Vahvasti liikuntarajoitteisesta takaisin bodypump-tunnille – Anne Hirvonen sai aktiivisen elämänsä takaisin

Vielä viime kesänä Anne Hirvonen jännitti, pystyykö hän nousemaan bussiin. Jalat eivät tahtoneet nousta ja alaselkä oli jumissa. Takana oli neljä isoa leikkausta kolmen vuoden aikana ja yhteensä kahdeksan kuukautta liikkumista kyynärsauvojen varassa. Jorvin ortopedin epäilyistä huolimatta hän aloitti pikkuhiljaa liikunnan uudestaan. Nyt Hirvonen kyykkää ja nostaa painoja, ja mikä parasta, kivut ovat hävinneet kokonaan.

”Minussa on herännyt ihan suunnaton riemu”, Hirvonen kertoo.

Sairastelu alkoi yhtäkkiä vuonna 2010. Hirvoselle, joka siihen asti oli ollut perusterve ja liikunnallinen, tuli migreenikohtauksia, allergioita ja diabetes. Kohta alkoivat myös polvinivelkivut, jotka valvottivat öisin. Ortopedikäynnin jälkeen hänet lähetettiin kuvattavaksi sairaalaan. Selvisi että sisäsyrjän nivelet olivat tuhoutuneet molemmista polvista miltei kokonaan, ja että ne piti leikata.

”Se tuli ihan puskista. Olin tietenkin tajunnut että jaloissa on jotain vikaa, kun valvoin yöt ja tulin aina itkien pois salilta koska en pystynyt jumppaamaan.”

Hirvonen toimii koordinaattorina Aalto-yliopiston varainhankinta- ja yrityssuhdetiimissä. Aikaisemmin hän työskenteli yli viisi vuotta dekaanin assistenttina sähkötekniikan korkeakoululla. Ennen kipuja ja sairastelua Hirvonen oli harrastanut liikuntaa aktiivisesti ja monipuolipuolisesti. Nyt ortopedi kuitenkin ilmoitti nelikymppiselle Hirvoselle, että hän ei enää koskaan tule harrastamaan liikuntaa.

”Olin aika musertunut silloin, koska minun piti etsiä koko identiteettini uudestaan. Olin 75–80-vuotiaiden kanssa samoissa leikkauksissa, kun muut minun ikäiseni elivät aktiivista elämää. Jouduin aina miettimään, minne pystyn lähtemään ja kaikki piti suunnitella mahdollisimman lähelle.”

UniSportin Liiku niin voit -kurssilta vauhtia liikunnan aloittamiseen

Hirvonen oli kuitenkin päättänyt, että hän ryhtyy liikkumaan heti, kun vain voi. Syksyllä 2016 hän aloitti Liiku niin voit -kurssin Unisportilla. Kurssi oli suunnattu Aalto-yliopiston henkilöstölle ja sen tarkoituksena on edistää kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointia, vahvistaa työkykyä ja antaa voimavaroja töissä jaksamiseen. Hirvonen sanoo, että ryhmässä oli hyvä aloittaa liikkuminen taas pikkuhiljaa. Ryhmästä sai myös paljon kaivattua tukea.

”Pelkäsin, että rikon itseni ja halusin että joku katsoo, että teen oikein. Olen myös aina tarvinnut pienen sysäyksen alkuun ja sen sain ryhmästä. Olen kyllä myös ollut sinnikäs. Nytkin moni kysyy, miten jaksan treenata näin. Jos ihmisiltä otettaisiin pois liikuntakyky ja annettaisiin se sitten takaisin, niin luulen että jokaisella olisi motivaatiota liikkua.”

Liikunnan hän aloitti varovasti, yin-joogalla ja pilateksella. Sitten kuvioihin tuli kuntosali ja lopulta vuorossa oli bodypump-tunti.

”Se oli minulle iso saavutus, koska tykkään raskaasta, suoraviivaisesta äijäjumpasta. Leikkausten jälkeen en saanut edes poimittua mitään lattialta”, Hirvonen kertoo ja näyttää miten kyykky nykyään menee melkein lattiaan asti.

Kurssin aikana Hirvonen aloitti myös tiukan ruokavalion ja viime vuoden joulukuussa vaaka näytti melkein 14 kiloa vähemmän.

”Olen tehnyt isoja muutoksia. Nivelten kannalta painonpudotus oli todella tärkeä. Se on vaikuttanut myös verensokeriin ja olen saanut kivut pois. Toinen diabeteslääke on jätetty kokonaan pois ja tulen todennäköisesti pääsemään eroon kaikista diabeteslääkkeistä”, Hirvonen iloitsee.

