On Trial: World Council of Churches Online: Relations with the Roman Catholic Church and Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online until 31.3.

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World Council of Churches Online: Relations with the Roman Catholic Church  and Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online are available in the University of Helsinki at the end of March.

World Council of Churches: Relations with the Roman Catholic Church makes available a section of the ecumenical archives covering the period 1948-1992. The documents in the archives consist of correspondence, personal notes, press cuttings, reports and unpublished material. Records are divided into five sections: General documentation, Roman Catholic Church, Council Vatican II, Joint Working Group and Sodepax.

The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online focuses on the history of early Christianity, covering texts, authors, and ideas and covering the whole period of early Christianity up to 600 CE. Encyclopedia addresses a range of traditions, including iconographic, martyrological, ecclesiastical, and Christological traditions.

Feedback you can send to e-library@helsinki.fi



New guide helps researchers to improve the visibility of their research outputs

More than 4000 research papers are published daily. Activities aimed at promoting research are increasingly important in researcher’s work. By making your research visible and accessible you increase chances of your research being noticed, used and having impact, thus increasing your own reputation and chances of success in your academic work.

Altmetric Explorer, Kudos and PlumX are Helsinki University Library subscriptions.

Helsinki University Library’s new guide for researchers, Research Visibility & Altmetrics, offers tips and information on how to use different tools to improve the visibility of research. The guide answers following questions:

  • How to improve your academic visibility?
  • Which tools are recommendable and how to use them?
  • How researchers at the University of Helsinki have used these tools?
  • What are altmetrics and how to make use of social media metrics?
  • What are pros and cons of social networks for researchers (i.a. Academia.edu, ResearchGate)?

The guide presents many tools and it gives a closer look on Kudos, PlumX and Altmetric Explorer. These services are Helsinki University Library subscriptions and thus supported by the library.

Research Visibility & Altmetrics guide has been carried out by HULib information specialists and liaison librarians from various disciplines, Jukka Englund, Terhi Sandgren, Markku Roinila and Mika Holopainen.

University wide service break in printing February 18-19, 2019

There is a University wide service break in printing concerning university students and staff.

  • The service break begins on Monday February 18th, at 6 pm. Multifunction printers will be back in use on Wednesday February 20th.
  • During the service break you can use Print in City Service-printers located in the Helsinki University Library. Please note that purchases made due to the break will not be reimbursed.

More information about the break: helsinki.fi/helpdesk

More information about copying, scanning and printing in the Helsinki University Library from the website.

On Trial: U.S. Declassified Documents Online until 6.3

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U.S. Declassified Documents Online is now available in the University of Helsinki.

The collection is compilation of declassified documents from the executive branch. The types of materials include intelligence studies, policy papers, diplomatic correspondence, cabinet meeting minutes, briefing materials, and domestic surveillance and military reports.

Feedback you can send to e-library@helsinki.fi



The FinELib negotiations aim to make research available at affordable prices

Today, researchers, teachers and students at Finnish universities lose access to hundreds of scientific publications as the negotiations between the national FinELib library consortium and scientific publisher Taylor & Francis ended without result. Negotiations with another major international publisher, Wiley, are still ongoing, and access to Wiley journals has been extended until 18 February 2019.

Arja Tuuliniemi, who is in charge of FinELib services, considers the result of the Taylor & Francis negotiations unfortunate. However, the door is open for further negotiations.

“We are ready to continue the negotiations, provided that the publisher sets more reasonable demand”, says Tuuliniemi in the FinELib news release.

Extensive support for FinELib goals

The reason for the difficulties in the negotiations is money. So far, Taylor & Francis has not been willing to compromise on its profitable business model for the benefit of FinELib’s negotiating goals.

FinELib’s goal is an agreement that covers, without any additional charge, authors’ fees (article processing charges, APCs) for open access publishing – in brief: the subscription fees of scholarly journals should cover the APCs. This goal is aimed at curbing ever-increasing costs, and it also aims to transform an unsustainable system into one that is more beneficial to the scientific community.

Similar negotiations are taking place in different countries, and FinELib’s negotiating goals are also in line with the aims of the European Union and the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland. Universities Finland (UNIFI), which represents all 15 Finnish universities in Finland, also supports the FinELib.

