Campaigning for peace and quiet: Room also for a group study work

Silence has been the ongoing theme in the Peace and Quiet Campaign all week. However, the library also has spaces in which discussion is allowed. That is why the last theme of the campaign is group study rooms.

There are a total of 30 group study rooms in two learning centres and four libraries. The Main Library’s small group study rooms moved on the 4th floor in the summer 2017, and only two bigger rooms (5005 and 6005) are still on the 5th and 6th floor.

In addition to separate rooms, there are also open spaces for group work, which do not need to be reserved beforehand. Such spaces you’ll find for example at the Learning Centre Minerva and on the first floor of the Terkko Health Hub.

The maximum period for a reservation is 2 hours/group/day

In the busiest weeks of the spring term, group work rooms are 70-80% reserved. Due to high demand, the reservation is limited to two hours per group.

Do not make consecutive reservations for the same group on the same day so that other groups have the same opportunity to book and use group study rooms.

Also, do not reserve group study room for a private reading space. Group study rooms are specifically intended for group work, and can not be reserved for personal use only.

It is ok to use the group study room when there are no reservations, but groups who have made a reservation always take precedence.

Do the booking in your OWA (Outlook Web App) -calendar

The group facilities can only be reserved by the students and staff of the University of Helsinki. All of the library’s and learning centres’ group study rooms are reserved with the HU Office 365 calendar.

Calendar’s roomlists also include spaces that students can not book. Therefore all group facilities in the various library locations are called Group Study Room to make it easier to identify them.

The instructions for booking and rules for using a group study room are available on the library’s web site Services > Group Facilities

See also Reserving Group Facilities with Mobile Devices


Campaigning for Peace and Quiet in the Helsinki University Library