Sairastelun aikana Hirvonen huomasi, että ihmiset kaipaavat vertaistukea eikä sitä aina ole saatavilla omalta paikkakunnalta tai omat liikkumisrajoitteet estävät tuen luo pääsemisen. Leikkausten ja kuntoutuksen aikana hän suoritti palvelumuotoilu-tutkinnon kurssit ammattikorkeakoulu Laureassa. Hirvosen lopputyöhön perustuva virtuaalinen vertaistukipalvelu aukeaa Helsingin ja Uudenmaan Sairaanhoitopiirin Terveyskylään toukokuussa ja hän itse yrittää valmistua kesäkuussa (Master of Services Innovation and Design).

Hirvonen on tehnyt sinnikkäästi töitä oman hyvinvointinsa eteen. Tärkeimpiä tekijöitä muutoksessa ovat olleet kova tahto, positiivinen elämänasenne ja ryhmän tuki.  Hirvonen muistuttaa, että jokainen kuntoutusprosessi on erilainen, eivätkä kaikki välttämättä pääse samoihin tuloksiin vaikka kuinka yrittäisivät.  Hirvonen vinkkaa kuitenkin, että on tärkeää hakeutua oikeantasoiseen ryhmään.

”Jos menee rankimmille tunneille heti, tuntee itsensä ihan surkeaksi eikä todennäköisesti pysty kaikkeen vielä siinä vaiheessa. Jos aloittaa maltilla, voi saada onnistumisen iloja. Pikkuhiljaa kun kroppa alkaa kestää niin voi tehdä vaativampia juttuja.”

Nyt Hirvonen käy Unisportin tehokurssia Optimaalisiin tuloksiin 12 viikossa. Välillä herätyskello on soinut 5.30, kun Hirvonen on lähtenyt kurssin lähiopetuspäiville Kumpulaan.  Kiireinen palkkatyö, lopputyö ja liikuntaharrastus eivät aina ole helppo yhtälö. Hirvonen kuitenkin sanoo että hän viimein on oppinut laittamaan itsensä etusijalle.

”Kaikesta eniten satsaan nyt itseeni, omaan hyvinvointiini ja jaksamiseen. Toivon, että tarinani kannustaisi myös muita kovia kokeneita.”

Teksti: Susanna Rapp

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    Escape from the hustle and bustle of Hua Hin Let’s take a walk at Khao Tao Beach . This area is mostly hotels and accommodation. There are fewer restaurants at Hua Hin Beach. provide privacy and quiet to some extent Suitable for walking on the beach, playing in the water, relaxing, for anyone who wants to go to the temple to pay respect can go to worship Khao Tao Cave Temple Which is located about 1 kilometer from the beach only.
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  8. Wat That Noi
    A temple that is believed by the people Nakhon Si Thammarat Province This temple was built according to the wishes of Father Than Klai. (Phra Khru Phitthakarn) on the land of the elders returned to the job ready, which offered this piece of land to his father on August 17, 1940, with a total area of ​​46 rai.
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  13. Vielä viime kesänä Anne Hirvonen jännitti, pystyykö hän nousemaan bussiin. Jalat eivät tahtoneet nousta ja alaselkä oli jumissa. Takana oli neljä isoa leikkausta kolmen vuoden aikana ja yhteensä kahdeksan kuukautta liikkumista kyynärsauvojen varassa. Jorvin ortopedin epäilyistä huolimatta hän aloitti pikkuhiljaa liikunnan

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    Sonata’s café is located in downtown Sakon Nakhon. It is a cute decorated cafe in English Cottage style for husky lovers. In addition to sipping drinks and eating delicious food, the highlight is to experience the mischievous cuteness of the Siberian Husky gang. with a degree guaranteed to be a beautiful dog There are all Thailand champion titles and dogs imported from famous farms abroad as well.

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  16. Mahawan Temple

    Wat Mahawan Wanaram located near the moat On the west side, Chamthewi Rd. in Lamphun City, the importance is that this temple used to be a royal monastery. of Queen Chamadevi What is worth seeing is the Buddha statue or the black stone Buddha statue. which Queen Chamadevi brought from Lavo city Local residents call this Buddha image Phra Rod Luang or Phra Rod Lamphun. which is important and is printed in amulet making simulation Known as Phra Rod Maha Wan, Phra Rod has been excavated only at Wat Maha Wan only, made of fine-grained clay, very heavy and soft. Polished Petch in the attitude of subduing Mara consists of the surface of the Bodhi leaf wall on both sides. There is the overall art of Dvaravati – Srivijaya, a specific form of the family. during the Hariphunchai period

    For more pictures and information, click
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  17. Ratchaburi is not far from Bangkok. Anyone who wants to travel to change places to eat for a day trip It’s not difficult to come. Visitors who check-in rated Damnoen Saduak Floating Market at 15,643 times. 14-07-2021 BY hunny Go to website:

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  19. Elafonissi Beach ตั้งอยู่บนเกาะ Crete ของประเทศกรีซ ที่นี่เป็นชายหาดที่ขาวสะอาด สวยงามมากๆ น้ำทะเลเป็นสีฟ้าใสราวกับคริสตัล เป็นหนึ่งในทะเลที่สวยมากๆ ของของทะเลเมดิเตอร์เนียนเลยเชียว แถมยังอะเมซซิงด้วย ชายหาดสีชมพูสวยๆ ในบางจุดของหาดอีกด้วย by wila 17/07

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    Tour down Tony Rakkaen, after posting comments about the country, wants Tim Phitha to be prime minister, but says he doesn’t take sides. The golf teacher also commented.

