Two collaboration studies published

Usually in science it is good to collaborate. This time it was even better since we got two really good publications; one to PloSOne and other to Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS). In PloSOne publication, group leader Timo Myöhänen was performing his specialty, immunohistochemistry, for Professor Pirkko Vihko’s group in a paper “Mice deficient in transmembrane prostatic acid phosphatase display increased GABAergic transmission and neurological alterations”.

Mari Savolainen and Timo Myöhänen participated on a study by Professor Sabrina Diano (Yale University School of Medicine), where the role of PREP on insulin and glucagon regulation was revealed. Our group members provided PREP plasmids that were used in the study. This paper was published in a very valued PNAS publication series.

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