Runokilpailu lääketieteilijöille – Poesitävling vid campus Mejlans



“Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto”

totesi roomalainen näytelmäkirjailija Terentius aikoinaan.

Tämä ajatus sopii myös meille lääkäreille.

Runo on taidetta ja taikaa. Runo on suora tie ihmisen ytimeen. Runossa on ihminen, ilo ja toivo.

Tule siis ulos pöytälaatikosta ja osallistu Lux Humana -runokilpailuun.

Tyyli ja näkökulma ovat vapaat, aiheen toivotaan liittyvän lääketieteeseen tai lääkäriyteen ja ihmisyyteen – tai niiden opiskeluun.

Kilpailun tuomarina toimii kirjailija, runoilija, psykiatri Claes Andersson.

Kolme kirjoittajaa palkitaan, ja kaikki saavat halutessaan tekstinsä julki Lux Humanan sivuilla.

Palkintoina 1 kpl 100€:n ja 2kpl 50€:n lahjakortteja Booky-verkkokirjakauppaan.

Kilpailuaika on 16.9.-15.11.2013.

Kilpailuun osallistutaan nimimerkillä. Runot palautetaan Terkon lainaustiskillä olevaan RUNO-laatikkoon kirjekuoressa. Kuoreen laitetaan runojen lisäksi myös suljetussa kuoressa myös nimimerkin takana olevan kirjoittajan nimi, ammatti ja yhteystiedot suljetussa kuoressa.

Kilpailun tulokset julkistetaan ja palkinnot jaetaan Terkossa 27.11.2013 klo 16.00.

Medicinare / övrig personal i Mejlans!

Kolla dina byrålådor och delta i den tvåspråkiga Lux Humana –poesitävlingen.

Skriv en dikt i valfri stil, ur valfritt perspektiv.

Temat får gärna vara medicin, medicinska studier, att vara människa, att vara läkare.

Kollegan och poeten Claes Andersson har lovat agera domare.

Tre skribenter premieras med ett presentkort (100€, 50€ och 50€, nätbokhandeln Booky) och får sina alster publicerade på Lux Humanas webbsida (om de så önskar).

Lämna in ditt bidrag på Terkko, i den RUNO-märkta lådan på utlåningsdisken senast 15.11.2013. Använd signatur och skriv ditt riktiga namn, ditt yrke (t.ex. studerande) och dina kontaktuppgifter på en lapp i ett slutet kuvert inne i det större kuvertet.

Tävlingens resultat publiceras och prisutdelningen sker den 27. november 2013 kl. 16.00 på Terkko.


Mahd. tiedustelut ; ev. tilläggsuppgifter

“The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” -Sir William Osler

Open Access! Open Access – tapahtuma Viikin kampuksella 22.10.2013

Tervetuloa Viikkiin kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan tieteen tulosten avoimesta saatavuudesta ti 22.10.2013 klo 14:00-16:00. Tilaisuus on osa kansainvälistä Open Access -viikkoa.

Tapahtuma on suunnattu ensisijaisesti Helsingin yliopiston tutkijoille, mutta kaikki tieteen avoimesta saatavuudesta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita.

Tapahtuman järjestää Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto. Kahvitarjoilua varten pyydämme ennakkoilmoittautumista 18.10.2013 mennessä.


Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 40 / 2013


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 40 / 2013.


Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).


Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Rintojen pienennystä joutuu odottamaan pisimpäänYLE
YLE 30.9.2013
Erikoissairaanhoidon hoitoonpääsyn kehitys 2007–2012
THL:n Tilastoraportti. 28/2012.


Ilmansaasteet saattavat aiheuttaa myös sydämen vajaatoimintaa
YLE 1.10.2013
Global association of air pollution and heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The Lancet. Volume 382, Issue 9897, 21–27 September 2013, Pages 1039–1048


Syömishäiriöitä sairastavat saavat muita vähemmän lapsia
YLE 1.10.2013
Reproductive health outcomes in eating disorders
International Journal of Eating Disorders. Article first published online: 1 Sep 2013


Masennuksen ja Parkinsonin taudin välillä yhteys
YLE 3.10.2013
Risk of Parkinson disease after depression : A nationwide population-based study
Neurology. Published online October 2, 2013


Yksilöllinen hoito on tärkeää kakkostyypin diabeteksen hoidossa
YLE 3.10.2013
Teemu Vepsäläinen: Factors predicting mortality in type 2 diabetes : with special reference to physical exercise, blood pressure, proteinuria, inflammation and P wave duration
Department of Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland and the Department of Endocrinology, Division of Medicine, Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland. 2013


Vauva muistaa ennen syntymää kuulemiaan sanoja
YLE 3.10.2013
Learning-induced neural plasticity of speech processing before birth
PNAS. September 10, 2013, vol. 110, no. 37, 15145-15150


Uudet ravitsemussuositukset pistävät voin ja punaisen lihan pannaan
YLE 3.10.2013
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012. Part 1 : Summary, principles and use
Nordic Council of Ministers 2013


Omega-3-rasvahapot eivät estäkään muistiongelmia
YLE 4.10.2013
Omega-3 fatty acids and domain-specific cognitive aging : Secondary analyses of data from WHISCA
Neurology. Published online before print September 25, 2013


Syövän molekyylitason ominaisuuksien mukaan räätälöity kemoterapia akuutin myelooisen leukemian hoitoon: aihetta varovaiseen toiveikkuuteenHY
HY. LTDK. Viikon julkaisu. 2.10.2013
Individualized Systems Medicine (ISM) strategy to tailor treatments for patients with chemorefractory acute myeloid leukemia.
Cancer Discov. 2013 Sep 20. [Epub ahead of print]


Mikrokirurgista mestari-kisälli -opetusta
HY. LTDK. Viikon julkaisu. 6.10.2013
Four-fold benefit of wound closure under high magnification
Surg Neurol Int. 2013; 4 : 115


Suomalaisten naisvankien terveys, työkyky ja hoidon tarveTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote. 11.10.2013
Päivi Viitanen: The Health, Work Ability and Healthcare Needs of Finnish Female Prisoners
University of Tampere, School of Health Sciences. 2013


Psykiatrisessa erikoissairaanhoidossa tarvitaan suunnitelmallisempaa työnohjausta
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote. 4.10.2013
Maj-Lis Kärkkäinen: Työnohjaus psykiatrisessa erikoissairaanhoidossa : laadullinen haastattelututkimus
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, terveystieteiden tiedekunta. 2013


Korkea verenpaine altistaa aivovaltimoaneurysmien muodostumiselleItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote. 4.10.2013
Antti Lindgren: Eastern Finnish Saccular Intracranial Aneurysm Disease: Role of Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension, Temporal Pattern of Incidence
Department of Neurosurgery. Institute of Clinical Medicine. School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Eastern Finland. Kuopio. 2013


Uusia työkaluja lääkeaineiden aivokulkeutumisen parantamiseksi
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote. 4.10.2013
Lauri Peura: Strategies to enhance drug delivery to the brain : biological studies with large amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) in prodrug design
School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Eastern Finland. Kuopio. 2013


Rakenteelliset muutokset eivät aina huononna henkilöstön hyvinvointia
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote. 5.10.2013
Kristiina Kumpulainen: Henkilöstön työssä koettu hyvinvointi :  pitkittäisseuranta muuttuvassa koulutusorganisaatiossa.
Itä-Suomen Yliopisto. Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta. Kuopio. 2013


Murrosikäisten jalkapalloilijoiden biologisessa kehitysasteessa suuria eroja
Jyväskylän yo:n väitöstiedote. 4.10.2013
Tomi Vänttinen: Growth-associated variation in body size, hormonal status, physical performance characteristics and perceptual-motor skills in Finnish young soccer players : a two-year follow-up study in the U11, U13 and U15 age groups
Department of Biology of Physical Activity. University of Jyväskylä. 2013


Vieressä nukuttamista ei voi suositella
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 1.10.2013
Influence of Bedsharing Activity on Breastfeeding Duration Among US Mothers
JAMA Pediatr. Published online September 23, 2013.


Liikunnan terveyshyötyjä saatetaan aliarvioidaSLL
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 3.10.2013
Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes : metaepidemiological study
BMJ 2013;347:f5577


Hormonikorvaushoito ei sovellu kroonisten sairauksien torjuntaan
Suomen Lääkärilehti 4.10.2013
Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Health Outcomes During the Intervention and Extended Poststopping Phases of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Trials
JAMA. 2013 ; 310 (13) : 1353-1368.


Pitkää ikää – mutta missä kunnossa?
Suomen Lääkärilehti 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 2512
The State of US Health, 1990-2010 : Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors
JAMA. 2013 ; 310 (6) : 591-608


Aseiden saatavuus vaikuttaa itsemurhiin
Suomen Lääkärilehti. 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 2512 – 2513
Change in Suicide Rates in Switzerland Before and After Firearm Restriction Resulting From the 2003 “Army XXI” Reform.
Am J Psychiatry. 2013 ; 170 : 977-984.