  25. Tour down “Tony Rakkaen”. The knot does not take sides. “Kru Luk Golf” comment too.
    Tour down Tony Rakkaen, after posting comments about the country, wants Tim Phitha to be prime minister, but says he doesn’t take sides. The golf teacher also commented.
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  26. “Anyone can hide. Facing up to things, working through them, that’s what makes you strong.”
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  27. water spraying naga sculpture Located at Samila Beach on Sadao Road. It is considered one of the symbols of Songkhla Province. It is a project created for Improve the landscape Samila Beach to be a resting place for Tourists and people in Songkhla By bringing the beliefs about Naga who believes that “Naga” is a symbol of water and fertility The southerners therefore regarded the serpent as holy thing and pay homage for the prosperity of life31-07-2021 by hunny go to website:

  28. Stimulate ideas! IKEA partners with NASA to send designers to life models on Mars
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  29. Many people may still wonder. Is it true that fat makes you fat? I would have to yell at each other because in addition to being a great enemy of beauty and slender figure. It also made the confidence in their own body reduced by more than half. No matter what you wear, you won’t be confident. Today we have the answer … Read More » By wila 02/08

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  31. natural phenomenon That will occur about two years, around February and March, from the fact that water from the Atlantic Ocean (?Atlantic Ocean)? flows back up in the Amazon River, Brazil and causes a natural phenomenon. Water waves that run one after another longest in the world At the mouth of the river, the
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  32. A Thai province, Phuket’s main city is also called Phuket. It is a large island province and is filled with several islands located in the western coast of the country. Also filled with scenic beaches which feature various luxury resorts, private beach bungalows and traditional accommodations for visitors. These beaches are filled with stylish nightclubs and shopping centres. For those who want to spend their time with leisure can also visit golf courses, historical museums, and monuments.

    Phuket is the luxury vacation seeker’s paradise. Travelers come here because of the classy retreats and the best nightlife in South East Asia. Phuket is also a destination of choice for business travellers, corporate groups and those who are looking to find an ideal venue for their bachelor’s or bachelorette parties. The bustling streets of Phuket are ongoing with life 24×7 and the party never ends here. The travellers looking for some pampering can also spend their time at the spa resorts situated around the many beaches.
    BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  33. The Samsung announced that the company will increase the price of the chip manufacturing companies to bring money to expand S5 near Pyeongtaek, South Korea. The price increase will affect products that use Samsung chips, like the latest Nvidia graphics cards. Samsung’s 8nm and smartphones are also likely to be affected. This expansion is done to increase Samsung’s productivity in order to meet the growing market demand.

    Samsung’s S5 factory will be used to manufacture chips of 5nm, 4nm and smaller sizes, meaning it will be Samsung’s most advanced facility, not that Samsung is raising prices alone, according to TSMC. It has also announced that it will cancel the discounts offered to large customers and increase the price of its own chips in late 2020 as well.
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  34. “The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
    Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter’s oven?
    And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
    When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see in truth that you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
    – Kahlil GibranBY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  35. Naja Shrine
    Naja Shrine or Naja Satai Zhi Shrine Located at Ang Sila Chonburi It is a place that many people are probably well known for. When they come to visit Bangsaen beach, they will come to pay homage to the Naja Shrine. In the area around Ang Sila Market, not far from Bang Saen Beach, Janaja Shrine was originally just a small shrine. With respect to the faith of those who come to worship12-08-2021 by hunny go to website:

  36. It is a small archipelago in the Krabi Province in Southern Thailand. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island of the group and is the only island with permanent inhabitants. The smaller Ko Phi Phi Leh is famous as the filming location for the 2000 movie “The Beach”. The island is filled with luxury retreats which provide stunning views of the island. Ko Phi Phi is promoted by Thailand Tourism because of umpteen reasons. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  37. Khao Ngu Stone Park
    Originally, “Khao Ngu Stone Park” was an important rock blasting and crushing site in Thailand since the Rattanakosin period. After that, Ratchaburi province has developed Khao Ngu to become a beautiful park and tourist attraction as seen today. Can feed fish too. Within the Khao Ngu Stone Park, there are many.19-08-2021 by hunny go to website:

