You still have time…


Next year the funding of the Helsinki University Library is cut more than 2 million euros compared to the year 2015. Due to the large savings more than twenty databases and ten reference works are unsubscribed for the year 2016. However, there are still a few weeks left to use those resources. Lists of unsubscribed databases in research areas of City Centre Campus and Kumpula, Meilahti and Viikki.

Because of the funding cuts the Library is forced to unsubscribe also hundreds of journals.  Find a list of unsubscribed journals Here.

Your feedback is welcome: e-library[at]

More information: Large savings will impact material purchases significantly


Westlaw International was migrated to a new platform and was renamed

Thomson Reuters has changed the platform of Westlaw International. Westlaw International was renamed as International Materials and it can be accessed in Westlaw UK platform. The classic Westlaw International interface will be remowed 18.12.2015.

You can access Westlaw UK in the Helsinki University Network from here: go to Westlaw UK database, choose Services –> International Materials. All WestlawNext resources can be seen if you select WestlawNext-text beside the search box.

Choose Academic Library link for a selection of academic resources.

Additional information: Leena Huovinen and Arja Niskala

Your feedback is important:

Screen capture: WestlawNext - International Materials can be accessed from WestlawUK
WestlawNext – International Materials, access from WestlawUK

Screen capture of Academic Library link

Self-service reservation pickups in the Main Library and in Viikki

From the start of next year self-service for reservation pickups will be extended to include Kaisa House and the Viikki Campus Library. The Kumpula campus library introduced self-service pickups in September 2014.

The Meilahti Campus Library will not, for now, introduce self-service pickups, in Terkko reservations will still be available at the service desk.

Reserved materials are shelved according to customer name

The reservation fee for textbooks will be added to your account when the reserved item becomes available for pickup.

If you do not wish to have your reservations on an open shelf under your name, please notify any Helka library, and you can continue to pick up reservations at the service desk.

Opening of the Learning Centre Minerva on Tuesday December 1st

Minerva openingOpening on Tuesday, December 1st at 1 pm – 4 pm
Siltavuorenpenger 5A, Floor K2

Opening program: Circuit training
Presentations are in Finnish.

Ring 1: CleverTouch screen demo
Ring 2: E-point: Electronic library at your disposal
Ring 3: Office365: How to make a group work room reservation and what else is Office365
Ring 4: Ask the librarian! Tell us your experiences, greetings, feedback, wishes about the Learning Centre.

Group work area, computers, mobile storage units, reading places

The redesigned group work and reading areas will open at last at Siltavuorenpenger. Feel free to explore and test facilities! We welcome your comments and experiences: the librarian is present at 1 pm – 3 pm on Wed-Thu Dec 3rd-4th and on Tue-Thu Dec 8th-10th.

Entrance to the Learning Centre is at K2 floor, next to the Minerva Square. The space is available weekdays between 8 am – 7:45 pm. Furnishing of The Learning Centre is still in progress, so installations of sofas and computers may cause some inconvenience.

More information about the Learning Centre Minerva

Service Break on Booking System Timmi in November 24th

timmiThere will be a service break on university’s room reservation system Timmi on Tuesday, November 24th. The estimated duration of the break is from 8 am until noon.

During the break the system will be updated and can not be used. That means reservations for Kaisa-Library group work rooms can not be made or existing ones updated.

We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Loan periods extend from Monday November 23rd

The approaching turn of the year shortens the library opening hours, but extends the loan period of books.

Due date will be no earlier than January 12th, 2016, when you borrow or renew your loans

  • November 23rd onwards for books with a 28-day loan period
  • December 7th onwards for books with a 14-day loan period
  • December 17th onwards for books with a 2-day loan period.

Library locations have exceptional opening hours from Friday December 18th.

  • We will return to the normal opening hours after Epiphany, Thursday January 7th, 2016. Check the opening hours on the library website.


Helka Unavailable 14.-15.11.2015 – Kaisa House Open on Weekend

HELKA-database will be unavailable from Saturday, November 14th, 2015 at 21 p.m. until Sunday, November 15th, 2015. Service should resume no later than Monday morning.

The break covers the HELKA online catalogue as well as the libraries’ systems.

The following HELKA-services are not available during the break:

  • database search
  • loans
  • renewals
  • reservations
  • paying library fees
  • updating customer information

Loans will not be due between 13 – 17.11.2015.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Kaisa House open on Sunday

The Kaisa House will be open normally during the weekend, from 11 am until 5 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday there will be limited service as Helka is unavailable. Loans cannot be checked out.

Access to other online resources

Library’s other online resources, for example electronic journals can be used normally. Search through Google Scholar or Nelli Search Portal, for example.