On Trial: ASTM COMPASS until 24.12


ASTM COMPASS is the Portal for Standards which includes ISO-standards and Book of Standards from different subject areas like Water and Environmental Technology, Medical Device and Services, Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy, Electrical Insulation and Electronics, Iron and Steel Products and Textiles.

ASTM COMPASS also includes journals, Proceedings of ASTM International, ASTM Bulletin and ASTM member magazine Materials Research & Standards from 1961 to 1972.

Feedback: e -library@helsinki.fi


On Trial: APA Style CENTRAL until 23.12


APA Style CENTRAL combines sophisticated learning and teaching tools, writing and content processing technology, and full integration of APA’s Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Everyone—including students, faculty, researchers, and librarians—who needs to learn about, use, or teach APA Style and who is engaged in the research and writing processes will reap the benefits of this electronic suite of integrated services and tools.

Frequently asked questions about APA Style CENTRAL access, accounts and functionality:

APA Style CENTRAL has been optimized for FireFox, Chrome, and Safari for MAC OS.

Feedback: e -library@helsinki.fi


Do you already have ORCID – an international identifier for researchers?

Have you changed your name or university? Are there others with the same name? Do you repeatedly fill in the same information?

orcid_128x128How is ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) useful for you?

1) You get a permanent and unique digital identification number, that can be used in different services. You can link your other researcher IDs (e.g. Scopus) to ORCID.

2) ORCID can track your publications regardless of name change or different forms of your name. ORCID can handle any type of scholarly publication from articles to video diaries, from books to blogs.

3) Managing your publications becomes much easier in the long run. Tranferring information between databases is much faster. You can give trusted organisations, e.g. universities, libraries and publishers the right to see and add information.

4) You own your own information on ORCID. ORCID is a non-profit organisation registered in the USA.

5) The usefulness of ORCID increases all the time. The University of Helsinki, HUCH and many other Finnish organisations have signed an agreement to use ORCID. Internationally there are over 2 million ORCID members,

6) Many research funders, including the WellcomeTrust in Great Britain and Vetenskapsrådet in Sweden demand an ORCID identifier in applications.

Create your own researcher identifier at orcid.org. If you already have an ORCID account, we recommend that you add your identifier to your TUHAT profile. Read more about the benefits of ORCID on Impactstory blog.  Information in Finnish on https://tutkijatunniste.fi/

Loan periods extend from November 23rd

The approaching turn of the year shortens the library opening hours, but extends the loan period of books. Due date will be no earlier than January 11th, 2017, when you borrow or renew your loans

  • November 23rd onwards for books with a 28-day loan period
  • December 7th onwards for books with a 14-day loan period
  • December 19th onwards for books with a 2-day loan period.

There is no due dates between December 5th and 7th because of the Independence Day, so if you borrow a short loan on Thursday December 1st, you may hold it for a week.

Set your PIN code and renew your loans in new Helka-database

The new Helka will be released on November 30th, and you can already check it out at https://helka.finna.fi/

The default code 1234 for a Helka card will no longer work in the new Helka database. If you haven’t already set a PIN code, please do it now at https://helka.linneanet.fi/logon.htm

Library opening hours at the turn of the year

Library locations have exceptional opening hours from Monday December 19th. We will return to the normal opening hours on Monday January 16th, 2017.

Check the opening hours on the library website.

Nelli portal deactivates at the end of 2016

Nelli Portal 2004-2016Nelli Search Portal will be deactivated at the end of 2016. The service is terminated as the National Library of Finland will no longer be providing the maintenance and support for it.

At University of Helsinki Nelli portal will be replaced by new Helka interface. All journals and other materials you’ve used to search for in Nelli are already available in Helka.

After December the 31th, 2016, you can no longer conduct searches in the Nelli portal, log in to the service, nor access any material you may have save in My Space in Nelli portal.

If you have any material saved in Nelli My Space, you can move them to other services by December 31th, 2016. To extract your material from Nelli, please follow the instructions.

Bibliometrics Seminar 2016

The Bibliometrics Seminar is organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Council for Finnish University Libraries, the University of Helsinki Library and CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.

The theme of the seminar is research evaluation and bibliometric tools. The seminar is free of charge, and the programme is especially targeted at everyone working with bibliometrics. We warmly welcome participants from among researchers; university, polytechnics and research organisation’s research administration and libraries, the Ministry of Education and Culture; as well as from organisations granting research funding.

The seminar is bilingual: some speeches will be held in English, others in Finnish.


Time: 16th December, 2016, from 9.00 to 15.30. NB! The timetable has been changed!
Venue: Minerva Square, Siltavuorenpenger 5A, Helsinki
Register here by the 8th of December, 2016!

9.00–9.30 Morning coffee
9.30–9.35 Opening Speech of the Seminar (in Finnish) Tua Hindersson-Söderholm, Hanken School of Economics
9.35–10.00 The Stages of Development in Bibliometrics in Finland (in Finnish) Maria Forsman

National and local bibliometric services in the future: (in Finnish)

The bibliometric services offered by the Ministry of Education

Making use of bibliometric tools in the university


Jukka Haapamäki, Ministry of Education and Culture

Eva Isaksson, Helsinki University Library


Altmetrics – What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Need to Know

Altmetric Tools in Finnish university libraries – case examples

Kim Holmberg, University of Turku

Jukka Englund, University of Helsinki Library; N.N.

11.45–12.45 Lunch break
12.45–13.45 Bibliometrics and Current Research Information Systems Gunnar Sivertsen, Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)
13.45–14.15 Coffee break
14.15–15.30 Panel discussion: Bibliometrics and Publication Forum as criteria for research evaluation Lea Ryynänen-Karjalainen, The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (chair); Keijo Hämäläinen, University of Helsinki; Sari Kivistö, University of Tampere; Timo Korkeamäki, Hanken; Gunnar Sivertsen. NIFU; Otto Auranen, Academy of Finland

Remote participation in the seminar / web conferencing is possible. Details about remote participation will be announced later on agenda site.

Trial: eDuke Books Scholarly Collection until 31.12


eDuke Books includes eDuke Books and Duke University Press Journals Online.

eDuke Books Scholarly Collection is a large ebook collection about 2,300 titles within humanities, social sciences and mathematics. It is included ebooks from the following subject areas:

– Classics
– History
– Latin American Studies
– Jewish Studies
– Literary Studies
– Geography
– Mathematics
– Medicine & Medical Humanities
– Music
– Art, Art History
– Performance Studies / Theater Studies
– Film & Television Studies
– Political Science
– Religious Studies
– Sociology
– Psychology
– Education

Duke University Press Journals ONLINE includes 50 ejournals in mathematics, humanities and social sciences.

e -library@helsinki.fi