Kun leikkauspotilaan sydän pysähtyy
Suomen Lääkärilehti. 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 2513
Cardiac Arrest Among Surgical Patients : An Analysis of Incidence, Patient Characteristics, and Outcomes in ACS-NSQIP
JAMA Surg.. 2013 ; 148 (1) : 14-21


Lääkkeet tehoavat uuden laskimotukoksen ehkäisyssä
Suomen Lääkärilehti. 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 2512 – 2513
Efficacy and safety outcomes of oral anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs in the secondary prevention of venous thromboembolism: systematic review and network meta-analysis
BMJ 2013;347:f5133


Metformiinista apua eturauhassyöpään
Suomen Lääkärilehti. 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 253
Metformin Use and All-Cause and Prostate Cancer–Specific Mortality Among Men With Diabetes
Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published online before print August 5, 2013


Sukupuolten erot sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien esiintyvyydessä, ennusteessa ja riskitekijöiden hoidossa
Suomen Lääkärilehti. 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 2530
Hanna-Riikka Lehto: Gender Differences in the Occurence, Prognosis and Risk Factor Control of Cardiovascular Disease
Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Eastern Finland. Kuopio. 2013


Perioperativ vätskebehandling av neurokirurgiska patienter
Suomen Lääkärilehti. 40/2013 vsk 68, s. 2530
Ann-Christine Lindroos: Perioperative fluid therapy in neurosurgery : effects on circulatory and haemostatic variables
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. 2013


Masennuslääkitykset yhteydessä diabetesriskiinDuodecim
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 30.9.2013
Antidepressant Medication as a Risk Factor for Type 2 Diabetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation : Systematic review
Diabetes Care. October 2013, vol. 36, no. 10, 3337-3345


Terveelliset elintavat voivat pidentää solujen elinikää
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 30.9.2013
Effect of comprehensive lifestyle changes on telomerase activity and telomere length in men with biopsy-proven low-risk prostate cancer: 5-year follow-up of a descriptive pilot study
The Lancet Oncology. Volume 14, Issue 11. October 2013, Pages 1112–1120


Liikunta olisi lääkkeiden veroinen hoito monille potilaille
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 2.10.2013
Comparative effectiveness of exercise and drug interventions on mortality outcomes : metaepidemiological study
BMJ 2013;347:f5577


Selkäkipuisen pistokset voivat toimia ilman steroideja
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 2.10.2013
Epidural Injections for Spinal Pain : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Evaluating the “Control” Injections in Randomized Controlled Trials
Anesthesiology. Volume 119(4), October 2013, p 907–931


Ilmansaasteet saattavat lisätä diabeteskuolemia
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 4.10.2013
Long-Term Fine Particulate Matter Exposure and Mortality From Diabetes in Canada
Diabetes Care. October 2013. vol. 36, no. 10, 3313-3320


Työnohjaus voi edistää hoitajien työhyvinvointia
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 30.9.2013
Aija Koivu: Clinical supervision and well-being at work : a four-year follow-up study on female hospital nurses
Department of Psychiatry, Kuopio University Hospital. School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Eastern Finland. Kuopio. 2013


Iäkkäiden suunterveyttä voi parantaa – palveluja vietävä kotiin
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 1.10.2013
Kaija Komulainen: Oral health promotion among community-dwelling older people
Kuopio Research Centre of Geriatric Care. School of Pharmacy, Social Pharmacy. Faculty of Health Sciences. University of Eastern Finland. Kuopio. 2013


Sähköisen potilastietojärjestelmän käyttöönotto helpotti henkilökunnan työtä ja paransi hoidon laatua
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 2.10.2013
Maija Valta: Sähköisen potilastietojärjestelmän sosiotekninen käyttöönotto : seitsemän vuoden seurantatutkimus odotuksista omaksumiseen
Itä-Suomen yliopisto. Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta. Kuopio. 2013


Lymfosyyttivasteen säätely in vitro ja in vivo
Uutispalvelu Duodecim. 6.10.2013
Minna Kyläniemi: Regulation of lymphocyte response in vitro and in vivo
Faculty of Biomedicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics, University of Turku. 2013


Kartläggning av dödsmekanismer hos cancerceller ger hopp om ny behandling 30.9.2013
Theres Lindgren: Optimizing experimental radioimmunotherapy: investigating the different mechanisms behind radiation induced cell deaths
Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Immunology/Immunchemistry. 2013


Immunterapi – framtidens behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom?Forskning 30.9.2013
Therese Fagerqvist: Studies of α-synuclein Oligomers-with Relevance to Lewy Body Disorders
Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences. 2013


Vanligt med diabetes bland invandrare från Turkiet 1.10.2013
Kristin Hjörleifsdóttir Steiner: Diabetes among Turkish immigrants in Sweden : a study of prevalence and risk factors
Center for Family and Community Medicine, CeFAM. Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. 2013


Metoder för att minska dödlighet vid ärftlig svimning 1.10.2013
Ulla-Britt Diamant: Long QT syndrome: studies of diagnostic methods
Umeå University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Cardiology. 2013


Bröstcancer och hjärntumör orsakas inte av virus 2.10.2013
The landscape of viral expression and host gene fusion and adaptation in human cancer
Nature Communications. 4, Article number: 2513


Sjukvårdsrådgivningens rekommendationer väger tungt för föräldrar 3.10.2013
Elenor Kaminsky: Telephone Nursing: stakeholder views and understandings from a paediatric and a gender perspective
Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences. 2013


Antibiotika kan få bakterier att utveckla resistens mot kroppens immunförsvar 4.10.2013
Role of the Vibrio cholerae Matrix Protein Bap1 in Cross-Resistance to Antimicrobial Peptides
PLOS Pathogens. October 2013,  Volume 9,  Issue 10,  e1003620


Early menopause: Baby born after ovaries ‘reawakened’BBC
BBC 30.9.2013
Original Article:
Hippo signaling disruption and Akt stimulation of ovarian follicles for infertility treatment
PNAS. Published online before print September 30, 2013


Legionella ‘common’ in compost brands
BBC 1.10.2013
Original Article:
Legionella spp. in UK composts : a potential public health issue
Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Accepted manuscript online: 3 Sep 2013


Blood pressure drug ‘fights cancer’
BBC 1.10.2013
Original Article:
Angiotensin inhibition enhances drug delivery and potentiates chemotherapy by decompressing tumour blood vessels
Nature Communications. 4, Article number: 2516


‘Urgent action’ needed on child TB
BBC 1.10.2013
Roadmap for childhood tuberculosis: towards zero deaths.
World Health Organization. 2013


Sweden ranked first for treatment of elderly in UN report
BBC 1.10.2013
Global AgeWatch Index 2013: Insight report, summary and methodology
Published by HelpAge International. 2013


Mid-life stress ‘precedes dementia’
BBC 1.10.2013
Original Article:
Common psychosocial stressors in middle-aged women related to longstanding distress and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease : a 38-year longitudinal population study
BMJ Open. 2013;3:e003142


Body clock ‘reset button’ found
BBC 3.10.2013
Original Article:
Mice Genetically Deficient in Vasopressin V1a and V1b Receptors Are Resistant to Jet Lag
Science. 4 October 2013. Vol. 342, no. 6154, pp. 85-90


Deleted genes ‘offer autism clues’
BBC 3.10.2013
Original Article:
Identification of Small Exonic CNV from Whole-Exome Sequence Data and Application to Autism Spectrum Disorder
AJHG. Volume 93, Issue 4, 3 October 2013, Pages 607–619


Walking ‘cuts breast cancer risk’
BBC 4.10.2013
Original Article:
Recreational Physical Activity and Leisure-Time Sitting in Relation to Postmenopausal Breast Cancer Risk
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 ; 22 : 1906-1912.


Genetic map helps untangle ‘complex diseases’Futurity
Futurity 30.9.2013
Original Article:
A Nondegenerate Code of Deleterious Variants in Mendelian Loci Contributes to Complex Disease Risk
Cell, Volume 155, Issue 1, 70-80, 26 September 2013


Personality can amp up tinnitus trouble
Futurity 30.9.2013
Original Article:
The prevalence of tinnitus and the relationship with neuroticism in a middle-aged UK population
Journal of Psychosomatic Research. Available online 31 August 2013


Telomere length tied to prostate cancer survival
Futurity 30.9.2013
Original Article:
Prostate Cancer Cell Telomere Length Variability and Stromal Cell Telomere Length as Prognostic Markers for Metastasis and Death
Cancer Discovery. Published OnlineFirst June 18, 2013.


Bad feelings make stronger memories
Futurity 1.10.2013
Original Article:
Negative Emotional Experiences during Navigation Enhance Parahippocampal Activity during Recall of Place Information
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Early Access, Posted Online August 28, 2013.


