Book History Online has been Acquired!


Book History Online (BHO), which was in trial use on January-February, has been now acquired. BHO is the international bibliography in the field of book and library history. It provides a comprehensive survey of all scholarly publications written from a historical perspective. Included are monographs, articles and reviews dealing with the history of the printed book, its arts, crafts, techniques and equipment, its economic, social and cultural environment, as well as its production, distribution, preservation and description.

BHO is published in partnership with the University of St Andrews and the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP).

The use is restricted to Helsinki University students, faculty, staff and the local users in the National Library and Helsinki University Library.

New section Medicine in JoVE

JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experiments, is peer reviewed scientific video journal.

University of Helsinki has access to new section in JoVE, Medicine.

Other sections available in University of Helsinki are JoVE Biology, JoVE Immunology and Infection and JoVE Neuroscience.


Library of Parliament’s Annual Research Seminar March 3 – Welcome!

The Annual Research Seminar: Researchers at the Researchers´ Room of The Library of Parliament

Each researcher presents her/his own research topic. Refreshments. Welcome!
Tuesday 3rd of March 2015 at 13 – 16 hours
Lecture Room Aurora, The Library of Parliament

13.00 Seminaarin avaus / Opening words, Eduskunnan kirjaston johtaja / Director of The Library of Parliament Sari Pajula

13.05 Valtio tietoyhteiskuntana: poliittisen aluetutkimuksen näkökulma, Professori Sami Moisio, Helsingin yliopisto

13.15 Vahingonkorvausvastuun määräytyminen sähköisen identiteetin tunnistus- ja allekirjoituspalveluissa, OTL Tuire Saaripuu, Helsingin yliopisto

13.30 Genesis of a  cross-breeding  Power Élite in Senegal: A Comparative study: Politics-Law & Constitution-Constitutional Law, VTL Silvain Sagne, University of Eastern Finland
13.45 Language factor in nation state building and national development, M Soc Sci Michael Uba, Åbo Akademi
14.00 Customary or commercial? Nordicallemansrätt/jokamiehenoikeus and the lingonberry rush of the 19th century, VTM Matti La Mela, European University Institute (Firenze)

14.15 Kahvitauko /  Refreshments

14.45 ”Välietapilla” – koulutuspolulta poikenneiden nuorten elämänkulku ja toimijuus, KM Sanna Mäkinen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto

15.00 Customs Cooperation in Criminal Matters between the European Union Customs Union and the Member States in Cross-Border Goods Traffic – There is a need for a supranational criminal law, OTM Elise Luovula, Helsingin yliopisto

15.15 Competing conceptions or one and the same? Norm promotion by the EU and US in the context of the “Arab Spring” , VTM Ville Sinkkonen, Turun yliopisto

15.30 Corporate Power and Human Rights – Can non-binding corporate social responsibility instruments evolve into mandatory regulation? , OTM Lia Ojanen, Helsingin yliopisto

15.45 Was there a balance of Power system in the ancient Near East? – Near Eastern Diplomacy during the Third and Second Millennium BCE, VTM Alex Aissaoui, Helsingin yliopisto

Most New Books in the Library are eBooks!


At the end of last year and at the beginning of this year tens of thousands of new e-books have been acquired. You can browse them according to the subject via for example BookNavigator. When selecting a certain subcategory you are displayed a list of the latest titles.

Through our e-book news you are able to follow the new e-book packages acquired by the Library. This information might be important especially for those users who cannot find their own subject field in the BookNavigator categories.

P.S. Information on our new printed books is available  through HELKA!

Biomedicine Goes Art at Kaisa House

The Biomedicine Goes Art exhibition, opening on Monday the 2nd of February in the Kaisa House, shows science, in particular biomedicine, in the extraordinary angle of art. The exhibition will raise curiosity about science and enhance communication between scientists and the metropolitan community.

Nearly 30 surprising and visually appealing works of art are showcased. Most of the works are images of cells and tissues, but also photographs and scientific drawings and paintings are presented.

The exhibition is part of a series of events connected to the theme “Well Enough” organized by the University of Helsinki in February 2015.  The organizers of this exhibition are the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, FIMM at the University of Helsinki.

Hundreds of New eBooks from Elsevier

The Library has acquired hundreds of e-books in different fields from Elsevier. There are titles in the disciplines of all  the campus of the University.

Titles for City Centre Campus

Titles for Kumpula Campus

Titles for Meilahti Campus

Titles for Viikki Campus

Books can be browsed also in BookNavigator (Latest).

Thousands of New eBooks from Springer across Wide Spectrum of Subject Fields

The Library has acquired thousands of new e-books (2014)  from Springer across wide spectrum of fields. Books can be browsed in the Springer Link Interface.

Books for City Centre Campus:

NOTICE: Humanities, Social Sciences & Law eBook package in Trial (5.3.2015)

Books Kumpula Campus:

Books for Meilahti Kampus

Books for Viikki Campus

Books can be browsed also in Book Navigator.