Oye cómo va – Keep current in Latin American and North American studies with our guide

In Area and cultural studies –guide you will find the most relevant sources of information, new books, core databases, journals, articles and news feeds in Latin America and North America studies.

Picture: http://www.gifex.com/

The guide provides you also with a collection of databases and portals, news, archives and statistical sources etc. The guide is open access although some of the content is only available in the University of Helsinki network.

Helsinki University Library´s team has compiled this guide especially for researchers and students of University of Helsinki. All are welcome to use it though!

We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement!


ResearchGuides  – Library’s information sources from various research fields, expert librarians and help guides


On trial until 26.2.2018: Routledge Historical Resources online: History of Economic Thought





History of Economic Thought  is a new online platform that brings together the best and most relevant scholarship from Taylor & Francis, its imprints, and its authors. It is the second project in the new Routledge Historical Resources online programme.

The resource covers the fascinating subject of the history of economic thought over the period 1700–1914. It contains an extensive range of primary and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, and journal articles, as well as new thematic essays, and subject introductions on key themes. There is also a video introduction to the subject from Heinz D. Kurz, one of the academic editors of the History of Economic Thought.

Feedback by e-mail: e-library@helsinki.fi



The centralised management of APCs will build a knowledge from open access charges

Last week we reported on APC discounts in Elsevier’s publications for researchers at the University of Helsinki. This has sparked a debate in the scientific community. For its part, the Helsinki University Library is answering some of the questions the debate has raised.

The agreement between the national FinELib consortium and Elsevier offers researchers an opportunity to publish open access articles with a 50 percent discount on article processing charges (APC). The discount covers 1500 subscription journals and over 100 open access journals. All corresponding authors in organisations that are parties to the agreement are entitled to the discount.

Furthermore, researchers affiliated with the University of Helsinki are able to publish their open access articles in Elsevier journals free of charge, because the University of Helsinki pays the remaining half of the APC for the researcher. This has also raised questions. From the point of view of the Helsinki University Library, it is a practical solution. The purpose of this arrangement is to acquire centralised information on how many articles attached to the Elsevier agreement are published and how much this increases the University of Helsinki’s costs. The monitoring of APC payments without centralised management of APCs is very difficult, especially in a large and research-intensive university such as the University of Helsinki.

The decision to subsidise open access publishing in Elsevier’s journals is a fixed-term arrangement with a clear objective. The main purpose is to gather information about the real costs of hybrid open access publishing for the next round of negotiations with major scholarly publishers. The centralised management of APCs provides reliable and valuable basis of information on the total cost of the hybrid OA model, for future contract negotiations.

The position of the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki University Library on hybrid OA publishing is unchanged: hybrid OA publishing is not recommended. This position was stated by the Rector of the University of Helsinki on June 21, 2017 in paragraph four of the Principles of Open Publishing: “The University of Helsinki does not recommend hybrid publication (…) However, hybrid publication may be justified at the moment, if it facilitates the transfer to a fully open publication model. The University monitors the development of open access publication and the overall costs of publishing, and will take the necessary steps in good time to ensure open research.” Hybrid OA publishing is considered justified if it speeds up the transition to an open publication. On this issue, the University of Helsinki holds the same view as the Academy of Finland.

The University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Library support the transition to open access publishing by helping University researchers publish in both open access journals and subscription journals. The starting point for publishing at the University of Helsinki is that researchers publish in high-quality scientific journals – this is also stated in the first paragraph of the Principles of Open Publishing. The Publication Forum (Julkaisufoorumi, JUFO in Finnish) classification system greatly influences which journal a researcher chooses. The library does not make science policy, but it does try to support University of Helsinki researchers in the best possible way with its services.

The potential impact of Elsevier discounts on self-archiving (green OA) has been brought out during the debate. However, the compensation of APC payments does not in any way undermine other open access services offered by the library. Rather, the Helsinki University Library intends to significantly increase its efforts to promote self-archiving in 2018.

How, then, are APC discounts determined in general? The Helsinki University Library coordinates the discounts and negotiates with publishers. The information about current APC charges and discounts has been collected in the APC Guide. Negotiations on the discounts are carried out with one publisher at a time. For this reason, the discounts vary – and there are also many different APC discount models (see Jisc report: Financial and administrative issues around the article publishing costs for open access, 2017, 19). The negotiation process always begins from the proposals of University of Helsinki researchers. Based on these proposals, the library will study the benefits of a possible agreement.