How high blood sugar throws off heart rhythm
Futurity 1.10.2013
Original Article:
Diabetic hyperglycaemia activates CaMKII and arrhythmias by O-linked glycosylation
Nature. Published online 29 September 2013


Meiosis ‘checkpoint’ sheds light on birth defects
Futurity 1.10.2013
Original Article:
ATR/Mec1 prevents lethal meiotic recombination initiation on partially replicated chromosomes in budding yeast
eLife 2013;2:e00844


Medicare plans underreport risky RXs for seniors
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Underreporting High-Risk Prescribing Among Medicare Advantage Plans : A Cross-sectional Analysis
Ann Intern Med. 2013;159(7):456-462.


How a cat virus could lead to an HIV vaccine
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Evolutionarily Conserved Epitopes on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Reverse Transcriptases Detected by HIV-1-Infected Subjects
J. Virol.. September 2013. vol. 87, no. 18, 10004-10015


Liquid biopsy may make cancer diagnosis easier
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Sensitive capture of circulating tumour cells by functionalized graphene oxide nanosheets
Nature Nanotechnology. 8, 735–741, (2013)


‘Early-term’ babies are still immature
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Adverse Neonatal Outcomes Associated With Early-Term Birth
JAMA Pediatr. Published online September 30, 2013


Naked mole rats live 30 years. Is this why?
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Naked mole-rat has increased translational fidelity compared with the mouse, as well as a unique 28S ribosomal RNA cleavage
PNAS. Published online before print September 30, 2013


Spit may predict how we handle stress
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Salivary Nerve Growth Factor Reactivity to Acute Psychosocial Stress : A New Frontier for Stress Research
Psychosomatic Medicine. Published online before print September 27, 2013


Teens called ‘too fat’ may suffer later
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Obesity, Labeling, and Psychological Distress in Late-Childhood and Adolescent Black and White Girls : The Distal Effects of Stigma
Social Psychology Quarterly. September 2013. vol. 76, no. 3, 268-289


‘Willpower’ is the best remedy for obesity, survey shows
Futurity 2.10.2013
Original Article:
Public Views on Food Addiction and Obesity: Implications for Policy and Treatment
PLOS One. September 2013.  Volume 8,  Issue 9,  e74836


Despite risks, more babies are co-sleeping
Futurity 3.10.2013
Original Article:
Trends and Factors Associated With Infant Bed Sharing, 1993-2010 : The National Infant Sleep Position Study
JAMA Pediatr. Published online September 30, 2013


Less sleep means more risk of drowsy driving
Futurity 3.10.2013
Original Article:
Short and long sleep duration and risk of drowsy driving and the role of subjective sleep insufficiency
Accident Analysis & Prevention. Volume 59, October 2013, Pages 618–622


Molecule makes flies do nothing but eat and sleep
Futurity 4.10.2013
Original Article:
Short Neuropeptide F Is a Sleep-Promoting Inhibitory Modulator
Neuron, Volume 80, Issue 1, 171-183, 2 October 2013


Beyond Tamiflu: Compounds could lead to new flu drugs
Futurity 4.10.2013
Original Article:
Crystallographic Fragment Screening and Structure-Based Optimization Yields a New Class of Influenza Endonuclease Inhibitors
ACS Chemical Biology. Publication Date (Web): August 26, 2013


Gum disease may have ties to Alzheimer’s
Futurity 4.10.2013
Original Article:
Determining the Presence of Periodontopathic Virulence Factors in Short-Term Postmortem Alzheimer’s Disease Brain Tissue
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 36,  (2013),  665–677


Do debit cards add junk to kids’ school lunches?
Futurity 4.10.2013
Original Article:
School lunch debit card payment systems are associated with lower Nutrition and higher calories
Obesity. Article first published online: 23 Sep 2013



© Koonnut – 12.10.2013 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko


Ebraryn e-kirjoja koekäytössä 31.10.2013 asti


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Ebraryn Academic Complete e-kirjakokoelma koekäytössä 31.10.2013 saakka.


Sisältää lähes 7000 lääketieteen alan e-kirjaa!

Johtavilta yliopisto- ja tiedekustantajilta (esim. Oxford University Press, Routledge, Cambridge University Press,Princeton University Press, MIT Press, Harvard University Press, Elsevier Ltd.; Brill Academic Publishers; Taylor & Francis Ltd; Sage Publications, Ltd. and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. etc.)


Kaikki lääketieteen alan kirjat:

Medicine (6903)


Esimerkiksi seuraavilta lääketieteen aloilta:

Anesthesiology (12)

Dentistry (39)

Dermatology (33)

Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs (23)

Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system (140)

Diseases of the digestive system. Gastroenterology (67)

Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology (38)

Diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology (42)

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (31)

Diseases of the respiratory system (45)

Geriatrics (35)

Gynecology and obstetrics (187)

Immunologic diseases. Allergy (36)

Infectious and parasitic diseases (83)

Internal medicine (2476)

Medical emergencies. Critical care. Intensive care. First aid (22)

Medicine (General) (739)

Metabolic diseases (25)

Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology Including cancer and carcinogens (256)

Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system Including speech disorders (230)

Nursing (220)

Ophthalmology (51)

Otorhinolaryngology (28)

Pathology (122)

Pediatrics (544)

Pharmacy and materia medica (135)

Public aspects of medicine (1846)

Sports medicine (22)

Surgery (215)

Therapeutics. Pharmacology (244)




Uutuuskirjoja Terkossa 08 &09 / 2013





Sosiaaliset määrittäjät WHO:n ja Suomen terveyspolitiikassa / Hannele Palosuo, Marita Sihto, Eero Lahelma, Johanna Lammi-Taskula, Sakari Karvonen.

“Terveyserot ovat osoittautuneet vaikeammaksi ongelmaksi kuin ajateltiin joitakin vuosikymmeniä sitten. Maailman terveysjärjestön, WHO:n, Social Determinants of Health -komissio (2005 2008) haki työssään uutta otetta maailman maiden välisiin ja maiden sisäisiin terveyseroihin. Komissio keskitti huomionsa erojen perimmäisiin syihin, terveyden sosiaalisiin määrittäjiin. Sen haastavin suositus on puuttua vallan, rahan ja resurssien epäoikeudenmukaiseen jakautumiseen. Tässä raportissa verrataan WHO:n komission keskeisiä ehdotuksia Suomen kansallisiin terveyspolitiikan linjauksiin. Vaikka terveyden arvosta vallitsee laaja yksimielisyys, terveyseroihin kohdistuvaan politiikkaan liittyy usein ristiriitaisia arvoja ja intressejä. Terveyserojen kaventamista haittaavia jännitteitä pohditaan viiden i:n kehikossa. Nämä käsittelevät terveyspolitiikassa edellytettyä informaatiota, taustalla vaikuttavia ideologioita, terveyspolitiikkaan liittyviä intressejä, terveyspolitiikan piiriin kuuluvia instituutioita sekä politiikan ja ohjelmien implementaatiota. Lopuksi hahmotetaan terveyden määrittäjien alueita, joihin Suomessa olisi eriarvoisuuden kasvun hillitsemiseksi keskityttävä. Raportti on tarkoitettu tutkijoille, terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille ja asiantuntijoille sekä kaikille asiasta kiinnostuneille ja soveltuu myös oppimateriaaliksi yliopistoihin ja ammattikorkeakouluihin.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Designing clinical research / Stephen B Hulley … [et al.] ; 4th ed.

“Designing Clinical Research has been extensively revised and continues to set the standard as a practical guide for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals involved in all forms of clinical, translational, and public health research. It presents advanced epidemiologic concepts in a reader-friendly way, and suggests common sense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding, and implementing.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Developmental biology / Scott F. Gilbert ; 10th ed.

“This book captivates student interest, opening minds to the wonder of developmental biology, whilst covering required material with scientific rigour. The tenth edition reflects the exciting new age of genomics, genetic regulatory networks and digital visualization techniques while keeping focus on the major questions of animal development.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Medical microbiology and infection at a glance / Stephen H. Gillespie, Kathleen B. Bamford ; 4th ed.

“This concise and popular introduction to medical microbiology and infection encapsulates the fundamental facts and principles of this rapidly growing and changing subject area. Written by experienced clinicians and teachers, it covers the basic concepts of medical microbiology, and the main human pathogens and infectious syndromes, in an accessible and lucid format.

Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is an invaluable revision aid for medical and allied health students and junior doctors, and is ideal for anyone seeking a comprehensive and concise guide to this subject area.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Efficient reduction of indoor exposures : health benefits from optimizing ventilation, filtration and indoor source controls / editors Otto Hänninen, Arja Asikainen.

“Indoor exposures to air pollutants are associated with a significant burden of disease. In EU-27 the burden is estimated to be over 2 million healthy life years annually. This report investigates how this burden can be mitigated and in particular presents health based estimates for ventilation, including discussion of necessary control strategies for indoor sources and filtration needs for polluted outdoor air. The report allows for construction engineers, health professionals and legislators to weight the benefits of various strategies for optimal control of the health risks. Energy efficiency impacts are also shortly covered.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Nanosafety in Europe 2015-2025 : towards safe and sustainable nanomaterials and nanotechnology innovations / Kai Savolainen … [et al.].

