Integrative Health Biosciences starts!

Building teamwork skills on the IHB course. Which team’s tower will be the tallest?
Photo by Pia Siljander.

Today we will start the flagship course, GMB-401 Integrative health Biosciences of the new study track Molecular and Analytical Health Biosciences (MAB) in the master’s program of Genetics and Molecular Biosciences (GMB).

Wow, it is a mouthful, isn’t it!

But. What it simply means is that 18 registered students and three excited teachers (Vilja Pietiäinen FIMM, Kati Öörni Wihuri Research Institute and myself, Pia Siljander) will embark on a journey to create a novel course with the aim to enable the Master’s students to see what is really out there for them as the future experts of bisociences and to form the necessary contacts outside the University to get there. Very simple.

We have an exciting course program e.g. SLUSH Y SCIENCE visit, and we hope that we will be able to blog more about the course soon. Or better – the students will blog about the course themselves, because they will be in the focus here!

So, bring it on , baby!


-Pia RM Siljander