Pedagogical training in English

University Pedagogy: Supervision in Higher Education (5 credits)

The Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education offers courses in University Pedagogy for UH staff members. The next course, Supervision in Higher Education, will take place in autumn 2011. Application time is March 1-31, 2011.

The course is targeted at university teachers who are active in supervision but have limited or no prior pedagogical training in supervision or guidance. We also welcome part-time teachers, but they should have at least 1 hour of work per week at the university. Priority is given to teachers who are not native Finnish /Swedish speakers. Teachers in other universities may apply, if there is an agreement between the universities.

Prerequisite: University Pedagogy I (10 credits).

Course dates: September 23 and 30 & October 14 and 28, starting always at 9.15 am and finishing at 1 pm. Full attendance is expected.

The course aims at
a) introducing and applying useful conceptualizations of supervision
b) identifying relevant learning challenges in the participants’ own practices
c) finding practical solutions to these challenges through applying best practices and adapting the teacher’s
own ideas.

The course focuses on the challenges and best practices of academic supervision. The main focus is on supervision of research (master’s theses and PhD dissertations), i.e. how to facilitate the process of building academic expertise. Supervision is viewed as an activity of both the academic community and the individual teacher. The methods used in the course are lectures, readings, discussions and group work. Studying in the course requires active participation in the sessions. Between the meetings participants work independently on reading tasks.

The course Supervision in Higher Education (5 cr) is one part of the Basic studies (25 credits, all together) in University Pedagogy.
Organizer: The Helsinki University Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education
Home pages at the address
Teachers: Erika Löfström and Kirsi Pyhältö
For more information, please mail to


Participants will be accepted on the grounds of their application form.
All applicants will be informed about the selection in early April, 2011.
We will accept maximum 20 / minimum 12 participants.