University pedagogy course for PhD students in Spring 2014

University pedagogy course for PhD students (international) 5 ects  (570045 University pedagogy. Curriculum design and assessment of  learning and teaching)  is at the University of Helsinki at Viikki campus during spring 2014. Please, apply for the course in WebOodi 31st November at the latest.

The course starts on January 27th at 9.15-15.00. The other course dates are:  February 24th, March 31th and April 28th  (all sessions are from 9 am to 15 am). Full attendance during the contact days is required.

In addition, participation in Learning Adventure (some session during 4. or 5.3.2014) is included in this course. In addition to the contact days the course includes individual and group work (5 credits= 130 h).

By December  17th you will receive information concerning your application,  and further, more information on the course, including a pre-assignment.

For further information, contact Senior Lecturer in University Pedagogy Viivi Virtanen (viivi.virtanen (at)