“The Finnish Insitute of Occupational Health, together with the members of the European Nanosafety Cluster, that is, over a hundred European nanosafety research experts, have produced a research strategy for the European Commission. The strategy outlines the focal points of nanomaterial safety research for the Commission’s 8th framework programme (Horizon 2020).”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




World health report, 2013 : research for universal health coverage.

“Universal health coverage ensures everyone has access to the health services they need without suffering financial hardship as a result. In December 2012, a UN resolution was passed encouraging governments to move towards providing universal access to affordable and quality health care services. As countries move towards it, common challenges are emerging — challenges to which research can help provide answers.

The World health report: research for universal health coverage focuses on the importance of research in advancing progress towards universal health coverage. In addition, it identifies the benefits of increased investment in health research by low- and middle-income countries using case studies from around the world, and proposes ways to further strengthen this type of research.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




World malaria report 2012.

“The World Malaria Report 2012 summarizes information received from 104 malaria-endemic countries and other sources, and updates the analyses presented in the 2011 report. It highlights the progress made towards the global malaria targets set for 2015, and describes current challenges for global malaria control and elimination.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Lipid-mediated protein signaling / Daniel G.S. Capelluto, editor.

“Lipids are no longer seen as molecules that only provide membrane structure and organization. Due to their amphipathic nature, lipids are localized both on the surface and internally in membranes in the cell, and at these locations, trigger signaling pathways by interacting with soluble proteins, typically through lipid-interacting domains and motifs. More importantly, interconversion of lipid species in these compartments is fundamental, not only by sustaining signaling but also by contributing to signaling pathways that link protein receptors with intracellular effectors. With contributions from eleven leading research teams, this book updates the most recent findings associated with lipid-mediated cell signaling in mammals and plants. Contributors give comprehensive overviews of the physiological role of sphingolipids and phospholipids and how they undergo synthesis and turnover. Emphasis on the structural aspects of protein-lipid interactions is compiled in several chapters with great detail, whereas fully described mechanisms of lipid-mediated membrane targeting and insertion are considered in others. Authors also discuss models and techniques used to characterize lipid-mediated membrane binding of proteins. In addition, several chapters highlight the correlation of abnormal intracellular levels of lipids with human diseases, thus, making this book a valuable resource for biochemists, biophysicists, cell biologists, and clinical scientists with interest in lipid-mediated signaling pathways.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Occupational therapy in epidermolysis bullosa : a holistic concept for intervention from infancy to adult / Hedwig Weiss, Florian Prinz.

“Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is the collective term for a heterogenous group of genetic skin disorders characterised by the formation of blisters and erosions on skin and mucous membranes.
This book deals with early childhood motor and perceptual development, a particular challenge for children with extremely fragile skin. Going into functional treatment, it addresses rehabilitation of hands and feet in EB patients with fusions or contractures.
The authors are occupational therapists with long-term experience in the management of EB patients. In an extraordinary holistic approach, they present a combination of paediatric and functional areas of treatment.
Occupational therapy tools and interventions can help alleviate a number of accompanying complications and symptoms of EB, enhance self-care, and improve quality of life in general.
Due to its practical approach, this book not only serves as a unique guide for doctors and health care professionals but is also comprehensible and useful for patients.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Intrinsic immunity / Bryan Cullen R, ed.

“Recent research has focused attention on the importance of intrinsic antiviral immunity, i.e. immunity mediated by factors that are constitutively expressed in many cells. In this volume, leading experts provide a comprehensive overview of this relatively new and rapidly evolving field. They cover intrinsic proteinaceous antiviral immune effectors, such as the APOBEC3 and TRIM protein families as well as Tetherin and SAMHD1, which were initially discovered by researchers studying HIV-1. Furthermore, the role of RNA interference in antiviral defense in plants and invertebrates, as well as the interplay between microRNAs and viruses in mammalian cells, are analysed. One chapter discusses how intrinsic immunity and viral countermeasures to intrinsic immune effectors drive both pathogen and host evolution, and finally the emerging evidence that DNA damage response proteins restrict infection by DNA viruses is highlighted.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Updates in geriatric nephrology / editors, Edgar V. Lerma, Mitchell H. Rosner.

“This issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine features expert clinical reviews on Renal Disease in Older Adults which includes current information on topics such as Anatomic/ Physiological Changes with Aging, Acute Kidney Injury in Older Adults, Electrolyte Problems in Older Adults, Glomerular Disease in Older Adults, Hypertension in Older Adults, Chronic Kidney Disease in Older Adults, End-stage Renal Disease in Older Adults, Decision Making in the Older Adult Patient with Advanced Kidney Disease, Obstructive Uropathy in Older Adults, Drug Dosing, Transplantation in Older Adults, and Slowing the Aging Process.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




MRI in sports medicine / editor Timothy G. Sanders ; consulting editor Mark D. Miller.

“This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will provide an in-depth overview of the most common areas for MRI scans, including shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. There will be two additional chapters, which will discuss how tumors and arthritis can be the underlying causes of an athlete’s pain, and how to look for those in scans.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Vascular surgery and endovascular therapy / editor, Girma Tefera ; consulting editor Ronald F. Martin.

“An important review on vascular surgery for the general surgeon! Topics include work up, optimal medical management, non-atherosclerotic arterial diseases, claudication, critical limb ischemia, aneurismal diseases, mesenteric ischemia, vascular trauma, venous diseases, thromboembolic diseases, dialysis access, carotid artery occlusive disease, and more!”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Cardiac anesthesia / editor Colleen G. Koch.

“This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics covers the latest updates in cardiovascular anesthesia written by the world-leading experts on the topic. Procedurally-focused articles cover best practices in fluid and blood management, mechanical circulation support, anesthesia for robotic surgery, adult congenital heart surgery, transplantation and more. Achieve the best outcomes and keep current on this area of anesthesia practice.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




HIV and respiratory disease / editors Kristina Crothers, Laurence Huang, Alison Morris.

“This issue of Clinics in Chest Medicine is Guest Edited by Kristina Crothers, MD from the University of Washington and will focus on HIV and Respiratory Disease. Article topics include Abnormalities in Host Defense, Antiretroviral Therapy and Lung Immunology, HIV associated Pneumonia, HIV associated Tuberculosis, HIV associated lung malignancies, and HIV associated COPD.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Outpatient plastic surgery / editors Geoffrey R. keyes, Robert Singer.

“With approximately 13.8 million minimally-invasive cosmetic surgeries performed in the United States, and approximately 12.2 million minimally invasive cosmetic treatments performed in 2011, most of these are undertaken in surgeons’ group practice or surgery center locations. The most common as well as the most dreaded complications are presented along with articles presenting “best practice” for cosmetic surgery centers. Each topic presents Anesthesia, Infection control, Complication avoidance and management, along with technique video. Some of the topics include: Patient Selection in Outpatient Surgery; Airway Management in the Outpatient Setting; Deep Venous Thrombosis – Prevention and Management; Intravenous Sedation from the Surgeon’s Perspective; Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting; among other relevant issues to the surgeon. Guest Editors are Geoffrey Keyes and Robert Singer, both involved with the Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery and fervent about certified surgeons running ambulatory facilities for best outcomes and avoidance of mortalities and severe morbidities.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Aging and endocrinology / editor Anne R. Cappola ; consulting editor Derek Leroith.

“This issue of Endocrinology Clinics brings the reader up to date on the important advances in research surrounding the role of aging on the endocrine system. Guest edited by Anne Cappola, the topics covered include reproductive aging in women, thyroid disorders, testosterone administration, osteoporosis in older adults, hormonal therapeutics and more.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Disorders of the platelets / editor A. Koneti Rao ; consulting editors George P. Canellos, H. Franklin Bunn.

“This issue of Hematology/Oncology Clinics is guest edited by Dr. A. Koneti Rao and focuses on Disorder of the Platelets. Article titles include: Mechanisms of Platelet Activation and Inhibition, Testing Platelet Function,Clinical Implications of Platelet Genomics and Proteomics, Congenital Thrombocytopenias, Immune Thrombocytopenias, Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia, and Functional defects: Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) and beyond.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Infectious disease threats / editor Douglas S. Paauw.

“This issue of Medical Clinics covers the current best practices on how to manage infectious disease threats. Guest edited by Douglas Paauw, the topics covered will include herpes, pertussis, multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, pneumococcal infections, MRSA and more.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




HPV, colposcopy, and prevention of squamous anogenital tract malignancy / editors Alan G. Waxman, Maria Lina Diaz ; consulting editor William F. Rayburn.

“Cervical Cancer screening, which includes the PAP test and HPV testing is an essential part of a woman’s routine healthcare. This issue of the Ob/Gyn Clinics covers colposcopy and screening for women at all stages of life, along with the HPV vaccine, treatment options, and what is on the horizon regarding ever-changing screening methods.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Psychiatric manifestations of neurotoxins / editors: Daniel E. Rusyniak, Michael R. Dobbs.

