Origin of the “MILDRED”

It has been asked why it is called “MILDRED”. Good question. Here is the answer.

The story goes this way. As we know, every good project have a name and an abbreviation. The shorter the better.

For example, the Finnish Social Science Data Archive have an excellent data service called “Aila“.

If you like to derive another name from this, you may remember Finnish actress Aila Svedberg who had a role of secretary in a famous radio comedy “Knalli ja sateenvarjo” (originally “The Men from the Ministry” by Edward Taylor and John Graham).

Name of this role was “Mildred Murfin”. This character has mainly positive attitude and energy, even if there is continually something exceptional going on in the office. So, why not use “MILDRED” as the name of the project?

Otherwise, if you like, you can consider the origin of the “MILDRED” as “Multilayered Infrastrucure Lattice for Digitalization of REsearch Data management“. Or something like that 🙂