Trial 14.1.- 14.2.2015: Book History Online (BHO)


Book History Online (BHO) is the international bibliography in the field of book and library history. It provides a comprehensive survey of all scholarly publications written from a historical perspective. Included are monographs, articles and reviews dealing with the history of the printed book, its arts, crafts, techniques and equipment, its economic, social and cultural environment, as well as its production, distribution, preservation and description. BHO is published in partnership with the University of St Andrews and the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP).

The free trial is restricted to Helsinki University students, faculty, staff and the local users in the National Library and Helsinki University Library.

For remote connections, see: Remote connections» .

Feedback: kk-tietopalvelu[at]

BGB Staudinger moves to a new portal – trial in progress

BGB Staudinger, the comprehensive and continuously updated commentary on the German Civil Code transfers to Juris – Das Rechtsportal. The trial continues until 16.2.2015.

Juris portal and the commentary are in German.

The original name of the commentary is J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch mit Einführungsgesetz und Nebengesetzen.

Feedback as a replay or by email:  e-library[at]

New Resource: SciVal – Tool for Research Evaluation and Benchmarking

SciVal,  which was on trial last autumn, has now been acquired. SciVal offers quick, easy access to the research performance of 4,600 research institutions and 220 countries worldwide. It enables you for instance:

  • to navigate the world of research and devise an optimal plan to drive and analyze your performance.
  • to evaluate your institution’s or country’s research strengths, define and execute your research strategy and explore opportunities for collaboration with peers
  • ind researchers with specific areas of expertise for collaboration and demonstrate researchers’ activities to the research community

You need to create your username and password by registering when accessing SciVal at first time.

Read more about SciVal —>

Apply now for ISEW Library 2015

Helsinki University Library proudly hosts International Staff Exchange Week for library professionals again in June 2015. ISEW Library 2015, one the university’s four optional International Staff Exchange Weeks (ISEW) takes place 1-5 June 2015.

Apply now for ISEW Library
Apply now for ISEW Library 2015

The week offers library professionals with varied backgrounds opportunities to update professional skills and revise routines through networking and benchmarking in Helsinki.

The themes covered during the ISEW Library 2015 will include (but may not be limited to):
•    Changing Library Space and Service Design
•    Licensing and Acquisition of Digital Content
•    Library IT & Infrastructure
•    Visibility: Scientific Communication and Marketing in Social Digital World
•    Open Access and Digital Repository Services
•    Information Literacy – What’s New?

Participation in the scheduled program is free of charge for all accepted participants. Other costs such as the accommodation and the travel to Helsinki are to be covered by the participants.

Application is now open until Friday the 13th of February, 2015. Please, learn more and apply through library web site.



Some Exceptional Cases in Dawsonera eBooks

Publisher Pearson have altered the digital rights of their ebooks. As a result, Pearson content will no longer be available to download from Dawsonera.

This will be clearly indicated to users when accessing Pearson ebooks from Dawsonera. The text “ ”Downloads are currently disabled””, indicates that you may only use online version.

We currently have 28 items from Pearson, item list can be found here.

New databases: Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies and Le Grand Robert

Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies  series consists of 50- to 150-page monographs on topics relating to natural language processing, computational linguistics, information retrieval, and spoken language understanding. Emphasis is on important new techniques, on new applications, and on topics that combine two or more HLT subfields.

Le Grand Robert French Dictionary contains 100 000 words, 325 000 citations and 350 000 meanings, synonyms, verbs and etymology.