Integrative Health Bioscience course 2019 has started!

This year the course Integrative Health Biosciences (GMB-401) kicked off with a recap of the elementary principles of group work led by Dr. Vilja Pietiäinen (FIMM) and testing the group work skills of the students under time pressure in a task, which required collaboration and problem-solving skills.

Dr. Vilja Pietiäinen is admiring the final results of the group work skills task. The winning tower was the Tower of Love!

The course start was followed by the students’ visit to Slush Y Science, a HiLife-organised official side event of the real Slush 2019, the world’s leading startup event. Students heard scientists pitching their innovations for a prize and learned about funding of innovative projects to make them into commercialized products.

This week as a hot topic of life sciences, novel trends in cardiovascular diseases and personalised health will be introduced to the students by Dr. Kati Öörni, Prof. Samuli Ripatti, Dr. Elisabeth Widen and presentors from Zora Biosciences and Nightingale Health.

Having benchmarked this case of change, students will next explore their own group work topics and prepare presentations to be presented on the course in January. This year the chosen hot topics in life sciences are: AI in health and biosciences, ATMPs, microfluidistics and liquid biopsies. Very exciting to hear the students’ take on these topics and the group presentations, since last year they were excellent!


– Pia RM Siljander, IHB teacher



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