“Personality disorders, depression, mania, psychosis, behavioral problems, anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder, dementia, hyperactivity, insomnia, panic disorder, suicide, sleep disorder, all the purview of psychiatrity, can be the result of neurotoxicity from chemicals capable of damaging the brain or nervous system. The ambiguity of such outcomes is acknowledged, at the same time emphasizing the value in considering the effects of chemicals on the brain. In this issue of Psychiatric Clinics, some of the topics related to neurotoxicity outcomes are: Review of Cognitive Assessment in Neurotoxicology; Neurologic Manifestations of Chronic Methamphetamine Abuse; Emerging Toxic Neuropathies and Myopathies; Neurotoxic Emergencies; Antidepressant Overdose-induced Seizures; and Neurotoxic Pesticides and Neurologic Effects.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




The use of imaging in inflammatory joint and vascular disorders / editor Stephen A. Paget ; consulting editor Michael H. Weisman.

“This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics teaches you the latest best practices for using musculoskeletal ultrasound to diagnose and monitor the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, and other rheumatic and soft tissue disorders.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Transcriptional and translational regulation of stem cells / edited by Gary Hime, Helen Abud.

“Stem cells are central to the development and homeostasis of metazoan tissues and play roles at multiple times within a diversity of organs during the lifetime of an animal. A key goal of regenerative medicine is the in vivo repair of organs damaged by disease or injury.℗ In order to facilitate this goal we need to understand how stem cells are generated, what factors maintain them in their respective tissues and how their differentiation is regulated. In this volume, leading researchers discuss the nature of stem cells and pluripotency and how this state can be experimentally induced.℗ Stem cell maintenance, proliferation and differentiation is under tight regulation as excess stem cell proliferation could facilitate tumour formation and conversely loss of stem cells or failure of℗ differentiation could disrupt tissue homeostasis or℗ repair. Hence, stem cells are regulated by multiple layers of molecular control and this volume discusses transcriptional, translational, epigenetic, cell signalling and microRNA modalities that affect stem cell behaviour. Many of the underlying key principles of stem cell biology were discovered by genetic analysis of invertebrate systems and chapters in this volume describe regulation of the germline in C. elegans and in the digestive system, central nervous system and germline of Drosophila. The molecular processes that regulate regenerative organ systems from all three of the vertebrate germ layers are described with emphasis on the male germline, nervous system, epidermis, intestine, haematopoietic system and derivatives of the mesoderm. Several chapters also focus on molecular families that have been implicated in controlling a range of stem cell types including the JAK-STAT, Wnt and℗ Notch signalling pathways; Myc, Myb and nuclear receptor transcriptional regulators; the Musashi family of RNA-binding proteins; microRNAs and epigenetic regulators. This volume will provide access to the current state of research in these rapidly evolving areas of stem cell biology to the student, educator or researcher.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Basic aspects of hearing : physiology and perception / edited by Brian C. J. Moore, Roy D. Patterson, Ian M. Winter, Robert P. Carlyon, Hedwig E Gockel.

“The International Symposium on Hearing is a highly-prestigious, triennial event where world-class scientists present and discuss the most recent advances in the field of hearing research in animals and humans. Presented papers range from basic to applied research, and are of interest neuroscientists, otolaryngologists, psychologists, and artificial intelligence researchers. Basic Aspects of Hearing: Physiology and Perception includes the best papers from the 2012 International Symposium on Hearing. Over 50 chapters focus on the relationship between auditory physiology, psychoacoustics, and computational modeling.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa




Att färdas hoppfullt : läkare i fyra världsdelar / Erik Hagman.

“När Erik Hagman blev pensionerad våren 2002 efter drygt trettio år som läkare, lämnade han arbetslivet utan saknad. Men redan på hösten märkte han att tillvaron hemma i Ekenäs blev alltför trist. Han tackade snart ja till korta men lockande jobb utomlands som medicinsk gästarbetare. Det blev tio minnesrika år för den pensionerade doktorn bland patienter av olika kulörer och samhällsklasser i fyra världsdelar, från Europas utpost Grönland i norr till Australien i söder.”

Saatavuus Helka-tietokannassa









Tilastot käyttöön ja tutuiksi!

Maailma tuottaa tilastot, tilastot muokkaavat maailmaa, mutta tilastot eivät
ole koko maailma. Taitava tilastojen lukija ymmärtää tämän. Osaatko sinä lukea

Tilastokeskuksen tietopalvelujohtaja Heli Mikkelä ja tilastokonkarit Jussi
Simpura ja Jussi Melkas kertovat kansantajuisesti tilastoinnin merkityksestä,
tilastojen käytöstä ja niiden ymmärtämisestä.

Aika: Tiistai 17.9.2013 klo 14.00-15.00
Paikka: Helsingin yliopiston pääkirjasto, Kaisa-talo, 7.krs., seminaarihuone 7062.
14.00 Tilastojen yhteiskunta on täällä: VTT Jussi Simpura esittelee teosta
Tilastot käyttöön! (Gaudeamus 2013).
14:20 Oletko valmis?: YTL Jussi Melkas kertoo tilastojen lukutaidosta.
14:40 Mistä niitä tilastoja oikein tulee?: tietopalvelujohtaja Heli Mikkelä
Tilastokeskuksesta auttaa löytämään tilastoja.

Tilaisuuteen on vapaa pääsy!

Ilmoittaudu syksyn kursseille!

Ilmoittautuminen syksyn kursseille on alkanut. Varaa paikkasi pian!

Terkon kurssitarjontaa syksyllä 2013:

Lisätietoja: Tiina Heino
tiina.m.heino [ät]



Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 33 / 2013


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 33 / 2013.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Työttömyyden pelko voi lisätä sydäntaudin riskiäYLE
YLE 14.8.2013
Perceived job insecurity as a risk factor for incident coronary heart disease : systematic review and meta-analysis
BMJ 2013;347:f4746


Varhaisella dementialla ainakin kahdeksan ehkäistävää riskitekijää
YLE 14.8.2013
Risk Factors in Late Adolescence for Young-Onset Dementia in Men : A Nationwide Cohort Study
JAMA Internal Medicine. Published online August 12, 2013


ADHD on riskitekijä liikenteessä
YLE 13.8.2013
Impact of Distraction on the Driving Performance of Adolescents With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
JAMA Pediatrics. Published online August 12, 2013


Skitsofrenian ja nikotiiniriippuvuuden taustalla samantyyppinen mekanismi
YLE 13.8.2013
Genome-wide association study on detailed profiles of smoking behavior and nicotine dependence in a twin sample
Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication 11 June 2013


Vain osa hyötyy D-vitamiinilisien syömisestä
YLE 13.8.2013
Primary Vitamin D Target Genes Allow a Categorization of Possible Benefits of Vitamin D3 Supplementation
PLOS One. July 2013, Volume 8, Issue 7, e71042


Lapsuuden infektiotaudit saattavat vaikuttaa pituuskasvuun
YLE 12.8.2013
Childhood Infections and Adult Height in Monozygotic Twin Pairs
Am. J. Epidemiol. (2013), 178 (4) : 551-558.


Läpimurto malariarokotteen kehittelyssä ehkä lähellä
YLE 9.8.2013
Unconventional Vaccine Shows Promise Against Malaria
Science.  9 August 2013 : Vol. 341, no. 6146, p. 605


Tutkijat selvittivät: Miksi uneton sortuu roskaruokaan?
YLE 10.8.2013
The impact of sleep deprivation on food desire in the human brain
Nature Communications 4, Article number: 2259. Published 06 August 2013


Eosinofiilisten valkosolujen toiminnan ja ohjelmoidun solukuoleman säätelyTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n väitöstiedote 16.8.2013
Pinja Ilmarinen: Eosinophil as a target for pathophysiological factors and pharmacological compounds
Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis : 1319. Tampereen yliopisto. Lääketieteen yksikkö. Farmakologia. 2013


Hypnoosin avulla voi tuottaa todellisia hallusinaatioitaTurunYOok
Turun yo:n uutisia 13.8.2013
A Preconscious Neural Mechanism of Hypnotically Altered Colors : A Double Case Study
PLOS One. August 2013, Volume 8, Issue 8, e70900


Lapsen vatsakipu voi kertoa ahdistuksesta
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 14.8.2013
Functional Abdominal Pain in Childhood and Long-term Vulnerability to Anxiety Disorders
Pediatrics. Published online August 12, 2013


Raskausdiabeteksen hoidosta annettiin uusi suositusSLL
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 9.8.2013
Käypä hoito 26.6.2013


Psoriasis yhteydessä moniin muihin sairauksiin
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 8.8.2013
Psoriasis Severity and the Prevalence of Major Medical Comorbidity : A Population-Based Study
JAMA Dermatology. Published online August 7, 2013


Aspiriini yhteydessä kasvaimen kokoon
Suomen Lääkärilehti 13.8.2013
Low-dose aspirin use and cancer characteristics : a population-based cohort study
British Journal of Cancer advance online publication 25 July 2013


Hormonikorvaushoito ei vaikuttanut kognitioonSLL
Suomen Lääkärilehti 13.8.2013
Long-Term Effects on Cognitive Function of Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Prescribed to Women Aged 50 to 55 Years
JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(15):1429-1436