  38. Tourists may not be familiar with the name of Wat Saket because most people call it Wat Phu Khao Thong. with a distinctively unique golden pagoda for Wat Saket Ratchaworawihan It is a first-class royal monastery. Rajawaramahavihara type Located on the edge of Khlong Maha Nak and canals around the city Villagers and tourists often come to make merit and pay homage to the Buddha’s relics. which is contained within the golden pagoda located at the top of Suwanbanphot With a height of 77 meters, you can see the surrounding Bangkok as far as the eye can see. Visitors can visit every day from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

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  39. One of the important religious places in Chiang Rai. Located at Tambon Pa O Don Chai, Amphoe Mueang, is considered a work of design and construction by Chalermchai Kositpipat, National Artist Visual Arts (Painting) for the year 2011 has various works of Thai painting. who dedicated himself to building this great Rong Khun Temple as an offering to the Buddha With the intention to create this temple as beautiful as the real heaven. In addition, humans can be touched on the surface of the earth. It’s like a stimulus that encourages people to practice Dharma. and doing good deeds in life

    **************Rufee 20/8/64*************

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  43. US passes new law to protect indie game publishers
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  44. Canon EOS R3 Gets No Lag or Blackout in Still Image Mode
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  45. The real mummy! “Naow Tisanat” got goosebumps, uninvited guest. slithered to greet home
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    Who has been in the industry for a long time? But it turned out to be the talk of the town. overnight Read more >>> By ชาเขียว 23/8

  47. Thailand attracts photographers from all around the world who come here to capture the local lifestyle along with the natural wonders. Thailand has floating markets, temples, pagodas, mountains, beaches with clear pink sunsets and a lot more to explore. If you are one of the travelers who want to capture your travel memories and convert them into beautiful snapshots then here are a few places that you need to visit BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  48. Apart from the sandy beaches and crystal clear water of Andaman Sea, Thailand is also surrounded by some beautiful mountains. The amazing hills of Thailand make this country a perfect trekking destination. Its serene, lush green pristine rainforests and the high mist-enveloped mountains are perfect landscapes to go on a day hike or even choose from many multi day treks. BY- SUNJI ☞ Click here to See

  49. I believe that many people who come to read this article may have heard the name ‘KBTG’ through their ears. Some people may know that they are a unit of Kasikorn Bank. But did you know that KBTG or KASIKORN Business-Technology Group is actually the unit behind the development of various applications and software? And currently taking care of over 500 applications for Kasikorn, of course…
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  50. AIS (AIS) installed 4G and 5G networks at the Field Hospital inside Thammasat University, Rangsit Center, Pathum Thani Province. To facilitate communication for medical personnel, nurses, and care for COVID-19 patients, Wasit Wattanasap, Head of Operations and Technical Support throughout the country, Advanced Info Service Public Company Limited or A IS…
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  51. Get to know Q-JET, a technology of automatic disinfection sprayer from Switzerland. Kills bacteria, fungi and viruses, especially germs in corners that normal disinfection can’t reach. Another service that is expected to be in high demand during this period. For those who are interested in the service Details can be found at Seekster …
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  52. After many countries around the world have campaigned for Social Distancing and Work from Home (WFH) measures to maintain social distancing. Prevent the spread of COVID-19 since the end of February As a result, the overall number of infected people in some countries has started to improve from time to time. While Google recently released an interesting report on the issue of ‘COVID-19 Community Mo…
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  53. Koh Kham
    The small island is located in the northwest of Koh Mak. It is natural and peaceful. Perfect for a vacation, whoever comes to visit here must be wow!!! with pictures of crystal clear water able to swim Enjoy swimming and see the coral reefs. by hunny go to website:

  54. heir phones while inside. The owner said he set up the system because he wanted people to enjoy themselves without being interrupted or distracted by their phones. The phone signals are weakened because silver foil and copper mesh have been placed inside the walls of the establishment, thereby making it difficult for phones to have good reception. The pub’s owner said that so far, customers say they like the system and it is having its desired effect.

  55. Koh Nang Yuan is just a small island in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand. Close to Koh Tao, Koh Phangan and Koh Samui, it is unique in that the white sandy beach rises above the sea as a walkway connecting the three islands in the same area. There is only one resort here. The atmosphere is so quiet and romantic that foreign tourists consider it one of the best honeymoon islands in the world.
    23/08/2021 BY- ศุภดา

  56. Tiger Zoo Pattaya or Sriracha Tiger Zoo It is located at Nong Kham Subdistrict, Si Racha District, Chonburi Province. It is an eco-tourism and recreational attraction. with the tiger as the main highlight And there is a crocodile farm and there are other animals as an add-on. For a visit here, tourists can take pictures with the big tigers up close. Therefore, it is favored by foreign tourists. When you come to Thailand, you must be able to take pictures with the tigers. It’s like another mission that has to be done.
    23/08/2021 BY- ศุภดา

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