“UNIFI considers the continuation of the current subscription agreements to scholarly journals as unsustainable, and is therefore committed to achieve the goal of making publicly funded research openly available through a constructive dialogue with the publishers. The university rectors will participate actively in formulating and executing the negotiation strategy. UNIFI will not recommend the renewal of agreements that fail to meet the aforementioned principles”, states the UNIFI news release of 19 September 2018 (pdf link).

The University of Helsinki also supports the negotiation goals.

“At the University of Helsinki, open science is one of the strategic priorities, and therefore the university fully supports FinELib’s negotiation goals. The offers made by both publishers have so far been unacceptable from the point of view of costs as well as openness”, says Paula Eerola, Vice-Rector of the University of Helsinki, responsible for research and research infrastructures.

Eerola understands the concerns of researchers when access to journals is blocked, but she is convinced that “it is time to shift scientific publishing into a new position”.

“Since the reputation of a scientific journal does not increase or decrease rapidly, it is important to focus the pressure of openness especially on reputable journals and their publishers. The need for this change is recognised globally”, says Eerola.

The library helps researchers, teachers and students

There is, of course, another side to the negotiations: researchers’, teachers’ and students’ access to most of Taylor & Francis’s journals is now blocked – some of the T&F journals are still accessible through old agreements. The Helsinki University Library (HULib) has been preparing for the no deal situation for some time.

“Implementing openness at a reasonable cost serves the interests of the entire academic community. During the transition period, the library wants to help researchers and students to gain access to both new and older scientific articles. We will also report on the progress of the negotiations and develop our guidelines on how to get access to articles”, says Kimmo Tuominen, University Librarian of the Helsinki University Library.

On the HULib website, there is an Alternative Access webpage, which offers tips on how to get access to Taylor & Francis articles that are not available through the Helka service. Alternative Access also provides up to date information on the negotiations. The library will continue to explore various ways to make the necessary articles available.

“In the near future, we will also start using the Get It Now article delivery service (by Copyright Clearance Center), and we hope it will help ease the discovery of articles. We are happy to answer questions from researchers, teachers and students by email, face to face as well as via chat”, says Tuominen.

The easiest way to get in touch with the library is by sending an email to: e-library@helsinki.fi.

Guidance Corner will open on the third floor of Kaisa House in February

Guidance Corner for Helsinki University students will open on the third floor of Kaisa House in February 4th, 2019.

The Corner provides low threshold advice and guidance services for Helsinki university students on, for example, wellbeing, digital skills and job seeking – and even a weekly energising exercise break.

During the spring, the aim is to organise various theme days, e.g. student wellbeing and the promotion of study abilities. There will be also library-related themes. Stay tuned!

Second floor of the Kumpula Campus Library to open on February 1st

On the top floor of the Kumpula Campus Library, a new kind of smart facility for researchers and students will be opened. The library’s second-floor customer facilities are available from Friday, February 1st.

The first floor has been available with its collections, facilities and services from September 3rd, 2018. Read more: Welcome to the renewed Kumpula Campus Library

Ubikampus @ Kumpula

The library’s facility upgrade project is connected with a broader project that involves the Faculty of Science and the University’s Student Services. What is taking place in the space is the first pilot of the Ubikampus project.

The 1,000 square meter pilot premises of the Ubikampus project house altogether 168 workstations and 16 separate rooms bookable with the tablets situated at the doors. More than half of the space is reserved for students, the rest for researchers. Students’ facilities include reading places and group study rooms.

Arrangements on the second floor are still in progress, but you are welcome to check out and test new facilities!

Augustine, Virgil and The Apostolic Fathers – Guides to digitized manuscripts

MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE is the series of guides collected by the chief information specialist of the library, Matti Myllykoski. Digital manuscripts, sources, databases and links have been collected from the various web sources. Now published guide MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE: The Apostolic Fathers supplements the series of digitized manuscript guides.

The Apostolic Fathers Guide gathers links for example to digitized early Christian manuscripts and it covers the time period which precedes the book printing, up to early renaissance.

Simone Martini, Wikipedia commons

MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE -series includes now following guides:

MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE series can benefit anyone interested in digital humanities and studying different text editions.

Welcome to browse our all subject guides!