Wonderful trip!

We carried out our expedition in May and June this summer. Trip was done under varying weather conditions, but with excellent results! We found most of the sites Pälsi and Ramstedt visited, as well as finding scores of new ones.

We experienced everything from snow and ice to extreme heat, sometimes even on the same day, as is quite common in Mongolia. Snow obviously hindered the visibility of archaeology at times, but luckily we had enough time to revisit the important sites when there was no snow anymore.

All four seasons in one day, not only once, but twice (Photo Oula Seitsonen).

Now as we are settling down for the winter after a full field season, it is time to start thinking about reports and publications from the trip. We will be updating news in the blog as we get further on with the studies.

At the top of the Hulsajaiin dawaa, nearly 3000 m asl, where Pälsi and Ramstedt took their famous photos posing on horseback in 1909. Our work horse (named Mitsubishi Delica) can be seen on the right (Photo Oula Seitsonen).