Friendship day cards now available!

Remember your friend, fellow student, colleagues or family members with a card on friendship day. When you donate to the ‘Portraying the Invisible Professionals of Law’ collection, you can order a card made by Shanna Constantinescu to your e-mail by contacting Remember to mention your chosen card(s) number.

With the card you can support the fundraising for a new portrait for the halls of Porthania that represents the to date invisible professionals of law. You can at the same time also tell a story about your profession, values or experiences as a student at the faculty.

If you have already donated to the collection, but would still like to have a card, just contact us!

The first round of fundraising has been concluded. Thank you to all contributors. A second round of fundraising will commence in the early summer.

Card 1
Card 2






Card 3
Card 4