Probiooteista ei apua antibioottiripuliin
Suomen Lääkärilehti 12.8.2013
Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and Clostridium difficile diarrhoea in older inpatients (PLACIDE) : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 8 August 2013


Reuma suurentaa veritulppariskiä
Suomen Lääkärilehti 9.8.2013
Rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism : a nationwide cohort study
Ann Rheum Dis. Published Online First 7 August 2013


Hiv-testi kaikille intialaisille – unohtuuko etiikka?
Suomen Lääkärilehti 9.8.2013
Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanded Voluntary HIV Testing in India
PLOS One. May 2013, Volume 8, Issue 5, e64604


Omistajan haukotus tarttuu koiraanDuodecim
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 9.8.2013
Familiarity Bias and Physiological Responses in Contagious Yawning by Dogs Support Link to Empathy
PLOS One. August 2013, Volume 8, Issue 8, e71365


Raskaus harvoin yhdeksän kuukautta – viiden viikon vaihtelu luonnollista
Uutsipalvelu Duodecim 8.8.2013
Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation
Human Reproduction. First published online: August 6, 2013



Gen som orsakar barnfetma hittadForskning 14.8.2013
Loss of Function of the Melanocortin 2 Receptor Accessory Protein 2 Is Associated with Mammalian Obesity
Science. 19 July 2013 : Vol. 341, no. 6143, pp. 275-278


Kejsarsnitt ger mager tarmflora och risk för allergi 8.8.2013
Decreased gut microbiota diversity, delayed Bacteroidetes colonisation and reduced Th1 responses in infants delivered by Caesarean section
Gut. Published Online First 7 August 2013


Milestone study probes cancer originBBC
BBC 14.8.2013
Original Article:
Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer
Nature. Published online 14 August 2013


Mouth bacteria may trigger bowel cancer
BBC 14.8.2013
Original Articles:
Fusobacterium nucleatum Potentiates Intestinal Tumorigenesis and Modulates the Tumor-Immune Microenvironment
Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 14, Issue 2, 207-215, 14 August 2013
Fusobacterium nucleatum Promotes Colorectal Carcinogenesis by Modulating E-Cadherin/β-Catenin Signaling via its FadA Adhesin
Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 14, Issue 2, 195-206, 14 August 2013


Dyslexia ‘seen in brain scans’ of pre-school children
BBC 13.8.2013
Original Article:
Tracking the Roots of Reading Ability : White Matter Volume and Integrity Correlate with Phonological Awareness in Prereading and Early-Reading Kindergarten Children
The Journal of Neuroscience, 14 August 2013, 33(33): 13251-13258


Children of obese mothers ‘have higher heart risk’
BBC 13.8.2013
Original Article:
Maternal obesity during pregnancy and premature mortality from cardiovascular event in adult offspring : follow-up of 1 323 275 person years
BMJ 2013;347:f4539


Induced labour ‘linked to autism’
BBC 13.8.2013
Original Article:
Association of Autism With Induced or Augmented Childbirth in North Carolina Birth Record (1990-1998) and Education Research (1997-2007) Databases
JAMA Pediatrics. Published online August 12, 2013


Test of famous faces ‘helps to spot early dementia’
BBC 13.8.2013
Original Article:
Naming vs knowing faces in primary progressive aphasia : A tale of 2 hemispheres
Neurology. August 13, 2013, vol. 81, no. 7, 658-664


Eating oily fish ‘halves rheumatoid arthritis risk’
BBC 13.8.2013
Original Article:
Long-term intake of dietary long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of rheumatoid arthritis : a prospective cohort study of women
Ann Rheum Dis. Published Online First 12 August 2013


Near-death experiences are ‘electrical surge in dying brain’
BBC 13.8.2013
Original Article:
Surge of neurophysiological coherence and connectivity in the dying brain
PNAS. Published online before print August 12, 2013


Breast cancer drugs ‘could treat lung cancer’
BBC 12.8.2013
Original Article:
A high-throughput screen identifies PARP1/2 inhibitors as a potential therapy for ERCC1-deficient non-small cell lung cancer
Oncogene. Advance online publication 12 August 2013


Mers coronavirus: Dromedary camels could be source
BBC 9.8.2013
Original Article:
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus neutralising serum antibodies in dromedary camels: a comparative serological study
The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Available online 9 August 2013


Autism ‘affects male and female brains differently’
BBC 9.8.2013
Original Article:
Biological sex affects the neurobiology of autism
Brain. First published online: August 8, 2013


Chronic stress during pregnancy tied to early laborFuturity
Futurity 14.8.2013
Original Article:
Immune dysregulation and glucocorticoid resistance in minority and low income pregnant women
Psychoneuroendocrinology. Available online 26 March 2013


Mutations linked to severe epilepsy in kids
Futurity 13.8.2013
Original Article:
De novo mutations in epileptic encephalopathies
Nature. Published online 11 August 2013


Could E. coli protein lead to new antibiotics?
Futurity 12.8.2013
Original Article:
A Moonlighting Enzyme Links Escherichia coli Cell Size with Central Metabolism
PLOS Genetics. July 2013, Volume 9, Issue 7, e1003663


Worry about memory predicts Alzheimer’s risk
Futurity 12.8.2013
Original Article:
The source of cognitive complaints predicts diagnostic conversion differentially among nondemented older adults
Alzheimer’s & Dementia. Available online 16 July 2013


Unsafe stoves raise heart risk for rural women
Futurity 12.8.2013
Original Article:
Chronic exposure to biomass fuel is associated with increased carotid artery intima-media thickness and a higher prevalence of atherosclerotic plaque
Heart. 2013 ; 99 : 984-991


Medicine gets personal to stop brain tumor ‘drivers’
Futurity 12.8.2013
Original Article:
The integrated landscape of driver genomic alterations in glioblastoma
Nature Genetics. Published online 05 August 2013


Why bacteria ditch nose to go cause trouble
Futurity 9.8.2013
Original Article:
Interkingdom Signaling Induces Streptococcus pneumoniae Biofilm Dispersion and Transition from Asymptomatic Colonization to Disease
mBio. vol. 4, no. 4, e00438-13


‘Birthwort’ folk remedy tied to cancer
Futurity 9.8.2013
Original Article:
Mutational Signature of Aristolochic Acid Exposure as Revealed by Whole-Exome Sequencing
Sci Transl Med. 7 August 2013 : Vol. 5, Issue 197, p. 197ra102


Breast cancer drug works for high-risk women
Futurity 8.8.2013
Original Article:
Tamoxifen and Risk of Contralateral Breast Cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers
Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published online before print August 5, 2013


Frozen sperm works as well as fresh
Futurity 8.8.2013
Original Article:
Sperm Recovery and IVF after Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE) : Effect of Male Diagnosis and Use of Off-Site Surgical Centers on Sperm Recovery and IVF
PLOS One. July 2013, Volume 8, Issue 7, e69838



© Koonnut – 19.8.2013 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko



Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 32 / 2013


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 32 / 2013.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!



Rintasyöpä yleisempi verenpainelääkettä syövilläYLE
YLE 7.8.2013
Use of Antihypertensive Medications and Breast Cancer Risk Among Women Aged 55 to 74 Years
JAMA Internal Medicine. Published online August 5, 2013



Diabetes tuskin Alzheimerin taudin riskitekijä
YLE 7.8.2013
Glucose Intolerance, Insulin Resistance, and Pathological Features of Alzheimer Disease in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
JAMA Neurology. Published online July 29, 2013


Serkusten lapsilla enemmän epämuodostumia
YLE 7.8.2013
Risk factors for congenital anomaly in a multiethnic birth cohort : an analysis of the Born in Bradford study
The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 4 July 2013


Jos stressi tuntuu terveysriskiltä, todennäköisesti se myös on
YLE 6.8.2013
Increased risk of coronary heart disease among individuals reporting adverse impact of stress on their health : the Whitehall II prospective cohort study
European Heart Journal. First published online: June 26, 2013


Lihavuusleikkaus saa suoliston polttamaan sokeria nopeammin
YLE 5.8.2013
Reprogramming of Intestinal Glucose Metabolism and Glycemic Control in Rats After Gastric Bypass
Science. 26 July 2013. Vol. 341, no. 6144, pp. 406-410
Gastric bypass makes gut burn sugar faster
Nature. News. 25 July 2013


Aamiainen saattaa pienentää miesten sydänriskejä
YLE 2.8.2013
Prospective Study of Breakfast Eating and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in a Cohort of Male US Health Professionals
Circulation. 2013; 128: 337-343


Olisiko spironolaktonista kipulääkkeeksi?HY
HY. LTDK. Viikon julkaisu 6.8.2013
The mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone enhances morphine antinociception
European Journal of Pain. Article first published online: 30 July 2013


Tutkijat löysivät uuden diabetestyypin
Itä-Suomen yo:n uutisia 6.8.2013
Autosomal Dominant Diabetes Arising from a Wolfram Syndrome 1 Mutation
Diabetes. Published online before print July 31, 2013