The FinELib agreements represent offsetting deals in which the OA element is included in the subscription contracts with major publishers. APC discounts for Elsevier journals are an example of this. Offset agreements have been made with Taylor & Francis, Sage and Elsevier, and each contract is different.

Publish Open Access, Free of Charge in Elsevier journals

All researchers affiliated with University of Helsinki have now the possibility to publish their articles open access in Elsevier journals free of charge.

University of Helsinki provides support for open access publishing fees in over 1600 Elsevier journals. The following terms and conditions apply for financial publishing support:

  • University of Helsinki affiliated researcher is the corresponding author of the article.
  • Correspondence with the publisher from helsinki.fi -email address (if possible).
  • The article is accepted to one of the journals listed in the contract.
  • The article is accepted for publishing during the period of 1.1.2018-31.12.2020.

Helsinki University Library pays any article processing fee for the researcher.

Instructions for the Elsevier open access publishing process and more information on the Article Processing Fee (ACP) discounts.

Kirjasto neuvottelee sopimukset digitaalisista opiskelumateriaaleista
Kuva: Helsingin yliopisto / Elias Kilkki 2017

New open access publishing model is part of the three year agreement between Finnish universities and research institutions and Elsevier. Read more about the agreement. In addition to the current Elsevier journals you have access to all Elsevier back-file issues. All these journals can be found via Helka database.

If you have any questions, please contact Helsinki University Library: hulib-apc@helsinki.fi. We are happy to help!

Trial: Cold War Eastern Europe, Module I:1953-1960

Cold War Eastern Europe, Module I:1953-1960 provides digital access to over six thousand primary source files from the political departments of the U.K. Foreign Office relating to the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania.

The files cover every aspect of political, economic, cultural, social and dissident life behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ ranging from state leadership to protest movements; agricultural output to international trade agreements; scientific progress to minority populations; religion to sporting events; and state run media to popular culture.

Trial ends on Friday 9th March 2018.

Please note: The My Archive and the Document and Citation Download functions are not available on this trial edition. Documents can be viewed using the image viewer function.

This database can also be found via Helka database.

Feedback: e-library[at]helsinki.fi

On Trial: Statista until 9.2

Statista is an international platform with special focus on EU, UK, U.S. and Asia.

Statista includes:

More than 1 million statistics from over 18,000 sources (including both national and   international data)

Over 80,000 topics in 170 multidisciplinary categories, ranging from agriculture to media   and marketing

Market data, consumer behaviour, demographics and opinion polls
Digital Market Outlook

3,000 Statista Dossiers and Industry Reports

20,000 studies & reports from third parties

Forecasts from 425 industries covering 40 countries

Feedback you can send to e-library@helsinki.fi


Study information seeking and management

Do you need to polish your information seeking and management skills? Try information seeking and management courses offered by the library. You can study how to use RefWorks reference management programme, get individual guidance at the information seeking workshop or try our online course for thesis writers. All the courses are free of charge for the UH students and staff.

Upcoming Courses in English

RefWorks Reference Management

Kaisa, computer class 5057

02.02.18 Fri pe 14:15-16:00

02.03.18 Fri 14:15-16:00

Viikki, Info Center, class 138

Wed 21.03.18 14:15-15:45

Students register at Weboodi 98510.

Staff registration.

Are you interested in the course? Let us and the others know also on Facebook!

Information Management for Doctoral Candidates: Life and Natural Sciences. Register at Weboodi 984011 (only for doctoral candidates).

Viikki Info Center, class 416

30.01.18 Tue 10:15-11:45

06.02.18 Tue 10:15-11:45

13.02.18 Tue 10:15-11:45

27.02.18 Tue 10:15-11:45

Read more about courses offered by the library at our website.

Information seeking and management workshop

Every Monday 3 pm – 5 pm during the term (8.1-11.6.2018)

Kaisa House, 5th floor, computer class 5057

The event is also on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/events/1937548579905494/

You can just drop in at the workshop whenever you like between 3 pm – 5 pm and ask your questions. No prior registration required. You can bring your own laptop along.

Online course for thesis writers

Information Seeking and Management for Thesis Writers

You can look at the course materials as a guest but completing the assignments require a login. You can either:

  • Log in with your organisation ID (University of Helsinki or other Finnish higher education institutions) using Haka login.
  • Create a user account at mooc.helsinki.fi. and log in with this ID.

#Learn with HULib