TET-trainee in science visualization, 12.12.-16.12.2022

Marius Junkkarinen participated in vocational training in the space physics group during a week in December, and writes:

Hey! I’m currently in 9th grade, at Järvenperän koulu. I spent my one week work practice here at University of Helsinki, with the Vlasiator space physics group in the department of physics. I decided to apply here, because I’ve been interested in space since I was little. I found out about this place by searching the websites of the Universities located in Espoo and Helsinki.

During the week I got to know what it’s like to be a space physicist. I also participated in a science meeting, and a few seminars, which were about fusion energy, astrophotography and space applications about plasma physics. My main project of the week was to take good looking 3D renders of velocity distribution functions using Blender, and then make a poster about that. Here’s a few photos about that.

Left: Old render and cross-sections; Right: New volumetric render with Blender

Overall, the week was very rewarding, as I learned a lot of new stuff. If your TET-week will be soon, and you are interested in space and physics, consider applying here! You can find contacts from here: https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/tutustu-meihin/ihmiset/henkilohaku. The people working here seem motivated to do their job.

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