Akustisista mittausmenetelmistä apua lääketablettien tuotantovaiheiden seurantaan ja tablettien laadunvalvontaanItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote 7.8.2013
Jari Leskinen: Acoustic techniques for pharmaceutical process monitoring : measurements in tablet manufacturing and quality control
Itä-Suomen yliopisto, 2013. Luonnontieteiden ja metsätieteiden tiedekunta


Miten aivot reagoivat Vivaldiin ja Beatlesiin?
Jyväskylän yliopiston uutisia 6.8.2013
From Vivaldi to Beatles and back : Predicting lateralized brain responses to music
Neuroimage. Volume 83, December 2013, Pages 627–636


Iltakalori jää aamukaloria helpommin vyötärölleSLL
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 6.8.2013
High Caloric intake at breakfast vs. dinner differentially influences weight loss of overweight and obese women
Obesity. Article first published online: 2 July 2013


Osa suomalaisista kantaa skitsofrenialle altistavaa geeniä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 5.8.2013
Deletion of TOP3β, a component of FMRP-containing mRNPs, contributes to neurodevelopmental disorders
Nature Neuroscience. Published online 04 August 2013


FDA muistuttaa parasetamolin ihohaitoista
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 4.8.2013
Safety Announcement:
FDA warns of rare but serious skin reactions with the pain reliever/fever reducer acetaminophen
FDA Safety Announcement, [8-1-2013]


Vaikea hypoglykemia lisää diabetespotilaan sydänriskejä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 3.8.2013
Severe hypoglycaemia and cardiovascular disease : systematic review and meta-analysis with bias analysis
BMJ. 2013 ; 347 : f4533


Ei tatuointia luomen päälle
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 1.8.2013
Pitfalls and Recommendations in Cases of Laser Removal of Decorative Tattoos With Pigmented Lesions : Case Report and Review of the Literature
JAMA Dermatology. Published online July 31, 2013


Tieto vanhemman hoidosta tärkeää nuorelleSLL
Suomen Lääkärilehti 7.8.2013
Communication and Trust in the Care Provided to a Dying Parent : A Nationwide Study of Cancer-Bereaved Youths
Journal of Clinical Oncology. Published online before print July 15, 2013


Kardiologiset seurat suosittavat seksuaalineuvontaa
Suomen Lääkärilehti 6.8.2013
Sexual Counselling for Individuals With Cardiovascular Disease and Their Partners : A Consensus Document From the American Heart Association and the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP)
European Heart Journal. First published online: July 29, 2013


Oireettoman myelooman lääkehoito pidensi elinaikaa
Suomen Lääkärilehti 6.8.2013
Lenalidomide plus Dexamethasone for High-Risk Smoldering Multiple Myeloma
N Engl J Med. 2013; 369 : 438-447


Kannattaisiko pienelle siirtää isot keuhkot?
Suomen Lääkärilehti 2.8.2013
Lung Size Mismatch and Survival After Single and Bilateral Lung Transplantation
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Volume 96, Issue 2, August 2013, Pages 457–463


Psoriaasiin liittyy myös diabetesriskiDuodecim
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 6.8.2013
Psoriasis and New-Onset Diabetes : A Danish nationwide cohort study
Diabetes Care. August 2013. vol. 36, no. 8, 2402-2407


Talouskriisi iskenyt erityisesti mielenterveyspotilaisiin
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 1.8.2013
The Mental Health Consequences of the Recession : Economic Hardship and Employment of People with Mental Health Problems in 27 European Countries
PLOS One. July 2013, Volume 8, Issue 7, e69792



Näyttö eteisvärinälääke digoksiinin vaarallisuudesta puutteellista
Uutispalvelu Duodecim 1.8.2013
Increased mortality among patients taking digoxin : analysis from the AFFIRM study
Eur Heart J. (2013),  34 (20) : 1481-1488
Lack of evidence of increased mortality among patients with atrial fibrillation taking digoxin : findings from post hoc propensity-matched analysis of the AFFIRM trial
Eur Heart J. (2013), 34 (20) : 1489-1497


Cocoa ‘might prevent memory decline’BBC
BBC 7.8.2013
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Neurovascular coupling, cerebral white matter integrity, and response to cocoa in older people
Neurology. Published online before print August 7, 2013



Pregnancy length ‘varies naturally by up to five weeks’
BBC 7.8.2013
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Length of human pregnancy and contributors to its natural variation
Human Reproduction. First published online: August 6, 2013


Childhood obesity rates decline in US for first time
BBC 6.8.2013
Progress on Childhood Obesity : Many States Show Declines
CDC Vital Signs. August 2013


Tiny adrenal tumours ’cause high blood pressure’
BBC 5.8.2013
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Somatic mutations in ATP1A1 and CACNA1D underlie a common subtype of adrenal hypertension
Nature Genetics. Published online 04 August 2013


Ultrasound ‘may stop kidney injury’ from surgery
BBC 1.8.2013
Original Article:
Ultrasound Prevents Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury by Stimulating the Splenic Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Published online before print August 1, 2013


Carry on camping – can a week under canvas reset our body clocks?
BBC 1.8.2013
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Entrainment of the Human Circadian Clock to the Natural Light-Dark Cycle
Current Biology. Available online 1 August 2013


For kids, 2 antibiotics aren’t better than 1Futurity
Futurity 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Less Is More : Combination Antibiotic Therapy for the Treatment of Gram-Negative Bacteremia in Pediatric Patients
JAMA Pediatrics. Published online August 5, 2013


Future drugs could target these intestine cells
Futurity 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Unique insights into the intestinal absorption, transit, and subsequent biodistribution of polymer-derived microspheres
PNAS. Published online before print August 6, 2013


Smokers’ kids likely to light up, too
Futurity 7.8.2013
Original Article:
Parent and Child Cigarette Use : A Longitudinal, Multigenerational Study
Pediatrics. Published online August 5, 2013


Pregnant women may smoke more if they feel detached
Futurity 5.8.2013
Original Article:
The Relationship Between Maternal–Fetal Attachment and Cigarette Smoking Over Pregnancy
Maternal and Child Health Journal. Published online: 28 July 2013


Most Americans are confused by health insurance
Futurity 4.8.2013
Original Article:
Consumers’ misunderstanding of health insurance
Journal of Health Economics. Volume 32, Issue 5, September 2013, Pages 850–862


Advanced heart x-ray cuts time in ER
Futurity 2.8.2013
Original Article:
Associations Between Routine Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography and Reduced Unnecessary Hospital Admissions, Length of Stay, Recidivism Rates, and Invasive Coronary Angiography in the Emergency Department Triage of Chest Pain
Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Volume 62, Issue 6, 6 August 2013, Pages 543–552


Drug works better if cancer can’t sleep
Futurity 2.8.2013
Original Article:
The DREAM complex mediates GIST cell quiescence and is a novel therapeutic target to enhance imatinib-induced apoptosis
Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst June 20, 2013


Quantum dots safely ‘see’ in deep tissue
Futurity 1.8.2013
Original Article:
Assessing Clinical Prospects of Silicon Quantum Dots: Studies in Mice and Monkeys
ACS Nano. Publication Date (Web): July 10, 2013




© Koonnut – 9.8.2013 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko


Terveysuutisia tiedotusvälineistä – 31 / 2013


Poimintoja terveysuutisista, vko 31 / 2013.

Tutustu alkuperäisartikkeleihin Terkossa, (HY:n verkossa).

Tai tilaa kotiin Terkon kaukopalvelun kautta!




Täysikuu todella näyttäisi vaikeuttavan nukkumistaYLE
YLE 26.7.2013
Evidence that the Lunar Cycle Influences Human Sleep
Current Biology. Available online 25 July 2013


Probiootit ehkäisevät antibioottiripulia
YLE 26.7.2013
Probiotics for the prevention of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in adults and children
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Published Online: 31 May 2013. The Cochrane Library
2013, Issue 5


Kissoille allergiset pääsevät pian ehkä eroon vaivastaan
YLE 25.7.2013
Allergens as Immunomodulatory Proteins : The Cat Dander Protein Fel d 1 Enhances TLR Activation by Lipid Ligands
Journal of Immunology. Published online before print July 22, 2013


Laihdutusohjelmista ehkä luultua pienempi apu diabeetikolle
YLE 25.7.2013
Cardiovascular Effects of Intensive Lifestyle Intervention in Type 2 Diabetes
N Engl J Med. 2013 ; 369 : 145-154


Migreenin syyt esiin biokemian keinoinTampereenYOpx
Tampereen yo:n tutkimusuutiset, 22.7.2013
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new susceptibility loci for migraine
Nature Genetics. 45, 912–917, (2013)


Nivelruston terveydentilaa voidaan arvioida kuvaamalla röntgenvarjoaineen imeytymistä rustoonItaSuomenYO
Itä-Suomen yo:n väitöstiedote, 31.7.2013
Katariina Nissinen: Diffusion of X-ray contrast agents in intact and repaired articular cartilage
University of Eastern Finland. Faculty of Science and Forestry. 2013


Epäterveelliset elintavat yhteydessä toimintakyvyn heikkenemiseen iäkkäänä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 31.7.2013
Unhealthy behaviours and disability in older adults : Three-City Dijon cohort study
BMJ 2013;347:f4240


