2013


Smokers’ kids likely to light up, too
Futurity 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Parent and Child Cigarette Use : A Longitudinal, Multigenerational Study
Pediatrics. Published online August 5, 2013


Pregnant women may smoke more if they feel detached
Futurity 5.8.2013
Original Article:
The Relationship Between Maternal–Fetal Attachment and Cigarette Smoking Over Pregnancy
Maternal and Child Health Journal. Published online: 28 July 2013


Most Americans are confused by health insurance
Futurity 4.8.2013
Original Article:
Consumers’ misunderstanding of health insurance
Journal of Health Economics. Volume 32, Issue 5, September 2013, Pages 850–862


Advanced heart x-ray cuts time in ER
Futurity 2.8.2013
Original Article:
Associations Between Routine Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography and Reduced Unnecessary Hospital Admissions, Length of Stay, Recidivism Rates, and Invasive Coronary Angiography in the Emergency Department Triage of Chest Pain
Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Volume 62, Issue 6, 6 August 2013, Pages 543–552


Drug works better if cancer can’t sleep
Futurity 2.8.2013
Original Article:
The DREAM complex mediates GIST cell quiescence and is a novel therapeutic target to enhance imatinib-induced apoptosis
Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst June 20, 2013


Quantum dots safely ‘see’ in deep tissue
Futurity 1.8.2013
Original Article:
Assessing Clinical Prospects of Silicon Quantum Dots: Studies in Mice and Monkeys
ACS Nano. Publication Date (Web): July 10, 2013




© Koonnut – 9.8.2013 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko