

Lamnidis TC*, Majander K*, Jeong C, Salmela E, Wessman A, Moiseyev V, Khartanovich V, Balanovsky O, Ongyerth M, Weihmann A, Sajantila A, Kelso J, Pääbo S, Onkamo P, Haak W, Krause J, Schiffels S. The ancient Fennoscandian genomes reveal origin and spread of Siberian ancestry in Europe. Nature Communications, painossa; bioRxiv preprint, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/285437.

Lindstedt JS, Salmela E. Migrations and language shifts as components of the Slavic spread. Teoksessa Language contact and the early Slavs. Klír T, Boček V (eds). Empirie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft, Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg. Painossa.


Översti S, Onkamo P, Stoljarova M, Budowle B, Sajantila A, Palo JU. Identification and analysis of mtDNA genomes attributed to Finns reveal long-stagnant demographic trends obscured in the total diversity. Scientific Reports 7:6193, 2017.

Onkamo, P. Mitä geenit kertovat suomalaisten alkuperästä? Teoksessa Kaikki vapaudesta, ss. 197-211. Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 2017.


Neuvonen A, Putkonen M, Översti S, Sundell T, Sajantila A, Onkamo P, Palo JU. Vestiges of an ancient border in the contemporary genetic diversity in North-Eastern Europe. PLoS One 10: e0130331, 2015.

Borrell F, Junno A, Barceló JA. Synchronous environmental and cultural change in the emergence of agricultural economies 10,000 years ago in the Levant. PLoS One 10: e0134810, 2015.


Översti S. Äitilinjojen fylogeneettinen hienorakenne suomalaisilla – metsästäjä-keräilijät vs. maanviljelijät. Pro gradu -tutkielma, Turun yliopisto, 2014.

Cramp L, Evershed R, Lavento M, Halinen P, Mannermaa K, Oinonen M, Kettunen J, Perola M, Onkamo P, Heyd V. Neolithic dairy farming at the extreme of agriculture in northern Europe. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Biological Sciences 281: 20140819, 2014.

Bos KI, Harkins KM, Herbig A, Coscolla M, Weber N, Comas I, Forrest SA, Bryant JM, Harris SR, Schuenemann VJ, Campbell TJ, Majander K, Wilbur AK, Guichon RA, Wolfe Steadman DL, Cook DC, Niemann S, Behr MA, Zumarraga M, Bastida R, Huson D,  Nieselt K, Young D, Parkhill J, Buikstra JE, Gagneux S, Stone AC, Krause J. Pre-Columbian mycobacterial genomes reveal seals as a source of New World human tuberculosis. Nature 514: 494-497, 2014

Sundell T, Kammonen J, Halinen P, Pesonen P, Onkamo P. Archaeology, genetics and a population bottleneck in prehistoric Finland. Antiquity 88: 1132-1147, 2014.

Oinonen M, Pesonen P, Alenius TH, Heyd V, Holmqvist-Saukkonen E, Kivimäki S-M, Sundell T, Nygren T, Onkamo P. Event reconstruction through Bayesian chronology: Massive mid-Holocene lake-burst triggered large-scale ecological and cultural change. Holocene 24: 1419-1427, 2014.

Salmela E. The (im)possibilities of genetics in studies of population history. Teoksessa Fibula Fabula Fact: Defining and Contextualizing the Viking Age in Finland, ss. 347-360. Studia Fennica Historica, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki, 2014, 519 s. ISBN 978-952-222-603-7.


Onkamo P, Kammonen J, Pesonen P, Sundell T, Moltchanova E, Oinonen M, Haimila M. Bayesian spatio-temporal analysis of radiocarbon dates from  Eastern Fennoscandia. Radiocarbon 54: 649-659, 2012.

Salmela E. Genetic structure in Finland and Sweden: aspects of population history and gene mapping. Väitöskirja, Helsingin yliopisto, 2012, 136 s. ISBN 978-952-10-8191-0.