Laiteongelmat monen leikkaussalin haittatapahtuman syynäSLL
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 30.7.2013
Surgical technology and operating-room safety failures : a systematic review of quantitative studies
BMJ Quality & Safety. Published Online First 25 July 2013


Hepatiitti on hiljainen epidemia
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 28.7.2013
Global policy report on the prevention and control of viral hepatitis
World Health Organization 2013


Raskausaikainen tupakointi voi aiheuttaa lapsen käytöshäiriöitä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 26.7.2013
Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Offspring Conduct Problems : Evidence From 3 Independent Genetically Sensitive Research Designs
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online July 24, 2013


Meningokokkitautia miesten välisessä seksissä
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 25.7.2013
Invasive meningococcal disease among men who have sex with men
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 3 July 2013


Syöpäalttius voi kulkea suvussa
Potilaan Lääkärilehti 25.7.2013
Family history of cancer and the risk of cancer : a network of case–control studies
Annals of Oncology. First published online: July 24, 2013



Saako sanoa syöpä?SLL
Suomen Lääkärilehti 31.7.2013
Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment in Cancer : An Opportunity for Improvement
JAMA. Published online July 29, 2013


Fibromyalgiapotilailta löytyi polyneuropatiaa
Suomen Lääkärilehti 31.7.2013
Objective evidence that small-fiber polyneuropathy underlies some illnesses currently labeled as fibromyalgia
Pain. Available online 5 June 2013


Glukoositasapainon häiriöt eivät ehkä yhteydessä Alzheimerin tautiin
Suomen Lääkärilehti 30.7.2013
Glucose Intolerance, Insulin Resistance, and Pathological Features of Alzheimer Disease in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
JAMA Neurology. Published online July 29, 2013


Paneeli suosittamassa keuhkosyövän TT-seulontaa USA:ssa
Suomen Lääkärilehti 30.7.2013
Screening for Lung Cancer With Low-Dose Computed Tomography : A Systematic Review to Update the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation
Ann Intern Med. Published online 30 July 2013


Pitkään imetetyt pärjäävät älykkyystesteissäDuodecim
Duodecim 31.7.2013
Infant Feeding and Childhood Cognition at Ages 3 and 7 Years : Effects of Breastfeeding Duration and Exclusivity
JAMA Pediatrics. Published online July 29, 2013



Pään sädehoito saattaa heikentää muistia
Duodecim 29.7.2013
Evaluation of Memory Impairment in Aging Adult Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated With Cranial Radiotherapy
JNCI. J Natl Cancer Inst. (2013), 105 (12) : 899-907


Kan musik dämpa IVA-patienters ångest?Läkartidningen2
Läkartidningen 26.7.2013
Effects of Patient-Directed Music Intervention on Anxiety and Sedative Exposure in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Mechanical Ventilatory Support : A Randomized Clinical Trial
JAMA. 2013 ; 309 (22) : 2335-2344



Ökad dödlighet efter elektiv kirurgi nära veckoslutet
Läkartidningen 26.7.2013
Day of week of procedure and 30 day mortality for elective surgery : retrospective analysis of hospital episode statistics
BMJ. 2013 ; 346 : f2424


Mer rött kött ökar risken för typ 2-diabetes
Läkartidningen 25.7.2013
Changes in Red Meat Consumption and Subsequent Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Three Cohorts of US Men and Women
JAMA Intern Med. 2013 ; 173 (14) : 1328-1335


B-vitaminer kan prövas vid kognitiv svikt
Läkartidningen 25.7.2013
Preventing Alzheimer’s disease-related gray matter atrophy by B-vitamin treatment
PNAS. June 4, 2013, vol. 110, no. 23, 9523-9528


Artificial human ear grown in labBBC
BBC 31.7.2013
Original Article:
Design of composite scaffolds and three-dimensional shape analysis for tissue-engineered ear
J. R. Soc. Interface. Published 31 July 2013


Pill linked to long life in mice
BBC 31.7.2013
Original Article:
Metformin improves healthspan and lifespan in mice
Nature Communications, 4, Article number: 2192. Published 30 July 2013


New teeth grown from urine – study
BBC 29.7.2013
Original Article:
Generation of tooth-like structures from integration-free human urine induced pluripotent stem cells
Cell Regeneration. 2013, 2:6


Mentally ill people ‘hit hard by recession’
BBC 26.7.2013
Original Article:
The Mental Health Consequences of the Recession : Economic Hardship and Employment of People with Mental Health Problems in 27 European Countries
PLOS One. July 2013, Volume 8, Issue 7, e69792


Alzheimer’s blood test edges closer
BBC 29.7.2013
Original Article:
A blood based 12-miRNA signature of Alzheimer disease patients
Genome Biology. 2013, 14 : R78. Published: 29 July 2013


Mers: New virus ‘not following Sars’ path’
BBC 26.7.2013
Original Article:
Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia : a descriptive study
The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Available online 26 July 2013


‘Diabetes-cure’ operation explained
BBC 26.7.2013
Original Article:
Reprogramming of Intestinal Glucose Metabolism and Glycemic Control in Rats After Gastric Bypass
Science. 26 July 2013 : Vol. 341, no. 6144, pp. 406-410


Scientists can implant false memories into mice
BBC 25.7.2013
Original Article:
Creating a False Memory in the Hippocampus
Science. 26 July 2013 : Vol. 341, no. 6144, pp. 387-391


Psychopathic criminals have empathy switch
BBC 25.7.2013
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Reduced spontaneous but relatively normal deliberate vicarious representations in psychopathy
Brain. (2013), 136 (8) : 2550-2562


‘Calm’ astrocytes shield brain after strokeFuturity
Futurity 31.7.2013
Original Article:
hESC-derived Olig2+ progenitors generate a subtype of astroglia with protective effects against ischaemic brain injury
Nature Communications, 4, Article number: 2196. Published 23 July 2013



Combo scan offers better view of brain activity
Futurity 30.7.2013
Original Article:
Poststimulus undershoots in cerebral blood flow and BOLD fMRI responses are modulated by poststimulus neuronal activity
PNAS. Published online before print July 29, 2013


‘Complete surprise’: How water molecules block cell channels
Futurity 29.7.2013
Original Article:
Recovery from slow inactivation in K+ channels is controlled by water molecules
Nature. Published online 28 July 2013


Tiny brain region senses motion ‘on the fly’
Futurity 29.7.2013
Original Article:
The Primate Cerebellum Selectively Encodes Unexpected Self-Motion
Current Biology, Volume 23, Issue 11, 947-955, 16 May 2013


Epilepsy drug lingers despite birth defect risk
Futurity 29.7.2013
Original Article:
Valproate prescriptions for nonepilepsy disorders in reproductive-age women
Birth Defects Research (Part A) 97:403–408 (2013)


Alzheimer’s pathways could offer drug targets
Futurity 29.7.2013
Original Article:
Integrative genomics identifies APOE ε4 effectors in Alzheimer’s disease
Nature, 500, 45–50, (01 August 2013)


55 ways to make clinical drug trials more ethical
Futurity 29.7.2013
Original Article:
Threats to Validity in the Design and Conduct of Preclinical Efficacy Studies : A Systematic Review of Guidelines for In Vivo Animal Experiments
PLOS Medicine. July 2013, Volume 10, Issue 7, e1001489


Sensor detects incredibly small cancer marker
Futuriy 29.7.2013
Original Article:
Label-Free Detection of Single Protein Using a Nanoplasmonic-Photonic Hybrid Microcavity
Nano Lett., 2013, 13 (7), pp. 3347–3351


Are mosquitoes keeping kids indoors?
Futurity 26.7.2013
Original Article:
Child Outdoor Physical Activity is Reduced by Prevalence of the Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes albopictus
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 29 (1) : 78-80 . 2013


‘Epilepsy in a dish’ finds new mutation
Futurity 26.7.2013
Original Article:
Dravet syndrome patient-derived neurons suggest a novel epilepsy mechanism
Annals of Neurology. Article first published online: 2 July 2013


High pressure lets herpes virus ‘shoot’ DNA
Futurity 26.7.2013
Original Article:
Herpes Virus Genome, The Pressure Is On
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2013, 135 (30), pp. 11216–11221


Why don’t more boys get the HPV vaccine?
Futurity 25.7.2013
Original Article:
HPV vaccine acceptability among men : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Sexually Transmitted Infections. Published Online First 4 July 2013


After cancer, safe to remove whole kidney
Futurity 25.7.2013
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Renal Function After Nephron-sparing Surgery Versus Radical Nephrectomy : Results from EORTC Randomized Trial 30904
European Urology. Available online 2 July 2013


Keeping tabs on hot flashes doesn’t add up
Futurity 25.7.2013
Original Article:
How well do different measurement modalities estimate the number of vasomotor symptoms? : Findings from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation FLASHES Study
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© Koonnut – 1.8.2013 – Lassi Pohjanpää – Meilahden kampuskirjasto Terkko