New eBooks: Springer 2013 eBooks trial ~ 31.8.2013

Springer offers complimentary trial access to eBooks published in 2013. You have access to all 13 English language eBook collections for copyright year 2013 content in SpringerLink. Collections are:

Behavioral Sciences
Biomedical & Life Sciences
Business & Economics
Chemistry & Material Science
Computer Science
Earth & Environmental Science
Humanities, Social Science & Law
Mathematics & Statistics
Physics & Astronomy
Professional and Applied Computing

The access will expire on 31st of August.



Trial: World eBook Library ~ 17.5.2013

World eBook Library is a collection of over 2 million eBooks for historical research in humanities, sciences and technology. The vast collection features among many others digitised eBook editions of out-of-print books originally published by top ranking universities.

Trial: 3.4. – 17.5.2013


You still have time to evaluate the library services – the survey is open 4.3.-7.4.2013!

The results of the survey will help your library in evaluating and developing the library services. Your opinion is important to the library!

By answering the questionnaire you can also take part in the prize draw for books and other prizes.

The national user survey is carried out 4.3.-7.4.2013 in the whole country. The users of public libraries, academic libraries and several special libraries can take the survey. For three years ago the survey was taken by over 34 000 library users. The survey is coordinated by the National Library.

To take the survey, please click the link below:

Helsinki University Library Receives Book Donation from the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission

Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission donated Toivo Koskikallio’s book collection to Helsinki University Library. Missionary and sinologist Toivo Koskikallio (1889-1967) studied at the University of Helsinki and worked in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Koskikallio’s book collection contains mainly dictionaries and Chinese spiritual and philosophic literature. Oldest works are from the 1700’s and a part of the material is in old Chinese that only experts can read.
The collection was donated by Seppo Rissanen, Director of Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission, and received by Ulla-Maija Forsberg, Vice-Rector of University of Helsinki and University Librarian Kaisa Sinikara. Koskikallio’s relatives (Jouko and Petteri Koskikallio) were also present at the donation ceremony.
Photo: Helena Hiltunen

Helsinki University Library Receives Book Donation from the Embassy of Mexico

Agustin Gutiérrez Canet, the Ambassador of Mexico, and Hannu Uusi-Videnoja, former Ambassador of Finland to Mexico, presented the Helsinki University Library with at book donation of Mexican art and cultural history.  The books will be included in the Art History collection of  the Main Library in the  Kaisa House.  Included in the donation is a book written by Ambassador Agustín Gutiérrez Canet on Mexico and Finland.

Rector Thomas Wilhelmsson, who received the donation, and  University Librarian Kaisa Sinikara were very pleased  to accept this prominent addition to the  Helsinki University Library collections.

The Main Library in the Kaisa House received an impressive book donation. Inspecting it Researcher in Latin American Studies Sarri Vuorisalo-Tiitinen, University Librarian Kaisa Sinikara, Rector Thomas Wilhelmsson, Ambassador Agustín Gutiérrez Canet, former Ambassador of Finland to Mexico Hannu Uusi-Videnoja and Library Director Pälvi Kaiponen.
Photo Ari Aalto.

80 % of our Journals are OnLine!

  • About 80% of our more than 30 000 journals are e-journals or also available as e-versions.
  • As a student or a staff member of the University of Helsinki (= as a holder of a user account for the University network) you can read our e-journals  anytime of day and from anywhere via remote connection.
  • As a local customer of the library you can read our e-journals on the library premises either by using the computers reserved for visitors or on your own laptop via a wireless HUPNet connection. The customer service desk can provide you with a temporary HUPNet account.
  • There are several alternative routes to our e-journal collections. You can find a certain e-journal through the search functionality of our web site or NELLI or HELKA or browse e-journals on a certain subject through NELLI. You also can start by searching for a certain article or articles on a certain subject  through the NELLI article search or Google Scholar  or through reference databases provided  by the Library. You will find links to articles on the result lists if the journal in question is subscribed to the Library.